ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1597 RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING ON MAY 2 TO 7, 2004 IN LAS VEGAS, NV, USA The meeting was attended by the convenor and 20 members, representing five member bodies. Resolutions LV1 to LV13 were approved by unanimous consent, LV14 and LV15 by unanimous acclaim. LV1. Appreciation of J3 That WG5 congratulates the primary development body for its work on constructing the draft Fortran International Standard and for adhering to the agreed schedule. Further it particularly congratulates the Project Editor, Richard Maine, for the high quality of his work. LV2. Appreciation of TR editor That WG5 congratulates the Project Editor of the TR on Enhanced Module Facilities, Van Snyder, for his development of the report. LV3. Content and processing of Fortran 2003 DIS That WG5 declares document WG5-N1601 to be the Draft International Standard for Fortran and instructs its convenor to forward it for FDIS ballot directly after this meeting. The content of this document is WG5-N1578 (also known as J3/03-007r2) as modified by the edits in WG5- N1589 and by the edits in the following J3 papers (all preceded by J3/04-): 277r1, 288r1, 289r1, 290r2, 291r1, 297. LV4. Content and processing of TR on Enhanced Module Facilities That WG5 declares document WG5-N1602 to be the Draft Technical Report on Enhanced Module Facilities in Fortran and instructs its convenor to forward it for DTR ballot directly after this meeting. The content of this document is WG5-N1581 as modified by the edits in paper J3/04- 293r3. LV5. Disposition of Comments on Fortran 2003 FCD That WG5 adopts WG5-N1599 as its Disposition of Comments document in response to the FCD ballot comments which are in WG5-N1583. LV6. Disposition of Comments on Modules PDTR That WG5 adopts WG5-N1603 as its Disposition of Comments document in response to the PDTR ballot comments which are in WG5-N1587. LV7. Corrigendum for Fortran 2003 That WG5 records its intent to produce a Technical Corrigendum for Fortran 2003 in May 2005. LV8. Strategic Plan That WG5 adopts the schedules for the processing of Fortran 2003 and for the revision of Fortran 2003 which are contained in WG5-N1590. LV9. Classification of requirements That WG5 adopts the scale for classifying requirements for the revision of Fortran 2003 which is specified in WG5-N1594. LV10. Editor of Repository of Requirements That WG5 appoints David Muxworthy as editor of the repository of requirements (WG5 standing document 5). LV11. Requirements for revision of Fortran 2003 That WG5 urges all member bodies to submit their requirements for the revision of Fortran 2003 to the repository of requirements, using the format in WG5-N1496, in good time for a first selection of the content of the revision to be made at the next WG5 meeting. LV12. Varying Length Strings That WG5 directs its convenor to inform SC22 that WG5 considers that Part 2 of the Fortran International Standard, Varying Length Strings, should be renewed. LV13. Future Meeting That WG5 thanks the member body of the Netherlands for offering to host the WG5/J3 meeting to be held in Delft on May 9 to 13, 2005; further information on the meeting is given in WG5-N1604. LV14. Vote of Thanks for Support That WG5 thanks J3 for so generously providing financial support for the meeting. LV15. Vote of Thanks That WG5 wishes to express its appreciation to the convenor (John Reid), the secretary (Stan Whitlock) and the drafting committee for their contributions to the success of the meeting. It wishes especially to thank the host (Mallory North) for the excellent arrangements for both the business and social parts of the meeting.