ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1518 Minutes Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 March 30th - April 4th, 2003 Marriot Residence Hotel, Hughes Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. 1. Opening of the Meeting The meeting was opened at 0900 on 30th March 2003 by the convener of WG5, John Reid. The convener explained that this meeting was a joint meeting of WG5 and J3 and that most of the meeting would be "in J3 mode" with Dan Nagle in the chair although he would chair any necessary WG5 sessions. Delegates introduced themselves. Those present at the meeting were: Walt Brainerd Malcolm Cohen Craig Dedo Aleksandar Donev Dick Hendrickson Kurt Hirchert Michael Ingrassia Bill Long Richard Maine Jeanne T. Martin Toon Moene Steve Morgan David Muxworthy Dan Nagle Chair of J3 Mallory North John Reid Convener of WG5 Lawrie Schonfelder Van Snyder Masayuki Takata Stan Whitlock 2. Opening Business 2.1 Introductory remarks from the Convener The convener explained that the main purpose of the meeting was to respond to the comments on the CD, see N1506 and N1509. WG5 needs to construct a disposition of comments report, for which N1511 is a draft. If we are to keep to our schedule, we need to decide the technical content of Fortran 2000 during this meeting. The timetable calls for a draft FCD (Final Committee Draft) to be available in June. WG5 will consider this in Dresden and needs to limit suggested changes to edits or very minor technical alterations. WG5 will make final changes at its August meeting and the FCD will be sent to SC22 at the end of September. 2.2 Welcome from the Host Delegates were welcomed by the host, Mallory North, a member of J3. 2.3 Local arrangements 2.4 Appointments for this meeting Secretary for the meeting was Steve Morgan with Stan Whitlock covering Friday morning. A drafting committee was composed of David Muxworthy(chair)(UK), Toon Moene(Holland), Dan Nagle(USA), Van Snyder(USA), Masayuki Takata(Japan). 2.5 Adoption of the agenda (N1501) This was adopted by unanimous consent. 2.6 Approval of minutes of previous meeting (Las Vegas, N1491) Approved by unanimous consent. 3. Matters Arising from the minutes There were none not covered elsewhere. 4. Status of Las Vegas resolutions (N1490) LV 4 - A disposition of comments document for part 3 of Standard (Coco) was prepared during the meeting by Dan Nagle, see N1519. 5. Reports 5.1 SC22 The convener had attended the Sept 2002 meeting and was re-appointed as convener of WG5 for a further three years. Dan Nagle had been appointed as editor for Part 3 (Coco). Ballot for Fortran 2000 had been authorized and the ballot went ahead. A significant fraction of SC22's meeting time was devoted to problems associated with internationalization. The convener remarked that the SC22 secretariat had been very efficient and had facilitated good progress on WG5 issues. 5.2 National Activity Reports US: Report in paper N1509 UK: Report in paper N1514 Holland: No report Japan: Report in paper N1516 5.3 Report from J3 Dan Nagle reported that J3 had produced responses to 21 public comments and the associated document (164-106) had been approved. 5.4 Reports from Other Development Bodies Van Snyder had submitted a revised TR on Module Enhancements (J3/03-123). 5.5 Liaison Reports There were none. 6. National Body Comments The convener drew delegates' attention to document N1512 (N1509 was a draft) and proposed the following straw vote: Straw Vote: Minor items at start of N1512 to be delegated to J3 Passed by unanimous consent. The remaining technical items in N1512 were then considered with 5 minutes discussion being allowed for each item. Each item was given one of the following assignations: 1. Accept i.e. delegate to J3 for processing 2. Delegate to subgroup of Wg5 for more detailed consideration 3. Reject i.e. this item will not be considered further A record of the straw votes can be found in Appendix 1 to these minutes. At this point the convener drew delegates attention to N1511 (Response to Public Comments) and asked for comments. 7. Establish a New Repository of Requirements (N1496) John Reid reminded WG5 about the repository for new work items. 8. Consider outstanding Fortran 95 Interpretations (N1505) No interpretations were processed at this meeting 9. WG5 Business and Strategic Plans John will bring up the business/strategic plan at the Dresden meeting 9.1 Goals for 2003-2006 10. Closing Business (Friday a.m.) 10.1 Future Meetings WG5 will meet in Dresden, Germany from July 28th to August 1st, 2003. Another joint WG5/J3 meeting for Final CD Ballot resolution will be held in USA in 2-7 May 2004. WG5 is planning to meet in Europe in 2005 10.2 Any other Business WG5 thanked Mallory North and J3 for their gracious hospitality. The convener thanked the attendees for their hard work, collaborative spirit, and good result. 11. Adoption of resolutions All 8 draft resolutions from J3/03-189r1 passed unanimously; The final resolutions will appear as WG5/N1517; 12. Adjournment WG5 thanked J3 for its hard work, Mallory North for his gracious hosting of the meeting and Walt Brainerd for helping organize the reunion. The convener declared the meeting a success in that the setting of the technical content of F2K had been accomplished. The meeting adjourned at 9:25AM [Minutes compiled by Steve Morgan & Stan Whitlock, nn.04.03] Appendix 1 The following gives a record of the progress of each item during the meeting and includes the straw votes taken at various stages. U denotes that the item was accepted/rejected with unanimous consent. Other figures in brackets give straw vote results (For-Against-Undecided). Where there is more than one set of bracketed figures they are in chronological order. At the different stages, each item is accepted (and delegated to J3 for processing) or rejected (with no further consideration) or deferred to a WG5 subgroup. Items assigned to the Interop. subgroup US 1.14 Cater for the C types int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, and intptr_t. 03-133, 03-107r1, Nagle. Accept.(U) US 2.5 Require the BIND attribute in the ENUM feature. 03-142, Long. Accept.(U) UK TC9 and D i) Remove the ENUM facility. 03-117, Muxworthy. Reject(6-many-0) UK MTC11 and D i) Have separate types for C data and procedure pointers. 03-120, Cohen. Accept.(U) UK MTC12 Make TYPE(C_PTR) be an opaque derived type. 03-128, Muxworthy. Accept.(many-1-0) UK MTC13 Require the prototype of an interoperable C function not have the inline function specifier. 03-128, Muxworthy. Accept.(U) UK MTC14 Add further requirement for C interoperability. 03-128, Muxworthy. Subgroup to consider. Accept with mods (U) Items assigned to the I/O subgroup US 2.9 Replace the constants IOSTAT_END and IOSTAT_EOR by intrinsic functions. 03-103, Long. (8-6-5)(8-5-7) Sent to subgroup. Many members express concern (5-9-5) Then decided to send back to subgroup. US 2.13 Add constants to specify the size in bits of the file storage unit, numeric storage unit, and character storage unit. 03-108r2, Nagle. (No SV taken initially,) Accept.(10-1-8) UK TC1 Provide more support for ISO 10646. 03-154, Cohen. (No SV taken initially)Accept.(10-6-3) UK MTC6 and D i) Change ACHAR(10) syntax within stream i/o. 03-121, Muxworthy. (6-7-6) Accept.(11-6-2) UK MTC7 and D i) Allow input/output of IEEE exceptional values. 03-130, Cohen. Accept.(U) UK MTC15 Specify that the PROCESSOR_DEPENDENT i/o rounding mode should not depend on the rounding mode used for arithmetic. 03-128, Muxworthy. (6-4-9)Reject.(U) Items assigned to the Procedures and modules subgroup US 1.12 Add KIND parameter to IACHAR. 03-134, 03-107r1, Nagle. Accept.(U) US 2.14 Decide whether a program can have an intrinsic and nonintrinsic module of the same name. 03-135r1, Nagle. (Unanimously agreed that decision had to be made) Agreed.(left to J3 to decide details). UK MTC9 Allow for IEEE extended format. 03-126, Cohen. Accept.(U) UK MTC10 Add a facility for controlling IEEE underflow. 03-131, Cohen. Accept.(U) D k) Incorporate Van Snyder's TR into Fortran 2000. 03-123, Snyder. Reject.(U) Items assigned to the Data subgroup US 2.8 Should the transformational intrinsics such as CSHIFT be applicable to array of types with allocatable component? If so, exactly what is meant? 03-111, Donev. Accept.(U) US 1.20 Rename NONKIND as EXTENT 03-107r1, Snyder. Reject. UK MTC1 Reword "NONKIND" as "LEN" 03-114, Schonfelder. (Change NONKIND (U), Change NONKIND to LEN 9-6-3)Accept. US 1.21, UK TC2, D i) Do not allow the parent component of a type to be specified as private. 03-122, 03-107r1, Cohen. Accept.(U) UK TC2 and D i) Remove the option of re-specifying the default initial value for the parent component when a type is extended. 03-122, Cohen. Accept.(U) US 2.1 and 2.7a Fix pointer assignment. 02-295r3, 03-110, 03-139, Donev. (Went to Subgroup) Accept.(Recommendation from subgroup) US 2.2a Fix ambiguity re cloning via SOURCE. 03-112r1. Donev. (Went to WG5 Subgroup)Accept.( Recommendation from subgroup)(U) US 2.2b Make intrinsic assignment apply to the dynamic type. Donev. Reject.(U) US 2.3 Reinstate deferred bindings. 03-113r1, Donev. Subgroup to consider(7-4-10)Subgroup recommended acceptance. Accept. (U) US 2.7b Disallow type mismatches when the dummy argument is declared with TYPE rather than CLASS. 03-110, 03-140, Hirchert. Defer to J3 to take whatever action it considers appropriate.(U) US 2.15 Allow BOZ constants to have a kind type parameter value. 03-102, Snyder. Reject.(U) UK TC3 and D i) Allow default initialization of parameter values of derived types. 03-116, Cohen. Accept.(U) UK TC4 Change type-bound generics to be sets of specific named type-bound procedures. 03-138, Cohen. Accept.(many-2-0) UK TC5 Correct SELECT TYPE (superseded by TC6). 03-132, Cohen. Accept.(U) UK TC6 and D i) Allow a CLASS(*) pointer to point to an object of any type, including an intrinsic type. 03-144, Cohen. Accept.(11-1-7) UK TC7 Allow any non-SEQUENCE type to be extended. 03-145, Cohen. Accept.(10-2-7) UK TC8 and D i) Remove the TYPEALIAS facility. 03-119, Muxworthy. Accept.(12-7-1)(12-4-2)(Country Vote 3-1) [J3 reconsidered this item and formally voted to keep TYPEALIAS. However it was realised (apart from the technical considerations) that this would cause extra work since several already passed papers assumed that it would be removed. A re-vote was taken by J3 and their decision was reversed. The convener expressed his sincere thanks to J3 for their gracious cooperation in achieving consensus]. UK TC10 and D h) Treat the assignment to an allocatable array in the same way as to an allocatable array component. 03-118r1, Muxworthy. Accept.(many-1-1) UK TC11 Allow reallocation of allocatable arrays. 03-137, Muxworthy. Accept, but subgroup to consider.(15-5-1) Subgroups recommends accept. Accept. (U) D m) Remove [ and ] as alternatives to (/ and /). Reject. (15-5-1)