ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1758 RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING ON NOVEMBER 16 TO 21, 2008 IN TOKYO, JAPAN The meeting was attended by the convenor and 20 members, representing five member bodies. Resolutions T1 to T6 and T8 to T10 were approved by unanimous consent and T11 and T12 were approved by unanimous acclaim. Resolution T7 was approved by 15 individual votes to none with one abstention and by four member body votes (Netherlands, Japan, UK, USA) to none with one abstention (Canada). T1. Convenorship of WG5 That WG5 congratulates John Reid on his reappointment as WG5 convenor until September 2011. T2. Appreciation of Primary Development Body and Project Editor That WG5 congratulates the primary development body for its work on constructing the Fortran International Standard Committee Draft according to the agreed schedule. Further it particularly congratulates the Project Editor, Malcolm Cohen, for the excellent quality of his work. T3. Appreciation of SC22 Chairman That WG5 expresses its appreciation to the SC22 Chairman, Rex Jaeschke, for attending this meeting and for his contributions to it. T4. SC22/WG23 Programming Language Vulnerabilities That WG5 notes the publication of PDTR 24772 on Language Vulnerabilities (SC22 document N4420 and also available as document N0163 on the WG23 website http://aitc/ and notes that WG23 intends to produce a Fortran-specific annex. WG5 members are encouraged to send comments on the annex to Dan Nagle and/or to join WG23. T5. WG5 Document Archive That WG5 notes the concern of SC22 for the importance of preserving the history of programming language standardization (SC22 resolution 08-01) and intends to extend its own electronic document archive. It therefore thanks Van Snyder for offering to pursue the possibility of scanning some of its paper records. T6. Disposition of Comments Document for Fortran 2008 CD That WG5 adopts WG5-N1760 as the formal response document to the international comments on the Fortran 2008 CD. T7. Technical Content of Fortran 2008 CD That WG5 establishes that the technical content of the draft revised standard for Fortran which is scheduled to be submitted to SC22 for FCD ballot in 2009 shall be that in WG5-N1723 (also known as SC22 N4319 and 08-007r2) as modified by the edits specified in WG5-N1760. The primary development body is encouraged to make editorial corrections and clarifications and to resolve inconsistencies, but the technical content should not be changed unless a serious flaw is found. T8. Schedule for Revision That WG5 records its intent to review the schedule for processing the revised document (WG5-N1693) at its May 2009 meeting. T9. Interoperability Technical Report That WG5 thanks Bill Long for producing the first draft of the interoperability TR and records its intent to hold a WG5 letter ballot on the content. T10. Future Meetings That WG5 proposes to meet in conjunction with PL22.3 in May 2009 and February 2010. Further, for the summer 2011 WG5 meeting, WG5 thanks Jim Xia for offering to investigate the possibility of holding it in Mississauga, Ontario and Ian Chivers, John Reid and Jane Sleightholme for offering to investigate the possibility of holding it in Copenhagen. T11. Vote of Thanks for Support That WG5 expresses its appreciation to IPSJ/ITSCJ for their very generous financial support for the meeting and for the social event. T12. Vote of Thanks That WG5 expresses its appreciation to the convenor (John Reid), the secretary (Steve Morgan) and the drafting committee (chaired by David Muxworthy) for their contributions to the success of the meeting. It also wishes to thank the PL22.3 chairman (Dan Nagle) and secretary (Bill Long) for their contributions to the success of the meeting. Most particularly it wishes to thank Masayuki and Yoko Takata, Sakayu Sato, Kazuo Nishimura, Ichiro and Kiyoko Homma, Saori Narita, Yoko Higashida and Malcolm Cohen for the excellent arrangements for both the business and social parts of the meeting. Note: Documents numbered WG5-Nnnnn are publicly available from Documents numbered 08-nnn are publicly available from