WG5 Plans for the Use of Type 2 Technical Reports to Accelerate the Development of Fortran Standards 1. Summary At its meeting in Tokyo, 1995/4/17-21, WG5 unanimously decided to adopt a new approach to the revision of the future editions of the Fortran Standard (IS 1539-1). This approach, which was formally approved in Resolution T7 (SC22/WG5 N1116) involves the use of Technical Reports of Type 2 to define the syntax and semantics of certain new features in advance of their formal standardization in the hope that this will enable these features to find their way into Fortran compilers in response to user demand earlier than would otherwise be the case. Although the new approach is described in detail in SC22/WG5 N1111, this paper has been produced at the request of those members of WG5 who were present at the Tokyo meeting in order to explain the thinking behind this approach to SC22 members, in advance of a request from WG5 for approval of New Work Items to allow work to proceed in three specified areas. 2.Using Technical Reports to Accelerate Standardization There are two conflicting problems associated with adding new features to Fortran when there is perceived to be an urgent market requirement for these features: Vendors wish to extend their compilers in order to satisfy the demands being expressed by their customers (and potential customers); Vendors are unwilling to add new features to their compilers in advance of the final standardization of such features for fear that the standardized version may differ from that already implemented. WG5 has decided to make use of Type 2 Technical Reports to resolve this conflict and, in addition, to enable major new features to undergo a form of "beta test" in advance of formal standardization. It is WG5's declared intention that the syntax and semantics described in such a report will be incorporated unaltered in the next revision of the International Standard for Fortran, unless experience in the implementation and use of the features covered by the TR indicates that a change is required. This approach will enable major new features to be developed more quickly than at present, and will allow for experience with such features (similar to the "beta testing" of software) before they are finally incorporated in the Standard, while providing a reasonable guarantee that implementations of the features described in such TRs will not be wasted effort. A Type 2 Technical Report is defined as being for use when "the subject in question is still under technical development or where for any other reason there is the possibility of an agreement [on publication as an International Standard] at some time in the future" (JTC1 Directives, 15.2.2). Furthermore, there is a requirement that, prior to the third year after publication, a recommendation be made to JTC1 "stating whether the TR should be  converted to an IS without change;  revised and published as an IS;  confirmed for continuation as a TR;  revised for publication as a revision to the TR;  withdrawn." (ibid. Such a TR is, therefore, appropriate for items which are not yet ready to be standardized but which, it is expected, will be so ready within three years. WG5's procedures for the future revision of the Fortran Standard may, therefore, be summarised as follows: the method used for the revision of IS 1539:1991, whereby WG5 determined the requirements and delegated the production of a draft CD to a Primary Development Body (ANSI/X3J3 in the case of Fortran 95), will be used for the next revision and, in principle, for further revisions thereafter; where a single feature is deemed to satisfy certain criteria, as described in section 3 of this paper, WG5 will request SC22 to approve a New Work Item for WG5 for the production of a Type 2 Technical Report specifying the syntax and semantics of this new feature according to the principles described below, and will establish a (small) task group to produce a draft PDTR within a defined period; it is expected that this group will work primarily by electronic means, consulting others within the Fortran community to whatever degree it feels to be necessary and appropriate; the features described in any such Technical Reports will be incorporated in the next revision of the Standard exactly as described in the TR unless experience in the implementation and use of the feature has identified errors which need to be corrected. 3. The criteria for selecting a feature for definition in Technical Reports The major criteria which must be satisfied before WG5 will consider developing a Technical Report for a new language feature are as follows: there must be a demonstrable demand for the feature from the Fortran user community; there must be no alternative method of achieving the desired result by use of existing features of the language which is acceptable to the major part of the identified user community demanding the feature; the feature must be important enough to the identified user community for a significant proportion to seriously consider converting their programs to another language if the feature is not available within a significantly shorter timescale than would be the case if it was only added at the next revision of the Fortran Standard. In addition, WG5 must be confident that a draft PDTR can be produced within eighteen months of approval of the relevant New Work Item; the Technical Report can be published at least two years before the anti- cipated publication date of the next full revision of the Standard. 4. The content of a new feature Technical Report Every Type 2 Technical Report developed under this process will commence with a statement along the following lines: It is the intention of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 that the semantics and syntax described in this Technical Report shall be incorporated in the next revision of IS 1539-1 (Fortran) exactly as they are specified here unless experience in the implementation and use of this feature has identified any errors which need to be corrected, in which case only those changes necessary to correct the errors will be made. This is a strong commitment, but is believed to be essential if vendors are to be encouraged to implement the features described the the TR in advance of its formal standardization. The Technical Report will contain the following three main sections: an explanation of why it was felt necessary to define the feature which is the subject of the Report in advance of the next revision of the Standard; a full description of the syntax and semantics of the new feature; a complete set of edits to the current Fortran Standard which would be necessary to incorporate the feature in the Standard; if no errors are found during implementation and/or use of the feature then these edits will be the means by which the feature will be incorporated into the next revision of the Standard _ other than changes to line numbers, etc, to accommodate other changes to the language taking place at the same time. [Note that the requirement for such a set of edits was deemed essential by some of the vendors represented at the WG5 meeting which approved this policy, in order that it is absolutely clear what they should be implementing.] 5.The method of production of the proposed TRs Since one of the primary criteria for using the Technical Report route, rather than the main revision route, is that there must be a demonstrable demand for the feature from the Fortran user community, it is anticipated that the particular user community will already have one or more representatives amongst the active membership of WG5, and that one of these individuals, who will, by definition, have a strong personal interest in the success of the project, will be nominated as Editor of the Technical Report. The Editor will be assisted by a (small) number of individuals having a particular interest and/or expertise in the relevant area of the language, who will, together, form the task group responsible for producing the draft Technical Report; this task group is referred to as the "Development Body" for the TR in the revised WG5 Strategic Plan. In general, it is expected that such a task group will always have at least one member from the Primary Development Body in order that it can have an effective, albeit informal, means of interaction with the body which will, in due course, be responsible for incorporating the syntax defined in the TR into the full Standard. [X3J3, which is the Primary Development Body for Fortran 95, and the putative Primary Development Body for Fortran 2000, has supported this approach and proposes to set up its own subgroups in those areas where a TR is being developed in order to further develop this interaction.] At its meeting in Tokyo, WG5 identified three topics which are not in the current revision of Fortran, which was about to be submitted for CD Registration and Approval and is expected to be submitted for DIS balloting in early 1996, but which were deemed to meet the criteria specified above. Work is currently proceeding in creating the necessary task groups to work on these topics, and it is planned to submit the corresponding three New Work Item Proposals for approval by the SC22 Plenary in September 1995. Miles Ellis Acting Convenor: WG5