ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1843 WG5 informal ballot on the schedule and draft of TR 29113 John Reid This is our schedule for TR 29113 on further interoperability with C, see N1812: First draft reviewed by WG5 2010-02 Second draft 2010-10 WG5 ballot 2010-11 PDTR forwarded to SC22 2010-12 PDTR ballot initiated 2011-01 PDTR ballot comments available 2011-04 DTR constructed 2011-06 DTR ballot initiated 2011-07 DTR ballot results available 2011-10 TR published 2011-11 Good progress was made at the October J3 meeting and a second draft is available as N1838, which is available for WG5 comment. Also available is N1839, which is a reply to the WG5 paper on Objectives, N1820. I am very concerned that our schedule does not allow for more serious work to be done on the draft at the February J3 meeting. Furthermore, N1838 is not ready for PDTR ballot - for example, it contains 14 Unresolved Technical Issues. I therefore propose that we delay the PDTR ballot until after the J3 meeting. I have checked with the SC22 Secretary that we are allowed for this to be a 2-month ballot, which would mean that the results would still be available for consideration at the June meeting of WG5. This is my proposed shedule: N1838 reviewed by WG5 2010-11 Third draft 2011-02 WG5 ballot 2011-02 PDTR forwarded to SC22 2011-03 PDTR ballot initiated 2011-03 PDTR ballot comments available 2011-05 DTR constructed 2011-06 DTR ballot initiated 2011-07 DTR ballot results available 2011-10 TR published 2011-11 I am starting a 4-week informal WG5 ballot on this schedule and on N1838. Please answer these questions by 9 a.m. UK time on 7 December. 1. Is the above revised schedule acceptable? 2. Do you have any comments on N1838? Please give special attention to the UTIs. For each significant change, please provide text for a new UTI.