ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1703 Convener's report from SC22 meeting John Reid This is what happened at the 2007 SC22 meeting in Singapore that is relevant to WG5: 1. It was confirmed that corrigenda to a standard that is under revision are acceptable. When I first became convener, I asked for advice on this and was told that they were not. I am not sure whether this was wrong advice or the rules have changed. In any event, this is good news now. We should prepare a third corrigendum as soon as we have sufficient fully-processed interpretations. 2. The TRs on exception handling and on allocatables will be withdrawn since their contents were incorporated in Fortran 2003. 3. It seems that I should not have applied for the TR on enhanced interoperability with C until we were ready to do the work because of the deadlines for work on a standard. Several other conveners made the same mistake. It has been 'registered as a preliminary work item', which gives us about 18 months to produce a first draft. Bill Long was confirmed as Editor. 4. Keith Brannon of ITTF attended the meeting and confirmed that SC22's request has been accepted for the following procedure to be adopted for the submission of documents to ITTF in Geneva: 1. The project editor sends the approved format file (currently PDF) together with any additional source files necessary for ITTF to note and verify changes. 2. The ITTF lists the changes it requires. 3. The project editor constructs a new approved format and source files and sends them. 4. Steps 2. and 3. are repeated until no changes are needed. This should avoid the problems that we have been having. 5. My request for a delay of 10 months to the timetable for revision of the Fortran standard, was accepted (rounded up to a year).