ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1644 Preliminary Agenda Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 February 13-17, 2006 George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 22032, USA Monday, February 13 0900 - 1800 (Joint WG5/J3) Tuesday, February 14 0900 - 1800 (Joint WG5/J3) Wednesday, February 15 0900 - 1800 (Joint WG5/J3) Thursday, February 16 0900 - 1800 (Joint WG5/J3) Friday, February 17 0900 - 1800 (Joint WG5/J3) N.B. During the meeting, some sessions will be of WG5 with John Reid in the chair and some sessions will be of J3 with Dan Nagle in the chair (the exact timings to be announced each day). 1. Opening of the Meeting: 9:00 am, February 13, 2006 2. Opening business 2.1 Introductory remarks from the Convener 2.2 Welcome from the Host 2.3 Local arrangements 2.4 Appointments for this meeting 2.5 Adoption of the Agenda 2.6 Approval of the Minutes of the Delft 2005 Meeting [N1631] 3. Matters arising from the minutes 4. Status of Delft 2005 Resolutions [N1630] 5. Reports 5.1 SC22 Matters (Convener) 5.2 National Activity Reports (Heads of Delegations) 5.3 Report from Primary Development Body (NCITS/J3 Chair) 5.4 Reports from other Development Bodies (Editors/Heads) 5.5 Liaison Reports: NCITS/H2 (SQL): Dan Nagle NCITS/J11 (C): Craig Rasmussen IEEE 754 revision: Michael Ingrassia IFIP/WG5: Van Snyder OpenMp: Matthijs van Waveren 6. Consider the Repository of Requirements (SD5) and make a firm choice of significant features for the next revision, that is, features of severity level 4 and above, as defined in N1594. 7. Consider the Fortran defect reports (interpretations) in J3-006 and, if appropriate, prepare the second Corrigendum for Fortran 2003. 8. WG5 Business and Strategic Plans 8.1 Goals for 2006-2009 9. Closing Business 9.1 Future meetings 9.2 Any other business 10. Adoption of Resolutions 11. Adjournment: 1800, February 17, 2005