ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1968 WG5 letter ballot on N1967 John Reid, 8 March 2013 This is a WG5 letter ballot on N1967, the first draft DTS for TS 18508, Additional Parallel Features in Fortran. N1967 has the same content as J3/13-251. It was prepared by J3 from J3/12-201 (collectives and atomic operations), 13-231r5 (teams), and 13-232r3 (events). The basic requirements are specified in WG5/N1930. Based on technical discussions within J3 during preparation of 13-251, three enhancements to the original requirements were incorporated. 1) The basic team model is very useful for the uses outlined in N1930, and that functionality is included. However, there are other use cases that need only a fast synchronization of a subset of the images. With the infrastructure for teams already established, addition of a SYNC TEAM statement was possible with little extra text or implementation work. This was added in 13-231r5. 2) The general event model in N1930 addresses the functionality required, but does not provide for optimal performance for the widely used case of waiting on a local event. A second event type, LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE, was added by 13-232r3 to enable this restricted, but better performing, capability. 3) Resiliency of parallel programs to partial system failures has become an increasingly important issue, particularly for systems with heavy Fortran usage of the size that will be available in the time frame when implementations of this TS are expected. Addressing this issue is a main feature of the upcoming MPI 4 spec. The traditional Fortran model cannot offer a viable solution to this problem because of the underlying assumption that the number of images is fixed for the entire program execution. The introduction of teams provides a mechanism that allows for the effective number of images to change. With this capability, it is possible to have a framework for addressing the problem of images that fail during execution of a program. As part of the team feature in 13-231r5 minimal resiliency capabilities were added that can notify the program if an image has failed and provide a list of which images have failed. With this information and the ability to form a new team that excludes the failed images, the programs implementing fault-tolerant algorithms might be able to profitably continue execution. Please answer the following question "Is N1967 ready for forwarding to SC22 as the DTS?" in one of these ways. 1) Yes. 2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes. 3) No, for the following reasons. 4) Abstain. This is an individual vote. Please send your vote to to arrive by 9 a.m. (UK time) on 8 April 2013.