sc22wg5 e-mail list - index for 1994

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476 94/01/05 923 94-006 Interpretations
477 94/01/05 4608 Updated Agenda for X3J3 Meeting 128
478 94/01/05 18415 Some Comments on a Note by Mary Payne
479 94/01/05 65617 (Postscript version) Some Comments on a Note by Mary Payne
480 94/01/06 29264 Public comments on LIA-1
481 94/01/06 2588 Re Public comments on LIA-1
482 94/01/17 2575 RE (SC22WG5.479) (Postscript version) Some Comments on a Note by Mary
483 94/01/18 4771 ANSI X3H5, Parallel Processing Model for HLLs, status
484 94/01/24 1317 X3J3/94-006 Interpretations files
485 94/01/24 784 X3J3.94-006 ... and one exception to my prior note
486 94/01/31 13678 Revised Language Evolution Proposals (update)
487 94/02/01 8219 Comp.lang.fortran comments on evolution
488 94/02/01 3451 Re (SC22WG5.487) Comp.lang.fortran comments on evolution
489 94/02/02 2411 Fortran 77
490 94/02/02 1291 Re (SC22WG5.488) Re Comp.lang.fortran comments on evolution
491 94/02/02 2056 Re (SC22WG5.488) Re Comp.lang.fortran comments on evolution
492 94/02/02 2082 Re (SC22WG5.489) Fortran 77
493 94/02/02 1536 Re Comp.lang.fortran comments on evoluti
494 94/02/02 2034 Re Comp.lang.fortran comments on evoluti
495 94/02/02 1879 Re (SC22WG5.493) Re Comp.lang.fortran comments on evoluti
496 94/02/02 2244 Re (SC22WG5.493) Re Comp.lang.fortran comments on evoluti
497 94/02/03 1115 Comp.lang.fortran comments on evolution
498 94/02/04 882 Re (SC22WG5.497) Comp.lang.fortran comments on evolution
499 94/02/14 2592 derived types (fwd)
500 94/02/14 4794 JLW informal report on X3J3 meeting 128, Palmdale, CA, 94 Feb 7-11
501 94/02/17 1524 Fortran 90 interpretations, 94-006 revision 1 files
502 94/02/21 4635 X3J3 letter ballot for 006
503 94/02/22 5526 Re (x3j3.1994-89) 006 items
504 94/02/23 6722 Re (SC22WG5.503) Re (x3j3.1994-89) 006 items
505 94/02/23 1817 Re (SC22WG5.503) Re (x3j3.1994-89) 006 items
506 94/02/23 1165 Defect Item 125
507 94/02/23 4365 array constructors in initialization expressions
508 94/02/24 2704 RE (SC22WG5.506) Defect Item 125
509 94/02/24 11604 Trip Report on X3J3 meeting, 7 - 11 Feb, 1994
510 94/02/24 4491 More on interp 125
511 94/02/24 5891 interpretation 125 (fwd)
512 94/02/24 1519 test?
513 94/02/24 1289 WG5 Meeting Victoria 1992
514 94/03/03 894 Updating the sc22wg5 mailing list
515 94/03/03 4525 User Functions in Spec Expr
516 94/03/07 5663 Stampede to C++??
517 94/03/09 36436 enable proposal
518 94/03/10 5209 Ballot on corrigendum 2
519 94/03/15 2637 Re Parameterized Data Types
520 94/03/15 5499 functions in specification expressions
521 94/03/15 18193 constructor enhancements
522 94/03/17 4046 Corrigendum 2 ballot, part 1
523 94/03/17 5028 Corrigendum 2 ballot, part 2
524 94/03/18 25572 Parameterised Datatypes
525 94/03/18 72624 postscript parameterised datatypes
526 94/03/18 5916 functions in specification expressions
527 94/03/18 26282 postscript functions in specification expressions
528 94/03/18 17768 constructor Enhancements
529 94/03/18 60894 postscript constructor enhancements
530 94/03/18 1760 Corrigendum/71
531 94/03/21 1306 Re (SC22WG5.529) postscript constructor enhancements
532 94/03/21 4539 Re (SC22WG5.522) Corrigendum 2 ballot, part 1 (fwd)
533 94/03/21 2450 PostScript by email
534 94/03/21 6496 X3J3 Meeting 129
535 94/03/22 1365 Corrigendum 2 ballot
536 94/03/22 4532 IR and other stuff
537 94/03/22 1554 Corrigendum 2 ballot
538 94/03/23 7957 Corrigendum 2 letter ballot response
539 94/03/28 4337 Re (x3j3.1994-209) Two new pFRs
540 94/03/29 10739 Local arrangements for WG5 meeting, August 1994
541 94/03/30 973 Addendum to WG5 local arrangements
542 94/04/05 9854 International Standards, Global Trade, and F77
543 94/04/12 4184 corrigendum 2 ballot
544 94/04/12 1347 FTP server changes
545 94/04/15 3186 <subject not specified>
546 94/04/18 2532 Re (SC22WG5.518) Ballot on corrigendum 2
547 94/04/18 1259 Ballot on Corrigendum 2
548 94/04/19 23067 Larry's corrigendum ballot
549 94/04/22 6044 Preliminary Results of Corrigendum 2 Ballot
550 94/04/26 2680 Results of Ballot on Corrigendum 2
551 94/05/09 36618 enable proposal for 009
552 94/05/09 46589 006 items
553 94/05/09 4153 X3J3 letter ballot on 006 items
554 94/05/09 3363 jlw informal report on X3J3 meeting 129
555 94/05/11 1052 Technical Corrigendum 1
556 94/05/21 1291 Deadline for Requirements
558 94/06/03 11306 Re Comments on Parameterized Derived Type proposal (fwd)
559 94/06/03 6809 Re Comments on Parameterized Derived Type proposal
560 94/06/03 1026 Test of mail
561 94/06/03 2297 WG5 hotel reservations.
562 94/06/03 3346 Condition enable proposal
563 94/06/03 4453 Latest JOR now available on server
564 94/06/03 9779 exception handling (fwd)
565 94/06/03 5993 Re Exception Handling (fwd)
566 94/06/03 715 IF CONDITION
567 94/06/06 1650 IF CONDITION
568 94/06/07 7784 meetings, etc.
569 94/06/07 1543 F95 on the WWW
570 94/06/10 1175 94-006, Interpretations, revision 4 files
571 94/06/16 5556 Re Condition enable proposal
572 94/06/22 7855 Goodbye!
573 94/06/22 4321 Requirements for F96/F2001
574 94/06/22 30075 Parameterised Datatypes
575 94/06/22 6544 Constructor Enhancements
576 94/06/22 9724 Duplicate Interface Declaration
577 94/06/22 5887 Generic Dummy Procedure Arguments
578 94/06/22 11567 Class of Names Clean-up
579 94/06/22 37050 resend of Parameterised datatype paper
580 94/06/22 1829 Comment resolution for Varying Strings
581 94/06/22 2092 Re (SC22WG5.574) Parameterised Datatypes
582 94/06/23 1742 WG5 hotel reservations.
583 94/06/23 1025 Edits from Fortran 90 interpretations, formatted as insertion pages
584 94/06/24 3161 Re (SC22WG5.576) Duplicate Interface Declaration
585 94/06/24 2104 Varying String Comment Processing
586 94/06/27 6059 X3J3 Meeting 130
587 94/06/27 2761 IRTF, X3H5, etc.
588 94/06/28 4865 generic procedures and section
589 94/06/28 1760 DIS Ballot Results on Varying Strings
590 94/06/29 7780 Re (SC22WG5.588) generic procedures and section
591 94/07/02 4501 Latest JOR now available on server
592 94/07/03 3347 Generic Dummy Procedure Arguments
593 94/07/06 1615 For WG5 Interest
594 94/07/08 3970 varying string ballot responces
595 94/07/08 185004 Varying String Standard
596 94/07/08 1513 Varying String Standard
597 94/07/08 2006 Varying String Standard (fwd)
598 94/07/09 10917 Exception handling
599 94/07/21 8575 Conference CFP
600 94/07/22 1535 WG5 and X3J3 meetings, Edinburgh
601 94/07/23 10196 Updates to the JOR
602 94/07/25 2043 Interpretation 52
603 94/08/02 5825 Exception Handling Proposal (Ref. N974)
604 94/08/02 1874 Re (SC22WG5.603) Exception Handling Proposal (Ref. N974)
605 94/08/02 1797 Convenorship
606 94/08/03 6666 Re (SC22WG5.603) Exception Handling Proposal (Ref. N974)
607 94/08/04 708 94-006 A and B files
608 94/08/05 3103 Re (SC22WG5.604) Re Exception Handling Proposal (Ref. N974)
609 94/08/08 1728 Fortran Market/WWW
610 94/08/14 8962 WG5 Edinburgh Resolutions
611 94/08/20 39607 X3J3 letter ballot on three items
612 94/08/20 44147 X3J3 letter ballot on enable
613 94/08/20 25524 X3J3 94-245r3 (Word version)
614 94/08/22 7498 f90 info file
615 94/08/23 1962 ENABLE
616 94/08/23 1232 X3J3 PostScript documents on A4 printers
617 94/08/24 11388 Comments on OO requirements in 94-004r3s and N970
618 94/08/24 24845 Re (SC22WG5.611) X3J3 letter ballot on three items
619 94/08/24 1142 Re (SC22WG5.612) X3J3 letter ballot on enable
620 94/08/25 47666 Re (SC22WG5.612) X3J3 letter ballot on enable
621 94/08/25 55658 Re (SC22WG5.612) X3J3 letter ballot on enable
622 94/08/25 17902 Len Moss letter ballot on enable
623 94/08/25 14959 Re (SC22WG5.622) Len Moss letter ballot on enable
624 94/08/29 8645 JLW informal report of the August 1994 WG5 and X3J3 meetings
625 94/09/01 7318 Letter Ballot on ENABLE proposal
626 94/09/01 11109 Re (SC22WG5.625) Letter Ballot on ENABLE proposal
627 94/09/02 6839 Re X3J3 letter ballot on three items
628 94/09/06 663 Test
629 94/09/15 1685 Inquire Question
630 94/09/16 102514 Repository
631 94/09/16 4352 Results of the 3-item letter ballot
632 94/09/21 74433 Defect Items
633 94/09/22 4227 x3j3 letter ballot
634 94/09/26 3384 Study Leave
635 94/10/01 4231 ENABLE ballot results
636 94/10/03 1069 Varying String Standard IS1539-21994
637 94/10/03 107770 Technical comments on the ENABLE ballot
638 94/10/05 4770 Re (SC22WG5.635) ENABLE ballot results
639 94/10/05 909 please change email-adress
640 94/10/06 5506 X3J3 Meeting 131
641 94/10/06 14308 Enable comments by WG5 member
642 94/10/10 1993 Re Enable comments by WG5 member
643 94/10/10 48194 Technical comments on the Allocatable Components ballot
644 94/10/14 2043 Convenorship of WG5
645 94/10/14 1799 Call for Volunteers
646 94/10/17 1234 Re (SC22WG5.645) Call for Volunteers
647 94/10/17 2328 Re (SC22WG5.645) Call for Volunteers
648 94/10/18 1165 e-mail reflectors
649 94/11/04 8207 f90 information (update)
650 94/11/05 1738 Validation
651 94/11/09 2161 Content of Fortran 95
652 94/11/14 4275 JLW informal report on X3J3 meeting #131, Boston
653 94/11/14 4173 an ENABLE subset
654 94/11/14 1266 IBM Alternate
655 94/11/17 89539 defect management (94-006)
656 94/11/17 4477 94-006 letter ballot
657 94/11/18 6217 New DIS Rules
658 94/11/18 986 Re (SC22WG5.657) New DIS Rules
659 94/11/28 1662 Content of Fortran 95
660 94/11/30 3180 Ballot on Defect Responses
661 94/11/30 52764 N1070
662 94/12/13 22579 some useful info for X3J3 132
663 94/12/14 4225 Re (SC22WG5.662) some useful info for X3J3 132
664 94/12/15 20072 enable subset
665 94/12/16 1012 attendance at upcoming meeting in Japan
666 94/12/16 5647 X3J3 Meeting 132
667 94/12/22 4048 Holiday greetings!
668 94/12/30 633 New internet address for R. Weaver

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