ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-1420 Result of the ballot on corrigendum 1 John Reid, 9 October 2000 Kruyt YES, with comment Maine YES, with comment Martin YES, with comments Meadows NO Muxworthy YES Snyder YES, with comment Steidel et al NO Takata NO Warnock YES Zongaro et al NO Totals 6 4 Comments and reasons for no votes: Kruyt ~~~~~ I miss the following edit of interp 70: Page 56, Subclause In the first line of the final paragraph of the subclause, replace "nonconstant specification expressions" with "not initialization expressions". Maine ~~~~~ Henry Zongaro's comments seem worth study. I have no separate comments of my own. Martin ~~~~~~ Yes, if the points raised by Erik Kruyt and Henry are addressed. I suggest a few minor changes to the edit instructions: - The Page 69 edit instructions should begin "In lines 3 and 4" rather than "In line 3". - The Page 266 edit instructions should begin 'After "Result Value.",' (quotes missing) - The Page 289 edit instructions for item (ii), add "of the second paragraph" after "last line" Not really necessary, but there is a "corresponding" in the penultimate line of the first paragraph that I stumbled on the first time I read it. Meadows ~~~~~~~ I agree with IBM's comments regarding minor rewording and the two 70 and 80. Snyder ~~~~~~ What should have happened is to change "nonconstant specification" at [56:32] to "not an initialization". If this is so, should it be the subject of a future corrigendum, or should we delay the present one? I have already voted "yes" on Corrigendum 1, because although it appears to be incomplete, it does not appear to be incorrect. Steidel, Brixius and Long ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We agree that the changes recommended by IBM for 70 and 80 are needed. Takata ~~~~~~ I agree with Henry's two minor comments and his substantive comment to Interpretation 80. I can accept his comment on Interpretation 70, but can live without it. Zongaro, Li, and Gooderham ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We had the following minor comments: o At the top of page 3, "Pages 89, 90" should be "Pages 89 and 90" for consistency. o At the top of page 4, "Page 280" should be "Pages 280 and 281". (The edits span two pages.) We had the following substantive comments: o The edit to [56:32] from Interpretation question 70 appears to have been missed. We believe the following additional edit to is required: In the final paragraph of the subclause, replace "nonconstant specification" with "not initialization" o We believe that the response to Interpretation question 80 is overly restrictive. The edit to subclause states, in part, that "if it is invoked as a function in the inner scoping unit, its type and type parameters shall be explicitly declared in a type declaration statement in the host scoping unit." In the following example, because IF is implicitly declared in P, it cannot be accessed via host association according to the preceding rule. PROGRAM P EXTERNAL :: IF, OK_F, BAD_F, EXTSUB INTEGER :: OK_F I = IF() CALL EXTSUB CALL SUB CONTAINS SUBROUTINE SUB I = IF() ! Can't do this ! R = BAD_F() ! Can't do this R = OK_F() ! OK CALL EXTSUB ! OK END SUBROUTINE SUB END PROGRAM P We believe that the text quoted above should read: "if it is invoked as a function in the inner scoping unit, its type and type parameters shall be explicitly declared in a type declaration statement in the host scoping unit, or it shall be used as a procedure in the host scoping unit." That would make the example program unit standard conforming. My apologies for failing to notice this earlier. and later: You asked, "But can you explain why these two edits are necessary?" I can think of two reasons for applying the two edits in question: 1) All of the other edits for interpretation 70 eliminate uses of the terms "constant specification expression" and "nonconstant specification expression". If these two edits are not applied, I believe we would leave the only remaining instances of those terms. For consistency with usage elsewhere, I think both edits should be applied. 2) The case in which the change in wording could be considered to be necessary is obscure at best. Consider the following example. SUBROUTINE SUB(A, B, I) INTEGER A(I*2, *), B(NINT(COS(ACOS(0.5))), *) ... END SUBROUTINE SUB The expression I*2 is a nonconstant specification expression, while NINT(COS(ACOS(0.5))) is a constant specification expression; neither is an initialization expression. If we leave the wording unchanged, the bounds of A are determined at entry to SUB, but it's not specified where the bounds of B are determined. It could be that the value of NINT(COS(ACOS(0.5))) would be different at different points in the subroutine's execution - particularly if the implementations of COS and ACOS were sensitive to rounding mode. Failing to specify the point at which the values of the bounds of B must be determined makes this admittedly pathological case even more difficult to deal with. Regarding the proposed change to the edits to, I'm not sure whether the interpretation process makes clear how a situation like this should be handled. However, I'd much rather see interpretation 80 go back to J3 for further consideration. The current set of edits in the response to interpretation 80 were carefully thought through; I wouldn't want to see my hastily composed refinement enter the corrigendum, only to have someone else uncover a problem with it after publication.