ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5/N1558 From: Kurt W. Hirchert Subject: Nagging Doubts 24 Jul 2003 A large number of decisions were made in a short time at the most recent joint J3-WG5 meeting. Under such circumstances, it can be easy to make mistakes. After reviewing the actions of that meeting, I find that I am satisfied for the most part with the decisions made, either because I agree with a decision, because I feel the difference between the decision and my preferred outcome is not that significant, or because I see believe the language can reasonably be "fixed" to address my concerns in a future revision. There are, however, a handful of decisions about which I have serious concerns, in part because I believe it would be extremely difficult to "fix" them later. This paper presents my concerns about these issues along with the specification of what I believe to be a way those concerns could resolved within our current timetable. Edits corresponding to those specifications are being prepared as papers for J3 meeting 165. I hope WG5 will be able to briefly consider each issue and decide whether * it is a serious problem and J3 should be charged with fixing it (possibly with my proposed solution and edits), * it is not a problem and J3 should do nothing to address it, or * it is enough a problem that J3 should be authorized to address it if a satisfactory solution can be crafted at meeting 165 (again, possibly using my solution and edits). ======================================= Nagging Doubt I: Allocating Assignment ======================================= By "allocating assignment", I mean the feature that adopted in response to UK response item TC10. I think the basic idea of evaluating an expression and then reallocating an allocatable variable to hold it is a desirable one. My concerns relate to the decision to package this functionality as part of the intrinsic assignment. (I also have general reservations about the wisdom of doing something this big this late in the process.) One of the areas of concern is code performance. The primary problem here is that decision whether an assignment to an allocatable variable is a new allocating assignment or an ordinary nonallocating assignment is based on attributes that unlikely to be determinable at compile time. As a result, the code for most such assignment statements will have to include the code for both alternatives with a run-time test to determine which to execute. The cost of the test itself can be dismissed as likely to be small compared to the cost of the assignment. One must also take into account the cost of having code for two cases when one will likely execute only one or the other; most of the time, this effect will also be negligible, but in situations where the memory and cache are already stressed, this effect could be dramatic. A more serious effect is that the variant execution paths will tend to interfere with the identification of opportunities for optimizations such a loop jamming; it is unclear how often such opportunities occur, but any time such an opportunity is lost, the performance effect is likely to be significant. Yet another possible source of significant loss is that in some cases this hybrid requires and in other cases it encourages code that does an extra whole array copy when compared to a purer implementation of the underlying concept of allocating assignment. It can be argued that by changing variable = expr to either variable(:) = expr or if(allocated(variable)) deallocate(variable) variable = expr one can provide enough information for a compiler to know at compile time which case applies and thus avoid the performance problems associated with not knowing. If we skip for the moment the argument about whether these techniques would actually work, one is still left with the question of whether we can consider reasonable a design which requires one to engage in such techniques to obtain best performance. The other major area of concern is semantic consistency. Part of the problem is that in a number of cases, assignment to an existing allocation does _not_ produce an equivalent result to deallocating that allocation, allocating a new allocation with the same size and type parameters, and assigning to that. Among the differences are that the bounds of allocation may be different, that the old value is not finalized, and that allocation that is the recipient of the assignment has that old value instead of a default new value. (At first I thought the last point didn't matter because the assignment was intrinsic assignment, but then I realized that intrinsic assignment may involve type-bound assignment of its components and type-bound assignment could have an INTENT(INOUT) argument for the variable being assigned to, so the old value of the variable _can_ make a difference, even for intrinsic assignment.) In other words, the effect of assigning a value to an allocatable variable already having matching shape and type parameters could produce dramatically different results from both the results when assigning to a variable that does not having a matching allocation and from the results when performing the same assignment between allocatable components as a part of intrinsic assignment. This last point is especially ironic, given that the original justification for introducing this feature was to make intrinsic assignment to allocatable variables more consistent with the handling of allocatable components. Of course, one can force consistency with the if(allocated(variable)) deallocate(variable) variable = expr trick, but should this be necessary? [Aside: there are some odd differences in the description of how the bounds of an allocatable component are determined in intrinsic assignment and how the bounds are determined for an allocatable variable. In particular, these may be inconsistent for zero size array extents. It may be that there is no way for a running program to detect this difference (because of the way LBOUND and UBOUND operate on zero size extents), but if we do not make this question moot by adopting my suggested solution below, we should at least do something about this inconsistency.] Another part of the semantic consistency concern derives from the fact that this feature is tied to intrinsic assignment. For allocatable components, it is intrinsic assignment of the type that contains the allocatable components, and the value of the allocatable component may actually be transferred by type-bound assignment. For allocatable variables, it is intrinsic assignment of the variable itself, so necessarily no defined assignment (type-bound or otherwise) can take place. Not only do we not automatically provide an allocating variant of type-bound assignment, it is effectively impossible to provide one manually. (One can provide one only if one doesn't the nonallocating form.) This kind of distinction between intrinsic assignment and defined assignment seems much at odds with the strategy we have been following in developing defined types. The more I look at this packaging of allocating assignment, the more problems I find. I hope that by now it is obvious that at best it has more problems than we can reasonably expect to fix and stay on schedule for the production of this revision and at worst it may have more problems than we could ever fix. =================== Possible Solution I =================== A. Remove this feature. (This section of the edits will, in essence, be an explicit reversal of the edits from J3/03-118r3.) B. It may be that the wisest course of action would be to defer any further action in this area to the next revision, but there was so much desire for this functionality at the last meeting that I suspect many members will be reluctant to remove the flawed allocating assignment without providing a replacement. An appropriate replacement would be to package a purer version of the functionality in a distinct syntax. This syntax could easily be a new intrinsic procedure, but the edits I am preparing for J3 meeting 165 will use the syntax := (Although I can argue some minor mnemonic significance to ":=", this notation could easily be changed to some other combination of characters not already in use.) The variable is reallocated whether or not its current allocation has shape and type parameters matching those of the expression. The assignment is then performed as for = [The use of a distinct syntax eliminates the performance problems and the semantic consistency problem resulting from having to remain compatible with existing nonallocating assignment results. The fact that its semantics are defined in terms of ordinary assignment avoids the inconsistencies between the handling of intrinsic assignment and defined assignment.] C. Although it would not be strictly necessary, it seems a good idea to rewrite the description of the handling of allocatable components in terms of the ";=" allocating assignment statement. [This should make it conceptually easier to understand ("=>" for pointers, ":=" for allocatables, and "=" for everything else) and avoids the possibility of inadvertent inconsistency between the handling of allocatable variables and allocatable components.] ==================================== Nagging Doubt II: Type Compatibility ==================================== For the most part, the concept of type compatibility could be summarized as "A is type compatible with B if the type declaration of A is always a correct (if less specific) description of B." When used in argument association, this kind of type compatibility means that dummy argument A is associated with all of B. When used for pointer assignment, it means that pointer A can point to all of B There is one exception: an object of TYPE(T) is considered type compatible with an object of CLASS(T). When used in argument association, this kind of type compatibility means that there is a part of B that dummy argument A can be associated with. Note, however, that although there are many situations where A might be a correct description of part of B, this is the _only_ one that is considered type compatible. If one looks only at the text, one might conclude that this looks like an editorial accident. If one looks at how this facility developed, one might conclude that it is the lest vestige of the concept originally adopted and then modified because of its impact on the generic rules. However it came to be, combining two concepts the different in one term is a disaster waiting to happen, both for the developers and maintainers of the standard and for users whose programs won't work the way they expect them to. Since the first concept is consistently developed and the second is not, I suggest removing the latter. If the second form of type compatibility were not already a part of the standard, I know of no convincing reason it should be added (now or in a future revision). The only reason I have heard for not removing it now is concern for making changes late in the process. If we remove the second form now and we discover later that it really would have been beneficial, it would be possible to add it in a future revision and remain compatible with this revision. If we leave it in and find that is really as much of a disaster as I fear there will be no way to remove it and remain compatible. Under the circumstances, it seems to me that the responsible thing to do would be to eliminate this odd exception. ==================== Possible Solution II ==================== A. The edit to remove the exception is trivial and requires no further specification. B. In certain circumstances, it can be awkward to deal with the TYPE(T) part of a CLASS(T) object. If one needs only to access the components of the TYPE(T) subobject, there is no problem. If one can that the object is some specific extension type, one can then access its parent component. The awkwardness exists when neither of these conditions is true. The exception provided a way to finesse the awkwardness by implicitly converting a CLASS(T) object into a TYPE(T) object, but with the elimination of the exception, it would be helpful to address this awkwardness directly. A simple way to do this is to treat a CLASS(T) object as effectively being of an extension type and allow one to reference its parent component T. This is a clean solution conceptually and in its implementation. The only difficulty is finding a way to express it in the current editorial framework. It is hoped that the edits being prepared for J3 meeting 165 will suffice. ======================================================= Nagging Doubt III: The "Value" of a Derived-Type Object ======================================================= J3/03-111r2 introduced text that was intended to clarify the meaning of the "value" of a derived-type object. I suggest that this text is directly inadequate for types with pointer components and effectively inadequate when nonpointers are used in pointer-like ways. Consider a statement such as CALL SUB(X,(X)) The expression (X) has a value identical to the value of X at the time SUB is called, and the processor is supposed to make that value accessible through the second dummy argument of SUB for the entire execution of SUB. According to the text in 4.5.7, this value includes the pointer association of any pointer components of X. How is a processor supposed to preserve this part of the value for the duration of SUB's execution? At first glance it may seem sufficient to use pointer assignment to copy this association to another pointer (or pointer component). This new point will certainly have the same pointer association immediately after the copy. However, if during the execution of SUB, it uses the first dummy argument to access that pointer component of X and deallocate its target, then our copy is no longer the same pointer association. Although it may be the same bits, it has transformed from a defined pointer association to an undefined pointer association. It appears to me that under this definition of value, there is no way for the processor to preserve the value of (X). Instead of a pointer component, imagine that X has an integer component, but that this component is interpreted as a subcript into an array that has the real pointer component. According to 4.5.7, as long as the processor preserves the value of that subscript, it has preserved the value of X. I would suggest that if SUB uses that subscript to find the pointer component of the array element and deallocate its target, things are equally broken -- the definition of value just doesn't recognize that it is broken. (This is what I meant when I said that the text is effectively inadequate for nonpointers used in pointer-like ways.) I suggest that for derived-types, we can give rules for enumerating the possible representations that type could have, but that enumeration is not the same thing as an enumeration of the values of that type. On the one hand, two different representations might represent the same value (e.g., in a RATIONAL type, 1/2 and 2/4 are the same value even though they are different representations). On the hand, at different times in a program, the same representation might represent different values (as in our example of using subscripts to access value information stored elsewhere). It is reasonable that the default interpretation be that values are the same if and only if they have the same representation, but it must be possible for users to construct abstractions that override that default interpretation. ===================== Possible Solution III ===================== I suggest that values of a derived type exist only in the context of objects of that type. So long as the value of an object has a particular value, the representation in that object is a representation of that value, but if it is necessary to preserve that value past the point when the original object would cease to have that value, the only way to do so is to assign that value to another object of the same type, type parameters, and shape. To keep this solution compatible with what Fortran 90/95 processors are currently doing, this should be limited to type-bound and intrinsic assignment. In a program, such a Fortran 90/95 program, that has no type-bound assignment, those intrinsic assignments will effectively be bit copies, and you will get the same results as front existing processors, but when type-bound assignment is added to the mix, Fortran 2K will have to execute more user code. What the draft is currently calling the value of a derived type should instead be called the representation of a value, and the draft can then specify under what circumstances this representation will continue represent the same value and when it can obtain a different representation by assigning that value to a new object. ======================================= Nagging Doubt IV: Function Side-Effects ======================================= Although Fortran functions are allowed to have side effects, a Fortran processor is allowed under at least some circumstances not to deliver those side effects. There is disagreement how great this license is, but even under the most restrictive interpretations, there is no way for the writer of a function to ensure that its side effects will be delivered. In contrast, C does reliably deliver function side effects, so C APIs often involve functions whose purpose is to deliver side effects. However, there is nothing in C interoperability that changes a processor's license not to deliver those side effect. Although I believe implementors will make a good faith effort not to optimize away function references whose side effects are significant, I think inevitable that on some processors under some levels of optimization, there will be some C interoperability programs that will not work as intended because functions will significant side effects will be optimized away. I fear that these failures will be blamed on the features and the standard, rather than on the programs and the processors. I suggest that if C interoperability is to be fully successful, we must do something to ensure that significant function side effects are consistently delivered. ==================== Possible Solution IV ==================== One possibility would be to require a processor to always deliver function side effects. I suggest that such a requirement would never be acceptable in practice, as many nonstandard programs depend on "short circuit" evaluation of logical expressions. Another possibility would be to require a processor to always deliver the side effects of C functions. This would solve the immediate problem, but I think it would create new problems of its own. I think we would see many programs in which BIND(C) would be specified solely for the purpose of protecting side effects and that the requirements that arguments of such functions be interoperable with C would lead to significant complaints. The solution I recommend is therefore to provide an explicit way for a program to identify functions whose side effects need to be delivered. The method I suggest is a keyword analogous to PURE. The particular keyword I suggest is VOLATILE, because there are a number of similarities to volatile variables, including the fact that a function that references a volatile variable will likely be one that needs to be executed each time it is referenced. However, there is no editorial dependence on this similarity, so this keyword is changed. The principal semantic effect of identifying a function as volatile is to remove it from the rule that allows some function references not to be executed. Additionally, nonvolatile functions can be associated with volatile dummy procedures and procedure pointers much as pure procedures can be associated with nonpure dummy procedures and procedure pointers. Strictly speaking, these changes are ones that could be made in a future revision, but I believe the political necessity of C interoperability working reliably in this revision also makes it necessary to make these changes now. - end - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Kurt W Hirchert UIUC Department of Atmospheric Sciences +1-217-265-0327