ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1765 WG5 letter ballot 6 on Fortran 2003 interpretations John Reid, 2 December 2008 This is the sixth set of draft interpretations for Fortran 2003. They have all been approved in a J3 letter ballot. The rules we operate on say: 4. The chair of J3/interp gathers all interp answers that are marked "passed by J3 letter ballot" and forwards them to the WG5 convenor. The WG5 convenor holds a ballot of individual members; a no vote must be accompanied by an explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's vote to yes. The answers that pass this ballot become "WG5 approved". J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for more study even if the answer passes. 5. "WG5 approved" answers are processed into a corrigendum document by taking the edits from the interp answers and putting them in the format required by ISO. A WG5 vote is made on forwarding the corrigendum to SC22. The following Fortran 2003 interpretations are being balloted: Yes No Number Title --- --- F95/0074 TARGET dummy arguments and POINTER expressions --- --- F95/0102 mask-expr evaluated only once --- --- F03/0049 Separators in list-directed output involving UDDTIO --- --- F03/0073 C interop of dummy procedures --- --- F03/0074 Type mismatch for C character arguments --- --- F03/0075 C interop of derived types with array components --- --- F03/0076 Scope of Fortran names of procedures with binding labels --- --- F03/0077 LBOUND of array structure component --- --- F03/0081 F edit descriptor with field width 0 --- --- F03/0082 VALUE in place of INTENT for pure procedure dummy arguments --- --- F03/0087 Entry names as dummy procedure arguments --- --- F03/0098 Does allocate with source= define subcomponents? --- --- F03/0099 Clause 16 does not account for volatile variable --- --- F03/0102 Evaluation of bound-expr in data pointer assignment --- --- F03/0109 Referencing deferred binding via absent dummy argument --- --- F03/0111 Is defined assignment to a vector subscripted array allowed? --- --- F03/0113 Size and uniqueness considerations for ID= --- --- F03/0114 Inconsistent restrictions on i/o specifiers --- --- F03/0117 STOP executed via function in input/output list The text of these interpretations is in N1764 (or 08-006Ar4). Each interpretation starts with a row of "-"s. Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no" answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send to by 8 a.m (UK time) on Monday, 19 January 2008, in order to be counted. Thanks, John.