ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1490 RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING ON 11 TO 16 AUGUST 2002 IN LAS VEGAS, NV, USA The meeting was attended by the convener and 22 members, representing 6 member bodies. Resolutions LV1 to LV11 were approved by unanimous consent, LV12 and LV13 by unanimous acclaim. LV1. Convener's Report to SC22 That WG5 endorses the Business Plan and Convener's Report to the SC22 2002 Plenary Meeting which is in document WG5-N1493. LV2. Abstract of Fortran 2000 That WG5 endorses the Abstract of Fortran 2000 prepared for SC22 which is in document WG5-N1494. LV3. Editorship of Part 3 of the Fortran Standard (Conditional Compilation) That WG5 directs its convener to request SC22 to appoint Dan Nagle as Project Editor for Part 3 of the Fortran standard, succeeding David Epstein. Further, WG5 thanks David Epstein for his work as editor since the initiation of the project. LV4. Disposition of Comments Document for Part 3 of the Fortran Standard (Conditional Compilation) That WG5 records its intent to produce a disposition of comments document for Part 3 of the Fortran standard during 2002. LV5. Enhanced Module Facilities Technical Report That WG5 congratulates Van Snyder on his appointment as Project Editor by SC22 and thanks him for developing the second draft of this technical report (WG5-N1482 and WG5-N1483). LV6. Maintenance of Fortran 95 That WG5 records its intent to continue to process interpretations for Fortran 95; however WG5 does not propose to produce further Technical Corrigenda for Fortran 95. LV7. Appreciation of J3 That WG5 warmly congratulates the primary development body for its work on constructing the draft Fortran 2000 standard and for adhering to the agreed schedule. Further it particularly congratulates the Project Editor, Richard Maine, for the high quality of his work and for producing the latest draft standard in good time for it to be considered at this WG5 meeting. LV8. Content and processing of Fortran 2000 CD That WG5 intends to submit a draft revised standard for Fortran for CD ballot during September 2002, according to the agreed schedule, and directs the Editor to prepare a document for this purpose. The content of this document shall be WG5- N1481 (also known as J3/02-007r2) as modified by edits in the following J3 papers (all preceded by 02-): 212, 214r1, 215r2, 216r1, 217, 218, 219r2, 220r1, 221r2, 223r1, 224r2, 225r1, 230r3, 234r1, 236, 238r2, 239, 240r1, 241r4, 242r2, 244r2, 245r2, 246r1, 247r1, 248r1, 249r1, 250r1, 252r2, 253r2, 254r1, 255r1, 257r1, 258r1, 259r1, 260, 261r1, 262r1, 263r1, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269r1, 270, 271r1. Further, WG5 directs its convener to form a subgroup consisting of himself, Richard Maine, Dan Nagle and Van Snyder to check the draft and to submit the resulting document to the SC22 Secretariat for processing by the end of September 2002. LV9. Late Technical Changes to Fortran 2000 That WG5 endorses the technical changes made by J3 during this meeting; these include changes to initialization expressions, identifier length and number of continuation lines. LV10. Future Revision of Fortran 2000 That WG5, having regard to the facts that not all requirements submitted for Fortran 2000 were incorporated in the revision and that some common extensions are not incorporated in Fortran 2000, records its intent that Fortran 2000 should be revised in due course and that the revision should be a minor one. Further, that WG5 proposes to archive its Repository of Requirements (WG5 Standing Document 5, the latest edition of which is WG5-N1189) and to prepare a new repository. To be entered in the repository, a suggested requirement must be submitted by a member body or by formal action of WG5. Requirements should be submitted to the convener in the form specified in WG5-N1496. The status of an item in the repository can be changed only as the result of an action of WG5. LV11. Future Meetings That WG5 thanks the US member body for offering to host the WG5 meeting to be held, jointly with J3, in Las Vegas on March 30 to April 4, 2003. Further, WG5 thanks the German member body for offering to host the WG5 meeting to be held in Dresden on July 28 to August 1, 2003. LV12. Vote of Thanks for Support That WG5 thanks J3 for so generously providing financial support for the meeting. LV13. Vote of Thanks That WG5 wishes to express its appreciation to the convener (John Reid), the secretaries (Steve Morgan and Stan Whitlock) and the drafting committee (especially David Muxworthy) for their contributions to the success of the meeting. It wishes especially to thank the host (Mallory North) for the excellent arrangements for both the business and social parts of the meeting and for his unfailing kindness and helpfulness throughout the week.