ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1553 Report I from subgroup Chapter 8 onwards Paper N1539 Subgroup is of the opinion that there is no overriding reason for this technical change at a moment when no technical changes should be made. The issue could be reargued for the next standard. The constants will be superfluous then, but that's acceptable. Moreover, the objective set out in the first paragraph is not achieved ("inquire about the size of any storage unit defined by the standard"). Paper N1543 Part I. Simplify organization of 13.8.2. OK with subgroup; editorial changes that are at the discretion of J3. Part II. Move the new functions. Subgroup agrees with Craig Dedo (N1530); One can use the functions without having need of the constants. The module is necessary because Fortran doesn't have intrinsic constants. There's no overriding reason to put the functions into the module. Part III. Command line functions. Subgroup agrees with Craig Dedo (N1530); same reason. Part IV. Fixups. OK with subgroup; editoral changes that are at the discretion of J3. (Note 10.17 should talk about "the intrinsic function NEW_LINE"). Paper N1530 Accepted as is (see subgroup's treatment of N1543). Paper N1532 Subgroup recommends to require at least one character. Subgroup recommends the following edits instead of the ones given: 230:19 Replace "processor dependent number of nonblank characters" by "one or more alphanumeric characters (letters, digits and underscores)". 230:24 Delete "nonblank". 230:31 "nonblank" -> "alphanumeric".