ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1593 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION COMMITTEE ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (IST/5) UK National Activity Report presented to the meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 (Fortran), Las Vegas, NV, May 2 - 7, 2004 Membership and meetings The BSI Fortran Panel has 22 members, including observers. The panel's business is normally conducted by e-mail and it meets only when there are issues to be resolved which cannot be decided otherwise. Since the last WG5 meeting one panel meeting has been arranged but it was later decided that the business could be resolved by e-mail. One member of the BSI Panel is also an alternate member of J3. SC22 ballots As members of WG5 will be aware from WG5-N1583, the BSI vote in the approval ballot for FCD 1539-1 Fortran - Part 1 was "yes with comments". A national appeal for comments was made by e-mail in October and the comments received were transmuted into the UK vote by the Fortran panel. A similar process was followed for the ballots on PDTR 19767 - Enhanced Module Facilities in Fortran. The BSI votes were "yes" to registration and "yes with comments" to approval (v. WG5-N1587). British Computer Society Fortran Specialist Group The British Computer Society has again provided special funding to its Fortran Specialist Group for calendar year 2004 to support members' participation in standards activities; it is hoped that this will be continued for 2005. The Group itself held one meeting during the year at which there were presentations on Fortran 2003 and on alternative treatments of legacy code ( David Muxworthy IST/5/-/5 (Fortran) Convenor April 15, 2004