ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1443 RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING ON 30 JULY TO 3 AUGUST 2001 IN LONDON, UK Resolutions L1 to L9 were passed by unanimous consent, L10 and L11 by unanimous acclaim. L1. Technical Corrigendum 2 for Part 1 of the Fortran Standard That WG5 approves the interpretations to Part 1 of the Fortran standard which are listed in WG5-N1466. L2. Maintenance of Part 1 of the Fortran Standard That WG5 endorses papers WG5-N1452, N1456, N1463 and N1464 which contain suggestions for progressing unresolved interpretation requests. L3. Enhanced Module Facilities Technical Report That WG5 directs its convener to submit a proposal to the SC22 secretariat for a new work item for the production of a Technical Report on enhanced module facilities, the proposal to be made so that a decision can be reached at the September 2001 SC22 plenary meeting and the report to be targeted for final publication in 2004/2005. Further, WG5 thanks Van Snyder for producing an initial draft technical report (WG5-1434), for explanatory papers (WG5-N1433 and WG5-N1436) and for volunteering to be Project Editor. L4. Review of Fortran 2000 Draft Standard That WG5 congratulates the primary development body for its work on constructing the draft Fortran 2000 standard and for adhering to the agreed schedule. Further it particularly congratulates the Project Editor, Richard Maine, for the high quality of his work and for producing the latest draft standard in good time for it to be considered at this WG5 meeting. Following a review of the draft, WG5 endorses the following papers on various issues: WG5-N1453, N1454, N1455, N1461 and N1462. L5. Minor Technical Enhancement to Fortran 2000 That WG5 approves the proposal to enhance module facilities which is described in WG5-N1458 and requests its primary development body to consider incorporating it into the Fortran 2000 draft, provided that this does not delay delivery of the first CD, which is scheduled for June 2002. L6. Summary of Fortran 2000 That WG5 thanks Dan Nagle for producing, in response to requests from members, a summary of new features in Fortran 2000 (WG5-N1459), and draws attention to it. L7. Forwarding information to the Primary Development Body That WG5 directs its convener to ensure that the papers specified in resolutions L2, L4 and L5 be forwarded to the primary development body before 6 August 2001 in order that they may be available at the next meeting of the primary development body. L8. Disposition of Comments on Part 3 of the Fortran Standard (Conditional Compilation) That WG5 records its intent to produce a disposition of comments document for ISO/IEC 1539-3 (Conditional Compilation in Fortran) during the next year. L9. Future Meetings That WG5 thanks the US member body for offering to host the WG5 meetings to be held, jointly with J3, in Las Vegas on 11 to 16 August 2002 and on 30 March to 4 April 2003. Further WG5 thanks the German member body for offering to host the WG5 meeting to be held in Dresden in July/August 2003. L10. Vote of Thanks for Support That WG5 thanks the British Standards Institution, the British Computer Society Fortran Specialist Group and John Young for generously supporting the meeting. L11. Vote of Thanks That WG5 wishes to express its appreciation to the convener (John Reid), the secretary (Lars Mossberg), the librarian (Malcolm Cohen), the drafting committee, the host (David Muxworthy) and other local organizers (Keith Seyde and Tanya Thomas) for their contributions to the success of the meeting and to Alison Reid for organizing the spouses’ programme.