ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1812 Strategic plans for WG5 John Reid 1. Interpretations After the February 2010 meeting of WG5, all outstanding interpretations will be addressed against the Fortran 2008 standard. 2. Fortran 2008 Malcolm Cohen will construct the FDIS after the February 2010 meeting of WG5 and it will be reviewed by a WG5 email ballot. A subcommittee consisting of Malcolm Cohen, Dan Nagle, Van Snyder, and John Reid will review the ballot comments, Malcolm Cohen will make any further edits needed, and the subcommitee will check these before submission. The new schedule is: Stage WG5 approval of FDIS (by email) 2010-04 4 FDIS registered 2010-05 FDIS ballot initiated 2010-05 FDIS ballot results available 2010-07 5 Standard published 2010-08 Only very minor corrections are permitted following the FDIS ballot; these are not permitted to be editorial or technical. Any such corrections will be reviewed by the same subcommitee. 3. TR 29113 on further interoperability with C The new schedule is: First draft reviewed by WG5 2010-02 Second draft 2010-10 WG5 ballot 2010-11 PDTR forwarded to SC22 2010-12 PDTR ballot initiated 2011-01 PDTR ballot comments available 2011-04 DTR constructed 2011-06 DTR ballot initiated 2011-07 DTR ballot results available 2011-10 TR published 2011-11 4. TR on further coarray features The new schedule is: First draft 2011-02 Second draft reviewed by WG5 2011-06 Third draft 2011-10 WG5 ballot 2011-11 PDTR forwarded to SC22 2011-12 PDTR ballot initiated 2012-01 PDTR ballot comments available 2012-04 DTR constructed 2012-06 DTR ballot initiated 2012-07 DTR ballot results available 2012-10 TR published 2012-11 5. Next revision Consideration of plans for the revision of Fortran 2008 will not be started before June 2012.