ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5/N1461 Subject: Comments arising from subgroup review of Section 14 To: WG5 From: Van Snyder Date: 1 August 2001 The following concerns arose from reviewing Section 14. Although subgroup has given some attention to each of these concerns, there has not been time to give them all of the attention that they may need. Therefore, the revisions proposed below may not actually be practical. Generally, exposition would be improved if the three modules were treated separately. At [333:34-40] it would be useful to insert a note showing an example of how or why things would be slower. At [335:6-8] explain what "not exact" means. At [340:2] The phrase "given in a paragraph" could refer to another section or another document. Make it clear that the note refers to paragraphs below labelled "restriction". At [344:15] "X" => "1.0". Provide an example with Y an infinity. At [351:29] "The value of" => "Its value". Subclause 14.10 should be in Annex C.