RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING ON 17 TO 21 APRIL, 1995 IN TOKYO, JAPAN Resolutions T1 to T13 were passed by unanimous consent, T14 to T16 by unanimous acclaim. T1. Retiring Convenor of WG5 That WG5 expresses its utmost thanks for all the guidance and support its retiring convenor, Jeanne Martin, has given the Working Group over the past twelve years and for all the work she has done on behalf of Fortran and of standards more generally. T2. Convenor-elect of WG5 That WG5 welcomes the proposal of the British member body to assume the secretariat of WG5 and the nomination of Miles Ellis as convenor and urges all member bodies to endorse this nomination in the SC22 ballot. T3. Appreciation of X3J3 That WG5 expresses its most sincere appreciation to X3J3 for progressing development of the draft Fortran 95 document in accordance with the schedule in the Fortran strategic plan. T4. Content of Fortran 95 That WG5 intends to submit a draft revised standard for Fortran for CD ballot during the summer of 1995, and directs the editor to prepare a document (X3J3/95-007r1) by May 31, 1995 for this purpose. The content of this document will be WG5-N1094 (also known as X3J3/95-007) modified, within this time frame, as follows: items 1.1 to 1.10 of WG5-N1112, inclusive item 5 of WG5-N1112 together with any other technical corrections which may be identified during processing of the draft. The document for CD ballot should not contain further rationale sections (v. item 3.1 of WG5-N1112). If any portion of items 1.4 and 5 are not completed, the CD document will be as in WG5-N1094 in these respects. T5. Technical Corrigendum 3 That WG5 records its intent to produce a third, final, Technical Corrigendum for the current Fortran standard at the same time as the registration of the DIS for the revised standard. All corrections in this Technical Corrigendum will be incorporated in the DIS before submission to SC22. Publication of resolved defects is necessary since the Fortran 90 standard may be the basis of legal or other contractual requirements. T6. Electronic Distribution of Documents That WG5 endorses the principles for electronic distribution of WG5 documents outlined in WG5-N1077 and requests its acting convenor to determine the preferences of all its members. Further WG5 requests its acting convenor and Jamie Shiers to establish at CERN a WG5 ftp archive and a WG5 WWW home page and to arrange for copies to be held at subsidiary sites as may be required. T7. Development of Fortran beyond Fortran 95 That WG5 will respond more quickly to the needs of the Fortran community by aggressively pursuing Technical Reports of Type 2 between versions of the Fortran standard, with the intent that the material of such technical reports be integrated into the following revision of the Fortran standard. Document WG5-N1111 describes in detail the objectives and nature of these technical reports. Accordingly, WG5 directs its acting convenor to submit proposals to the SC22 secretariat for new work items for the production of these technical reports in time for a decision to be made at the SC22 plenary meeting, to be held in Annapolis in September 1995. T8. Handling Floating Point Exceptions That WG5 intends to produce a Technical Report in 1996 on handling floating point exceptions in Fortran; Wolfgang Walter is appointed interim Project Editor and is charged to assemble a development body and to identify a Project Editor. The target schedule and initial content of this technical report are described in document WG5-N1117. T9. Interoperability with C That WG5 intends to produce a Technical Report in 1996 on interoperability with C; Jamie Shiers is appointed interim Project Editor and is charged to assemble a development body and to identify a Project Editor. The target schedule and outline content of this technical report are described in document WG5-N1114. T10. Data Type Enhancements That WG5 intends to produce a Technical Report on handling data type enhancements that include allocatable components and parameterized derived types; Lawrie Schonfelder is appointed interim Project Editor and is charged to assemble a development body and to identify a Project Editor. The target schedule and outline content of this technical report are described in document WG5-N1115. T11. Standard Preprocessor for Fortran That WG5 recognizes that preprocessing facilities are an important consideration for many members of the Fortran community. However WG5 does not believe that such facilities should be incorporated into the Fortran Standard (ISO/IEC IS 1539-1). WG5 therefore invites members and member bodies to make proposals for further action, including specification of requirements and nominations for project editor. T12. Varying Length Character Strings in Fortran - development of IS 1539-2 That WG5 will revise ISO/IEC IS 1539-2:1994 in line with the revision of ISO/IEC IS 1539:1991 and directs its acting convenor to make the necessary arrangements with the SC22 secretariat. T13. Fortran 2000 Revision That WG5 intends to produce a first detailed specification of the content of the 2000/2001 revision of Fortran at its November 1995 meeting and therefore requests member bodies to submit requirements to the convenor no later than 15 September, 1995. Further, John Reid as editor of the WG5 Repository of Requirements (Standing Document 5), is directed to remind members of the conditions for, and the electronic format of the content of, submissions to the repository. T14. Vote of Thanks for Support for Meeting That WG5 thanks the Japanese member body (Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan), Fujitsu, Hitachi and NEC for generously supporting the meeting. T15. Vote of Thanks for Support for Mailing That WG5 thanks The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. for copying and distributing papers for WG5, including those for this meeting. T16. Vote of Thanks That WG5 wishes to express its appreciation to the acting convenor (Miles Ellis), the secretary (Malcolm Cohen), the drafting committee and the hosts (Hideo Wada, Masayuki Takata, Kazuo Nishimura, Minoru Tanaka, Yukimasa Yoshida and Ichiro Honma) for their contributions to the success of the meeting. Further that WG5 wishes especially to thank all the hosts for the exceptional kindness and hospitality shown to visitors throughout the meeting and for the arrangements made for the visit to Kamakura on the day preceding the meeting.