ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1414 Draft responses to interpretations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 000031 TITLE: Association of pointer function result with INTENT(OUT) dummy argument KEYWORDS: Pointer association, dummy argument association, intent attribute DEFECT TYPE: STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the following program. PROGRAM P INTEGER, TARGET :: T CALL SUB(FPTR()) CONTAINS FUNCTION FPTR() INTEGER, POINTER :: FPTR FPTR => T END FUNCTION FPTR SUBROUTINE SUB(IO) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: IO IO = 17 END SUBROUTINE SUB END PROGRAM P According to 12.4.1 [200:30-32], "If a dummy argument is not a pointer and the corresponding actual argument is a pointer, the actual argument shall be currently associated with a target and the dummy argument becomes argument associated with that target." According to 12.4.1 [201:19-21], "If a dummy argument has INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT), the actual argument shall be definable." According to [53:29-31], "The INTENT(OUT) attribute specifies that. . . any actual argument that becomes associated with such a dummy argument shall be definable." The definition of "definable" supplied in Annex A (the term does not appear to be defined in normative text) is: "A variable is <> if its value may be changed by the appearance of its or on the left of an ." According to this definition, "definable" is a property of variables only. In the example above, the actual argument is not a variable. However, the actual argument is pointer associated with an object that is definable. The text cited from refers to the "actual argument that becomes associated with the dummy argument", but the first piece of text cited from 12.4.1 makes it clear that when the actual argument is a pointer, it is the target with which it is associated that becomes argument associated with the dummy argument, and not the actual argument itself. Was it the intent of the committee that this program should not be standard-conforming? ANSWER: The program does not conform to the Standard. [201:19-21] requires the actual argument to be definable and a function result is not definable. For example, it is not permitted on the left-hand side of an assignment statement, since it is not a variable. EDIT: None. SUBMITTED BY: Henry Zongaro HISTORY: 98-177 m146 Submitted WG5/N1414 Draft answer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 000032 TITLE: Is the TRANSFER function result undefined? KEYWORDS: transfer function, undefined, processor dependent DEFECT TYPE: STATUS: J3 consideration in progress The result value section of the TRANSFER function says "...If the physical representation of the result is longer than that of SOURCE, the physical representation of the leading part is that of SOURCE and the remainder is undefined." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and case (ii) gives an example of a transfer of 3 reals to 2 complexes with the imaginary part of the second complex being undefined. Where can you use this form of TRANSFER. There's a general prohibition about referencing undefined things. Doesn't that apply to expressions containing TRANSFER as well? Something like X = transfer (four_bytes,eight_bytes) or X = transfer(transfer(four_bytes,eight_bytes), four_bytes) reference the undefined part. Maybe in the latter case we could say that the "reference" in the outer transfer doesn't "require the value" of all of its argument. But that seems like an odd reading to me. We can't use it for functions like SIZE, because they only allow their argument to be undefined if it is a single variable name (13.8.5). The only thing I can think of is passing to a procedure argument that has no INTENT specified but that uses the defined part of the argument as if it were INTENT(IN). The intent can't be specified because INTENT(IN) arguments must be defined on entry. Question: Should the phrase be changed from "the remainder is undefined" to "the remainder is processor dependent"? DISCUSSSION: This is made more confusing by: "Any variable or function reference used as an operand shall be defined at the time the reference is executed." [97:1] The mention of function reference is confusing, because a function is not allowed to return without fully defining its result, viz "If the result variable is not a pointer, its value shall be defined by the function." [207:28] ANSWER: Yes, for the reasons given. Edits are provided. EDITS: Clause 13.14.110 Page 272, line 4. Change 'undefined' to 'processor dependent'. Page 272, line 17. Change 'undefined' to 'processor dependent'. SUBMITTED BY: Dick Hendrickson HISTORY: 98-183 Submitted WG5/N1414 Draft answer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 000073 TITLE: Is padding allowed in storage sequences? KEYWORDS: alignment, padding, storage sequence DEFECT TYPE: STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Is padding allowed in storage sequences? Consider the common block CHARACTER C INTEGER I COMMON /CBLK/ C, I Is padding allowed between the variables C and I? Consider the sequence type TYPE T SEQUENCE CHARACTER C INTEGER I END TYPE Is padding allowed between component C and component I? Discussion: A user recently complained that Sun f90 adds pad for alignment to sequence types and common blocks. He asserted that the Fortran standard forbids padding storage sequences. I have tested seven different implementations, and I found that all but one use padding in the examples given. The user based his assertion on the text of Section of the Fortran 95 standard. He claimed the statements (7) A nonpointer scalar object of sequence type occupies a sequence of storage sequences corresponding to the sequence of its ultimate components and The order of the storage units in such a composite storage sequence is that of the individual storage units in each of the constituent storage sequences taken in succession, ignoring any zero-sized constituent sequences. made his case. I pointed out that where the standard intends to require storage units to be contiguous, it uses the word "contiguous". He was not satisfied by that answer. The user pointed out that the definition of the size of a storage sequence supports his assertion. He claimed that the size of the common block given above is one character storage unit plus one numeric storage unit, and that that is the size of the common block INTEGER J CHARACTER D COMMON /CBLK/ J,D which Sun f90 does not pad. While that arithmetic of sizes makes sense, I have been told informally by a committee member that that was not the intent of the committee. Note 5.33 lends support to his statement. I have been unable to find any for the first paragraph of Note 5.33 in the normative part of the standard. I suggest moving the first paragraph of Note 5.33 to the normative part of the standard. I tried to provide a definition of addition of sizes of different storage units that would imply the effect stated in Note 5.33, but I failed. ANSWER: Padding between storage units is allowed unless those storage units are explicitly required to be contiguous in Section or they are required to be contiguous in order to satisfy the storage association rules given in Sections and Note 5.33 (page 70) states: 'A common block is permitted to contain sequences of different storage units'. This is a consequence of the absence of any requirement on the types of the variables in a common block. It further states 'provided each scoping unit that accesses the common block specifies an identical sequence of storage units for the common block'. This is an informal rewording of the rules on common association which are found in sections and, and the rules on storage association which are in 14.6.3. Note 5.33 does not prohibit padding between sequences of storage units, but any such padding is required to be consistent between scoping units. REFERENCES: ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997(E), Note 5.33 and Section 14.6.3. EDITS: None. SUBMITTED BY: Robert Corbett HISTORY: 99-190 m150 submitted, straw vote to allow padding 11-0-0 WG5/N1414 Draft answer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 000074 TITLE: TARGET dummy arguments and POINTER expressions KEYWORDS: TARGET, POINTER, dummy arguments DEFECT TYPE: STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the following program. PROGRAM questionable REAL,TARGET :: x CALL s1(f(x)) CALL s2(f(x)) CALL s3(f(x)) CONTAINS FUNCTION f(a) REAL,POINTER :: f REAL,TARGET :: a f => a END FUNCTION SUBROUTINE s1(variable) variable = 42 ! statement 1 END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE s2(variable) INTENT(OUT) variable variable = 42 ! statement 2 END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE s3(targ) REAL,TARGET :: targ REAL,POINTER :: p p => targ PRINT *,ASSOCIATED(p,x) ! statement 3 END SUBROUTINE END Is this program standard-conforming, and if so, what value is printed? The real question is whether an expression argument that is a pointer function reference is treated as a variable (data-object) argument with the variable being the target of the pointer expression. (Or whether it is dereferenced as usual in the absence of POINTER dummy arguments). Re (statement 1), the question is whether VARIABLE is definable when argument-associated with "F()". Re (statement 2), if the previous answer was Yes (VARIABLE is definable), then presumably it can be made INTENT(OUT). A random sample of 4 compilers revealed that they considered it not to be definable. Re (statement 3), the question is whether P is pointer-associated with X, not pointer-associated with X, or processor-dependent. Of the same random sample 3 thought it was associated with X, 1 thought not. ANSWER: 1. The call to s1 is not standard conforming. says: 'A dummy data object whose intent is not specified is subject to the limitations of the data entity that is the associated actual argument. That is, a reference to the dummy data object may occur if the actual argument is defined and the dummy data object may be defined if the actual argument is definable.' Here the actual argument is a function result, which is not definable. For example, it is not permitted on the left-hand side of an assignment statement, since it is not a variable. 2. The call to s2 is not standard conforming. says: 'If a dummy argument has INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT), the actual argument shall be definable.' Again the actual argument is a function result, which is not definable. 3. The call to s3 is standard conforming and the pointer assignment in s3 causes p and x to become associated. This may be deduced from, which says [200:38-42]: 'If the dummy argument has the TARGET attribute and is either scalar or is an assumed-shape array, and the corresponding actual argument has the TARGET attribute but is not an array section with a vector subscript (1) Any pointers associated with the actual argument become associated with the corresponding dummy argument on invocation of the procedure ...' EDITS: None. SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 99-198 m150 submitted WG5/N1414 Draft answer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 000075 TITLE: Defined assignment and INTENT(IN) dummy arguments in PURE procedures KEYWORDS: INTENT(IN), PURE, defined assignment, dummy arguments DEFECT TYPE: STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the following module: MODULE m TYPE t REAL,POINTER :: value END TYPE INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT(=) MODULE PROCEDURE t_asgn_t END INTERFACE CONTAINS PURE SUBROUTINE t_asgn_t(lhs,rhs) TYPE(t),INTENT(OUT) :: lhs TYPE(t),INTENT(IN) :: rhs ALLOCATE(lhs%value) lhs%value = rhs%value END SUBROUTINE PURE FUNCTION t_plus_t(a,b) TYPE(t) t_plus_t,a,b INTENT(IN) a,b t_plus_t = a !defined assignment !Alternative: CALL t_asgn_t(a,b) t_plus_t%value = t_plus_t%value + b%value END FUNCTION END According to F95 [212:33-45] "Constraint: In a pure subprogram any variable which ... is a dummy argument to a pure function ... shall not be used in the following contexts: ... (8) As the of an in which the is of a derived type if the derived type has a pointer component at any level of component selection; ..." Therefore it appears that the statement labelled "defined assignment" is not allowed. However, it is semantically equivalent to the commented-out statement in the following line, which would have been allowed. Clearly intrinsic assignment in that context must be disallowed as it implicitly does a pointer assignment which could be used to produce a side-effect, but the standard appears to rule out defined assignment as well (which if pure cannot cause any side-effect). Is this intentional? ANSWER: No. (8) should apply only to intrinsic assignment. EDIT: Clause 12.6. Penultimate line of page 212 [212:44]. Change to 'intrinsic assignment statement'. SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 99-201 m150 submitted WG5/N1414 Draft answer