ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5-N1811 The meeting was attended by the convenor and 14 members, representing six member bodies. Resolutions LV1, LV2, LV9 and LV10 were approved by unanimous acclaim. Resolutions LV3, LV4, LV5, LV7 and LV8 were approved by unanimous consent. Resolution LV6 was approved by 13 individual votes to none with one abstention and unanimously by member bodies. RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING ON FEBRUARY 15 TO 19, 2010 IN LAS VEGAS, NV, USA LV1. Appreciation of Project Editor That WG5 again congratulates its Project Editor, Malcolm Cohen, for the high quality, speed and accuracy of his work. LV2. Appreciation of PL22.3 That WG5 again congratulates the primary development body for its work on constructing the draft Fortran International Standard to the agreed schedule. LV3. Technical Corrigendum 5 for Fortran 2003 That WG5 declares that the fifth Technical Corrigendum for Fortran 2003 will be made publicly available via its website but will not be submitted for publication by ISO; the document number will be WG5-N1815. LV4. Disposition of Comments Document for Fortran 2008 FCD That WG5 adopts WG5-N1813 as the formal response document to the international comments on the Fortran 2008 FCD. LV5. Strategic Plan for WG5 That WG5 adopts document WG5-N1812 as its strategic plan for the next two years. LV6. Content and processing of Fortran 2008 FDIS That WG5 declares document WG5-N1814, subject to further checking as described in WG5-N1812, to be the Draft International Standard for Fortran. The content of this document is WG5-N1791 (also known as 09-007r3) as modified by the edits in PL22.3 papers 09-294, 09-300r1, 09-302r1, 10-101r1, 10-102, 10-103, 10-104r1, 10-107r2, 10-108r1, 10-109r2, 10-110r1, 10-111, 10-112r1, 10-113r3, 10-114r1, 10-115, 10-116, 10-117r1, 10-118, 10-119r1, 10-120, 10-121r2, 10-123r1, 10-125r2, 10-126r1, 10-127, 10-128, 10-129, 10-130, 10-131, 10-132r1, 10-133, 10-134r1, 10-136, 10-137r1, 10-138, 10-139, 10-140 and 10-141. The document will be processed as described in WG5-N1812 and forwarded for FDIS ballot in May 2010. LV7. Further Interoperability Technical Report That WG5 thanks Bill Long as Project Editor and the Interoperability TR development body for producing the second draft of the Further Interoperability TR. To facilitate further development, it adopts the requirements specified in WG5-N1820 and appoints PL22.3 as the development body. A separate mailing list will be set up for this project. LV8. Future Meetings That WG5 thanks Reinhold Bader for inviting WG5 and PL22.3 to meet in Garching, Germany on June 27 to July 1, 2011. Further, WG5 thanks Jim Xia for inviting WG5 and PL22.3 to meet in Markham, Ontario, Canada in June 2012. LV9. Vote of Thanks for Support That WG5 thanks PL22.3 for generously providing financial support for the meeting and for the social event. LV10. Vote of Thanks That WG5 expresses its appreciation to the convenor (John Reid), the secretary (David Muxworthy) and the drafting committee (Reinhold Bader, Toon Moene, David Muxworthy (chair), Van Snyder, Masayuki Takata and Jim Xia) for their contributions to the success of the meeting. It wishes especially to thank the host (Van Snyder) for the excellent arrangements for both the business and social parts of the meeting.