To: WG5 From: Lawrie Schonfelder Subject: Draft NP for TR2 on Data type enhancements Title: Enhancement of Fortran derived type facilities Scope: This technical report defines the extensions to the syntax and semantics of Fortran (as defined in the Fortran 95 standard) to extend to derived types the facility of parameterisation similar to that already supported for intrinsic types. It also defines an extension allowing components of a derived type to be allocatable. Purpose and Justification: A technical report of type 2 is being produced to define the specific language extensions and to place these in the public domain. It is intended that these extensions will be included without change in a subsequent revision of the Fortran standard, unless experience indicates that there are inadequacies in the definition. It is hoped that this will enable this important facility to be defined more rapidly than would be possible in a single step extension by full language revision. It is a major language irregularity in the current Fortran language that while intrinsic types are parameterised, derived types cannot be. As a result it is very difficult to mix parameterised intrinsic types and derived types in the same program. This makes a number of important applications difficult to express in Fortran. There is, therefore, a pressing need to extend the derived type facilities to correct this irregularity. This extension also enhances the data abstraction capability of the language in a way which is a step on route to adding "object oriented programming" facilities to Fortran. The restriction which precludes components of a derived type from being allocatable forces the use of pointer components even in applications which do not need the general indirection capabilities of pointers. This has a number of serious implications for program efficiency. there is a need for allocatable components to provide for more efficient support for applications of this kind. Implementation schedule: A NP can be produced by the end of June'95, and based on existing material already existing in the WG5 papers (references to be researched) an initial WD could be available by a similar date. It should be possible to reach PDTR stage by Dec'95.