ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N893 informal JLW report of the 1993 May 10-14 X3J3 meeting ------------------------------------------------------ The principal objectives of this meeting were to (1) continue interpretation processing as a high priority, (2) review with X3H5 the draft X3H5 model binding to Fortran 90, and (3) prepare the initial X3J3 suggested requirements input to the WG5 revision requirements process. At the beginning of the meeting there were 19 interpretation requests in X3J3/93-006r having a status of "X3J3 consideration in progress", 8 items returned from the X3J3 letter ballot, 7 items returned from the WG5 letter ballot, and one new request in the premeeting papers. At the end of the meeting 11 of these 35 items have status "X3J3 consideration in progress", 17 have status "X3J3 draft response" and will be on the next X3J3 letter ballot, and the rest are "X3J3 approved; ready for WG5". In addition, 8 new requests were submitted at the meeting, all of which have status "X3J3 consideration in progress", making a total of 19 of the now 139 items in X3J3/93-006r2 with this status. Thus the interpretation backlog at the end of the meeting is the same as at the beginning of the meeting, with a database that is 9 items larger. The review of the X3H5 draft binding was completed, with a number of suggestions given to, and accepted by, X3H5 for revision of the draft. These include describing syntax and intrinsic procedures as in the Fortran standard, revising the examples, and shortening the draft by making more references to the model document and the Fortran standard (the binding is intended to be a "thin" binding anyway, rather than a "thick" one which is completely self-contained). In addition, X3J3 requests that the X3H5 model document and the Fortran 90 binding to it be processed together, including simultaneous public reviews. The attention given to X3J3/93-004r, the database for suggested requirements, took two principal forms. One was to review the status of the 18 items originally in 004r and the other was addition of new items to the 004. Because this was the last chance to add items before the WG5 meeting, a flurry of activity resulted in 12 new items being added, all with status "registered" (status 1) and no further discrimination at this time; there will therefore be 30 items in 004r2, which will be submitted for the WG5 meeting. Of the original 18 items, virtually all having status 1, seven were moved to status 6 (archival), meaning no further action recommended, and six were moved to status 3 (recommended to WG5 for a future revision). Status 3 was further subdivided into 3a (recommended for the 1995 revision) and 3b (recommended for the 2000 revision); items 4, 15, and 16 were placed in 3a, items 12, 17, and 18 given 3b. Jerry Wagener 1993 May 17