ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1496 Format of items for the repository John Reid Resolution LV10 (Las Vegas, August 2002) set out WG5's intention to establish a new Repository of Requirements. This will be a text file with the format of the present Repository, N1189. At the request of a member body, an item in N1189 may be transferred to the new Repository. For each new item in the repository, the following fields must be supplied: Number: blank (will be assigned by the keeper of the repository) Title: this must be short and informative (it will be used in an index) Submitted By: member body name Status: For Consideration References: are ISO standards or SC22, WG5, or J3 paper numbers (may be blank) Basic Functionality: a short description Rationale: reasons for standardizing the feature including the expected users of the feature Estimated Impact: indicates other features that would be affected and explains how they would be affected Detailed Specification: as much detail as possible should be supplied History: blank initially