ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1534 Edits to 007 Aleksandar Donev Following comments from the editor on recently passed edits, and as the author of J3/03-113r3 (which introduced abstract types and deferred bindings), I include some agreed-upon edits. Some of these stem from discussions with Bill Long: These edits are relative to 03-007: [56:13] Replace "abstract type definition" with "definition of an abstract type" [427:7] Replace reference to 4.5.7 with reference to 4.5.6 [430:9] Delete the second reference to (4.5.4) [445:36] Add DEFERRED: PROCEDURE(RENDER_X), PASS(OBJECT), DEFERRED :: RENDER [51:17] Add a reference to (4.5.6) at the end of the sentence. In Note 9.49 [205:8+] and Note 9.50 [206], the dtv-type-spec should use CLASS, not TYPE. Replace TYPE(...), INTENT(IN) :: dvt with CLASS(...),INTENT(IN) :: dvt [206] Note 9.50: The pwf subroutine never sets a value for iostat. Possible fix: Change end of subroutine to: WRITE (unit, '(i9 /)', IOSTAT = iostat) dtv%value IF(iostat/=0) RETURN IF(ASSOCIATED(dtv%next_node)) WRITE(unit,'(dt)') dtv%next_node