ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1695 Bit Manipulation Features Bill Long Even though the BITS intrinsic data type is recommended for removal from the Fortran 2008 draft standard, these related features are recommended for retention or addition: 1) Retain these intrinsics beyond those in Fortran 2003: DSHIFTL DSHIFTR IALL IANY IPARITY LEADZ MASKL MASKR MERGE_BITS PARITY POPCNT POPPAR SHIFTA SHIFTL SHIFTR TRAILZ 2) Add four new intrinsic function that provide relational bit sequence comparisons of integer values based on their interpretation as bit sequences: BGE (I,J) - bits compare greater or equal BGT (I,J) - bits compare greater BLE (I,J) - bits compare less or equal BLT (I,J) - bits compare less The result value is computed by the algorithm in paragraph 12 of Interpretation of relational intrinsic operations, [162:20-22], in N1678. Either or both of the arguments may be BOZ literal constants. 3) Retain the ability for formatted input and output of values of type REAL or COMPLEX using the Z, O, or B edit descriptors. Subclause Bits editing, [285:1-24], in N1678 is the basis for this capability, with edits to restrict the allowed data types to integer, real, and complex (as a pair of reals), to change the description of how the objects are interpreted as bit sequences, and to change the subclause heading to "BOZ editing". 4) Retain BOZ literal constants as allowed arguments to these intrinsic functions: DSHIFTL (I,J,SHIFT) DSHIFTR (I,J,SHIFT) IAND (I,J) IEOR (I,J) IOR (I,J) MERGE_BITS (I,J,MASK) For each of these functions, either, but not both, of the I or J arguments may be a BOZ literal constant. If I is of type integer and J is a BOZ literal constant, then the result of IAND (I,J) is equal to IAND (I, INT(J, KIND=KIND(I))), with corresponding results for the other functions. Similarly for J of type integer and I a BOZ literal constant. In the case of MERGE_BITS, the MASK argument may also be a BOZ literal constant. The result value is computed as if the MASK were converted to type integer with the same effective kind type parameter as the I and J arguments.