ISO/IEC JTC/SC22/WG5-N330 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 (FORTRAN) MEETING, PARIS, SEPTEMBER 19-23, 1988 RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE MEETING P1 LETTER CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL FORTRAN STANDARD That WG5 requests SC22 to ask the US member body that X3J3 be reminded that X3J3 had been given the responsibility to develop the international standard for Fortran as well as the American national standard. Passed: Individual 35 yes - 0 no - 2 abstain; Country 9 yes - 0 no - 0 abstain. P2 REVISION OF DP1539 That WG5 agrees, based upon the ISO member bodies comments as documented in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 N464 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 N495, and upon the X3J3 straw votes documented in X3J3/221 and X3J3/224, that DP1539 be revised in the following way: a) in accordance with X3J3/S16 (S16 is a list of editorial changes) b) as per the text in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N302 with regard to the following features 1 remove the concept of deprecation (US) 2 remove RANGE/SET RANGE (Ca,D,NL,UK,US) 3 remove ALIAS/IDENTIFY (Ca,D,NL,UK,US) 4 remove specified REAL/COMPLEX precision (REAL(*,*)) (D,J,NL,US) 5 remove internal procedures (US) 6 remove square brackets for array constructors (D) 7 add pointers (and associated facilities) (Ca,F,D,NL,UK,US) 8 add MIL-STD bit intrinsic functions (but with original MIL-STD names restored) (A,Ca,F,D,NL,UK,US) 9 add significant blanks to free form source (Ca,F,D,NL,UK,US) 10 change host association to use association in module procedures and remove host association (US) 11 add parameterization (KIND=) to INTEGER (UK) 12 add parameterization (KIND=) to REAL/COMPLEX (D,J,NL) 13 add parameterization (KIND=) to CHARACTER so as to allow multiple character set support (Ca,Ch,F,J,NL) 14 add the INCLUDE statement (US) c) text to be developed 1 remove user-defined elemental functions (US) 2 remove the new form of the DATA statement (US) 3 change interface blocks to that described in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 WG5 N316 (US) 4 change array constructor syntax to use I/O syntax (US) 5 remove parameter to derived types (US) 6 add stream I/O intrinsic procedures (D,UK) 7 add binary, octal and hexadecimal constants and edit descriptors (Ca,NL,UK) 8 add parameterized LOGICAL (KIND=) (A,Ca,F,D,NL,UK,US) The codes alongside each point denote the member bodies which mentioned the point in their comment. The abbreviations used are: A-Austria, Ca-Canada, Ch-China, F-France, D-Germany, J-Japan, NL-Netherlands, UK-United Kingdom, US-United States. Passed: Individual: 30 - 2 - 5; Country: 8 - 0 - 1. P3 WG5 AND X3J3 COOPERATION That WG5 urges X3J3 to accept the plan passed as resolution P2 as the draft proposed standard for Fortran 8X. Passed: Individual: 32 - 2 - 3; Country: 8 - 0 - 1. P4 NAME OF LANGUAGE That WG5 records its intent that Fortran 8X will be called Fortran 88, based on the 1988 date of passing resolution P2. Passed: Individual: 30 - 0 - 7; Country: 7 - 0 - 2. P5 A REVISED FORTRAN STANDARD IS NEEDED NOW! That WG5 believes timely release of a revised Fortran standard to be critical and therefore establishes the following procedure and milestones: September 23, 1988 WG5 adopts plan for revision of DP1539, according to resolution P2; Convenor arranges for preparation of revised text. October 21, 1988 Draft text for revised DP1539 distributed to X3J3. (November 13-18, 1988 X3J3 meeting.) December 5, 1988 Draft, with possible editorial changes and correction of technical errors which might be recommended by X3J3, distributed by Convenor to WG5 for letter ballot authorizing the Convenor to forward the draft to SC22. January 20, 1989 End of WG5 letter ballot. (February 17, 1989 End of X3J3 February 1989 meeting.) If WG5 approves the draft, the Convenor forwards it to SC22, with possible editorial changes and correction of technical errors which might be recommended by X3J3 and as a result of WG5 ballot comments, after the February 1989 X3J3 meeting for further processing by SC22. The Convenor will arrange with SC22 the date of forwarding the draft so that the SC22 review period will be completed before the July 1989 WG5 meeting. Passed: Individual: 24 - 4 - 9; Country: 6 - 0 - 3. P6 WG5 REPRESENTATION AT X3J3 MEETING That WG5 commission Gerhard SCHMITT (or an alternative to be named by the Convenor) to attend the next X3J3 meeting (November, 1988) for the purpose of helping communicate the WG5 position to X3J3. Passed: Individual: 36 - 0 - 1; Country: 9 - 0 - 0 P7 VARYING CHARACTER MODULE That WG5 requests the German member body to prepare a proposal for a Fortran module for varying character and the WG5 Convenor subsequently to request SC22 to split the work item to allow standardization of the module. Passed: Individual: 33 - 1 - 3; Country: 9 - 0 - 0 P8 WG5 DELEGATION AT SC22/AG MEETING That WG5 commission Gerhard SCHMITT or Brian MEEK as alternate to represent the WG5 Convenor at the SC22/AG meeting October 17-19, 1988. Passed: Unanimously P9 WG5 CONSULTATION That WG5 urges all its member bodies to ensure, at the time of public comment on a draft proposed standard, the widest possible distribution of the document within their respective countries, and to obtain reasoned technical comment, both positive and negative, from the largest possible number of Fortran users. Passed: Unanimously P10 VALIDATION That WG5 requests the British member body to investigate the possibility of preparing a validation suite for Fortran 88 processors. Passed: Individual: 31 - 0 - 6; Country: 8 - 0 - 1 P11 TESTING EXAMPLES That WG5 requests members of the "Alvey Software Engineering Portable Package Framework/Fortran 8X Tools" Project to test the sample programs and program fragments contained in the revised DP1539 to be prepared in October 1988 and to report any suggested changes to the WG5 Convenor by November 21, 1988. Passed: Individual: 30 - 2 - 5; Country: 8 - 0 - 1 P12 APPRECIATION OF X3J3 WORK That WG5 expresses its appreciation of the work of the X3J3 committee in preparing the draft proposed standard (DP1539) for balloting in SC22. Passed: Unanimously P13 VOTE OF THANKS That WG5 would like to express its appreciation to the Convenor (Jeanne MARTIN), the Chairman (Bert BUCKLEY), the Host (Christian MAS), the Organizer (Claude BOURSTIN), to AFNOR and its staff and to those organizations who provided further support and who have contributed to the success of the meeting. Passed: Unanimously