ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1686 SC22 Other Working Group - Vulnerabilities - Liaison Report Dan Nagle, 2007 July 31 OWG-V continues to meet four times per year, and is steadily writing its Type 2 TR. The web site is OWG-V is charged with writing a document which will provide guidance for those who want to write their own coding standards. The most recent draft is OWG-V N0079. The document is organized with a language-independent portion discussing vulnerabilities in general (for example, array index out-of-bounds) to be followed by language specific portions (for example, in Fortran, use whole array operations) for each (C/C#/Ada/Fortran) language. The next meeting is during September/October of this year. I expect that after the next meeting, the Vulnerabilities list will be well enough developed to start work on the Fortran-specific list. OWG-V was pleased to hear that J3 had added a portability annex to our committee draft. While substantial parts of OWG-V's work are devoted to safety and security issues, reliability issues from the perspective of programmers coding applications with very long execution times are also being considered. OWG-V intends to establish its own method of operation regarding issues involving sequential execution and integer data only prior to tackling floating point issues and parallel execution issues. The work of OWG-V has benefitted Fortran by focusing attention on issues of confidence in a program's correctness, and the addition of the above-mentioned annex. At some point in the future, perhaps some years from now, it may be worthwhile to visit the issue of whether there are features which might be added to Fortran to good benefit in light of the OWG-V document.