ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5/N1455 Subject: Comments arising from subgroup review of Section 10 To: WG5 From: Van Snyder Date: 2 August 2001 Two areas of concern arose from reviewing Section 10. Although subgroup has given some attention to each of these concerns, there has not been time to give them all of the attention that they may need. Therefore, the revisions proposed below may not actually be practical. 1. The term "constant" is used improperly at [211:28] and throughout subclauses 10.9 and 10.10, because it is only defined for the text of a program. The instance at [211:28] could be corrected by removing "of the constant". The others need more extensive attention. In it is carefully stated that the sequence of characters produced by or suitable for input using B, O or Z editing is "in a form identical to a ... constant". Similar care should be taken in subclauses 10.9 and 10.10. 2. At [209:40-41] there is a very imprecise specification of the correspondence of the kinds of characters in the file and the input/output list. At [214:34-36] it is more precisely specified that the kind type parameter of characters transferred is determined by the list items. WG5 wishes J3 to think more about nondefault character kinds, in particular the relation between ASCII and ISO 10646.