ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1437 To: SC22/WG5 Subject: U.S. National Body Report From: Van Snyder Date: 23 July 2001 The U.S. National body is ANSI/NCITS/J3. J3 continues to serve as the primary development body for Part I of the Fortran Standard, and the maintenance body for Part I of the 1997 standard. J3 meets four times per year, at roughly equal intervals, almost always in Las Vegas, Nevada. J3 has completed development work on the next draft of the Fortran standard. The organization of J3, starting at meeting 158 (20-24 August) will be to support integration of the draft. It is expected that integration of the draft will be completed at meeting 160. J3 continues to process interpretation requests, and to draft proposed changes to the 1997 standard, for inclusion in Corrigenda.