ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1386 Japan National Activity Report for the WG5 meeting in Oulu Minoru Tanaka, 14 July 2000 SC22/Fortran WG of ITSCJ (Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan) currentry has 11 members. Its meetings are held monthly, half a day each time, in Tokyo. Japan voted affirmatively for all the recent ballots. Japan sent the defect report on Fortran 95 to NCITS/J3. Translation work for the Japanese version of Part 3 (Conditional Compilation) has finished. Its Japanese standard (JIS) will probably be published by the end of this year. We found some defect items during the translation work. We are reporting them in N1387. Translation work for the Japanese version of Part 2 (Varying length character strings) has just begun.