ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1792 Convener's report from SC22 meeting John Reid 1. Closing date for the Final CD ballot on F2008 Sally Seitz, SC22 Secretary, told me that she made a mistake over the closing date for the Final CD ballot. It is 29 December, not 29 November, since this is a 4-month ballot. 2. Corrigendum 5 for Fortran 2003 While presenting my report, I mentioned that WG5 planned to have one further corrigendum on Fortran 2003. The sentiment in plenary was negative, so I discussed this further with the chairman, secretary, and two other conveners over lunch. While there is no rule against it, the advice was unanimously against it. I therefore propose that we continue processing F2003 interpretations until the end of the November meeting, then hold the usual J3 and WG5 ballots, then create the usual defect report and corrigendum, but do not be send them to SC22. The corresponding edits to F2008 should be mentioned in a country ballot. 3. TR on Further Interoperability of Fortran with C A year's extension was granted for the TR on Further Interoperability of Fortran with C. Note that our plan (see N1781) is to forward the PDTR to SC22 in April 2010. John Benito, C convener, said he would be pleased to look at a draft once it is reasonably polished. 4. Alternate Submission Form for National Body Comments Jim Moore explained the problems faced by WG23 (Vulnerabilites) in handling the large number of comments it received on its draft TR with the ISO Comment Template (WORD). He suggested instead the use of the Excel-based template currently used by SC 7. SC22 agreed that this would be a big improvement and encouraged National Bodies to use it for short comments (it was agreed last year that extensive comments should be submitted in separate documents). 5. Netherlands Contribution on Growth of Language Standards There was a discussion of a paper from the Netherlands (SC22 N4484) titled "Contribution on the Growth of Programming Language Standards", following which SC22 recommended its Working Group Conveners to distribute the paper to their working groups as an SC 22 recommended document on guidance to address the issues identified. I have made this document N1793, but do not see how we can take any action now without breaking Tokyo resolution T7 on the technical content of Fortran 2008 and delaying the new standard with further CDs.