ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N2195 WG5 letter ballot 2 on Fortran 2018 interpretations Steve Lionel, April 20, 2022 This is the second set of draft interpretations for Fortran 2018. They have all been approved in a J3 letter ballot (letter ballots #37 21-184r1, #38 22-130r2, and #39 22-150). The rules we operate on say: 4. The chair of J3/interp gathers all interp answers that are marked "passed by J3 letter ballot" and forwards them to the WG5 convenor. The WG5 convenor holds a ballot of individual members; a no vote must be accompanied by an explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's vote to yes. The answers that pass this ballot become "WG5 approved". J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for more study even if the answer passes. 5. "WG5 approved" answers are processed into a corrigendum document by taking the edits from the interp answers and putting them in the format required by ISO. A WG5 vote is made on forwarding the corrigendum to SC22. The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted: Yes No Number Title --- --- F18/007 Problems with C_FUNLOC and C_F_PROCPOINTER being PURE --- --- F18/015 Example in C.6.8 is wrong --- --- F18/019 PURE and default initialization --- --- F18/023 CLASS(*) ambiguous operator overloading --- --- F18/024 CFI_setpointer with result a deferred length character --- --- F18/026 C_SIZEOF argument --- --- F18/027 CO_BROADCAST with allocatable component --- --- F18/028 Specification inquiry --- --- F18/029 Type of main argument of CO_REDUCE --- --- F18/030 CO_REDUCE/REDUCE OPERATION with coarray argument --- --- F18/031 CO_BROADCAST with polymorphic argument --- --- F18/032 CO_BROADCAST and pointer components --- --- F18/033 E/EN/ES/D output exponent when w=0 --- --- F18/034 Purity of IEEE_GET_FLAG and IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE --- --- F18/035 Defining/referencing a coarray component of a dummy arg --- --- F18/036 Array element argument for sequence association --- --- F18/037 Locality spec limitations --- --- F18/038 SIZE= with no reason --- --- F18/039 Corresponding coarrays in recursive procedures --- --- F18/040 Allocating dummy arg with a coarray ultimate component --- --- F18/041 NULL() passed to assumed-rank dummy The text of these interpretations appears below. Each interpretation starts with a row of "-"s. Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no" answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send ONLY the vote section to by 0001 Las Vegas time on May 20, 2022, in order to be counted. Thanks, Steve ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/007 TITLE: Problems with C_FUNLOC and C_F_PROCPOINTER being PURE KEYWORDS: C_FUNLOC, C_F_PROCPOINTER, ISO_C_BINDING DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: 1) Regarding C_FUNLOC (X), In 15.7 Pure procedures, constraint C1590 is: "C1590 The specification-part of a pure subprogram shall specify that all its dummy procedures are pure." In Actual arguments associated with dummy procedure entities, the first paragraph says "If the interface of a dummy procedure is explicit, its characteristics as a procedure (15.3.1) shall be the same as those of its effective argument, except that a pure effective argument may be associated with a dummy argument that is not pure and an elemental intrinsic actual procedure may be associated with a dummy procedure (which cannot be elemental)." If C_FUNLOC is PURE, then these together imply that the actual argument, X, has to be a PURE procedure. This is not stated in the specification of this function in This has the effect of limiting the uses of C_FUNLOC compared to the specification in Fortran 2008. This is not indicated in 4.3.3 Fortran 2008 compatibility. Was this an intentional change, or was making C_FUNLOC PURE a mistake? 2) Regarding C_F_PROCPOINTER (CPTR, FPTR), a similar argument to that above implies that the INTENT(OUT) procedure pointer, FPTR, is a PURE procedure. However, there is no stated requirement that the input argument CPTR be PURE, and indeed there is no specification of what that even means if CPTR is a pointer to an interoperable C function. This suggests that C_F_PROCPOINTER provides a backdoor allowing an impure procedure to appear to be pure, invalidating the assumptions that are associated with a pure procedure. Was making C_F_PROCPOINTER PURE a mistake? ANSWER: 1) It was not an error to make C_FUNLOC pure in principle. But if a reference to C_FUNLOC appears in a pure procedure, its argument should have been required to be pure. It is noted that constraint C1590 does not apply to C_FUNLOC as it is a procedure from an intrinsic module, and as such is not defined by a subprogram. The only question is whether its argument is required to be pure, and in what circumstances. 2) Making C_F_PROCPOINTER pure was a mistake. Edits are included to correct these errors. EDITS to 18-007r1: [325:8+] In 15.7 Pure Procedures, following constraint C1599, add a new constraint: "C1599a A reference to the function C_FUNLOC from the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING shall not appear in a pure subprogram if its argument is impure." [469:26-27] In 18.2.3 Procedures in the module, General, second sentence, change "C_F_POINTER subroutine is" to "C_F_POINTER and C_F_PROCPOINTER subroutines are". Making the whole sentence read "The C_F_POINTER and C_F_PROCPOINTER subroutines are impure; all other procedures in the module are pure." [472:16] In C_F_PROCPOINTER (CPTR, FPTR), Class paragraph, Change "Pure subroutine" to "Subroutine". SUBMITTED BY: Bill Long HISTORY: 19-114 m218 Submitted 19-114r1 m218 Revised draft 19-114r2 m218 Passed as amended by J3 meeting 19-228 m220 Failed J3 letter ballot #35 21-124 m223 Repair edits to satisfy objections raised in letter ballot, passed by J3 meeting 223, 11-2. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/015 TITLE: Example in C.6.8 is wrong KEYWORDS: failed images DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot The example code for failed images in C.6.8 raises several issues about its correctness. QUESTION: Q1.A: In the example in C.6.8, the assignments me[k] = failures(i) id[k] = 1 are made by image 1 and the assignments me = THIS_IMAGE () id = MERGE (1, 2, me<=images_used) are made by image k in unordered segments. Was this intended? B: In the example in C.6.8, the assignment me[k] = failures(i) is made by image 1 and me[k] is referenced on other images in the FORM TEAM statement in unordered segments. Was this intended? Q2. Suppose the program in C.6.8 is executed by 11 images, so 1 is intended to be a spare. If image 9 in the initial team fails immediately before it executes the first FORM TEAM statement, then image 10 in the initial team, which executes FORM TEAM with a team-number == 1 and NEW_INDEX == 10 (== me), will have specified a NEW_INDEX= value greater than the number of images in the new team. Should there be a test for this in the code? Q3.A: If a replacement image has failed, its image index will be the value of an element of the array failures, a replacement for it will be found, and the replacement will be placed in team 1. Was this intended? B: The value of images_used increases each time the setup loop is executed. However, the array failures will contain the image indices of all the failed images and allocate all of them fresh replacements. Was this intended? Q4. The variable images_used is incremented only on image 1 but is referenced by other images near the beginning and end of DO setup. Was this intended? Q5. The intention is that on each cycle of the DO iter loop, a calculation is performed on the worker images and if any of them fail during this, the calculation is resumed from a checkpoint with the failed images replaced by spares. On resumption, the variable read_checkpoint has the value true on all the old worker images to indicate that they should access the checkpoint data. On a replacement image, this variable will still have its initial value of false. Was this intended? Q6. The code for choosing the number of spares does not correspond to the comment for it. Was this intended? ANSWER: 1-A: No. An image control statement that provides segment ordering is needed. 1-B: No. 2: This is quite a low-probability event, so exiting with the error condition seems appropriate. 3-A: No. 3_B: No. It was intended to allocate replacements only for the newly failed images. Furthermore, the example contains more errors than in the list above. Therefore an edit is provided that replaces the entire example with a complete rewrite, involving correction of additional errors, a better choice of names, and more comments. 4: No. The problem near the end of DO setup may be avoided by replacing the statement IF (THIS_IMAGE () > images_used) done = done[1] by IF (team_number == 2) done = done[1] The problem near the beginning of DO setup may be avoided by making the variable images_used a coarray and referencing images_used[1]. This will need the addition of a SYNC ALL statement just before the statement outer : DO to ensure that the correct value is used on all images on the first iteration of the loop. 5. No. The variable read_checkpoint is not needed and should be removed. The initial entry is just the special case of the checkpoint data being null so that the calculation needs to be started. 6. No. In the line images_spare = MAX(NUM_IMAGES()/100,0,MIN(NUM_IMAGES()-10,1)) "10" should be "9". Some of the noteworthy additional changes are: - declarations separated out and many comments added or changed; - logical variable START added to distinguish the first execution of the outer do loop when READ_CHECKPOINT should be false; - rename ME to LOCAL_INDEX and ID to TEAM_NUMBER; - code added to calculate the local indices of team 2; - THEN keyword added to ELSE IF (done) statement. EDITS to 18-007r1: [543:42-545:17] C.6.8 Example involving failed images, Replace the entire example with the code below. Note that many lines and comments are broken to keep them within 70 columns, these should be joined up or reformatted in the actual standard. " PROGRAM possibly_recoverable_simulation USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY:TEAM_TYPE, STAT_FAILED_IMAGE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: failures (:) ! Indices of the failed images. INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: old_failures(:) ! Previous failures. INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: map(:) ! For each spare image k in use, ! map(k) holds the index of the failed image it replaces. INTEGER :: images_spare ! No. spare images. ! Not altered in main loop. INTEGER :: images_used [*] ! On image 1, max index of image in use. INTEGER :: failed ! Index of a failed image. INTEGER :: i, j, k ! Temporaries INTEGER :: status ! stat= value INTEGER :: team_number [*] ! 1 if in working team; 2 otherwise. INTEGER :: local_index [*] ! Index of the image in the team. TYPE (TEAM_TYPE) :: simulation_team LOGICAL :: done [*] ! True if computation finished on the image. ! Keep 1% spare images if we have a lot, just 1 if 10-199 images, ! 0 if <10. images_spare = MAX(NUM_IMAGES()/100,0,MIN(NUM_IMAGES()-9,1)) images_used = NUM_IMAGES () - images_spare ALLOCATE ( old_failures(0), map(images_used+1:NUM_IMAGES()) ) SYNC ALL (STAT=status) outer : DO local_index = THIS_IMAGE () team_number = MERGE (1, 2, local_index<=images_used[1]) SYNC ALL (STAT = status) IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT outer IF (IMAGE_STATUS (1) == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) & ERROR STOP "cannot recover" IF (THIS_IMAGE () == 1) THEN ! For each newly failed image in team 1, move into team 1 a ! non-failed image of team 2. failures = FAILED_IMAGES () ! Note that the values ! returned by FAILED_IMAGES increase monotonically. k = images_used j = 1 DO i = 1, SIZE (failures) IF (failures(i) > images_used) EXIT ! This failed image and ! all further failed images are in team 2 and do not matter. failed = failures(i) ! Check whether this is an old failed image. IF (j <= SIZE (old_failures)) THEN IF (failed == old_failures(j)) THEN j = j+1 CYCLE ! No action needed for old failed image. END IF END IF ! Allow for the failed image being a replacement image. IF (failed > NUM_IMAGES()-images_spare) failed = map(failed) ! Seek a non-failed image DO k = k+1, NUM_IMAGES () IF (IMAGE_STATUS (k) == 0) EXIT END DO IF (k > NUM_IMAGES ()) ERROR STOP "cannot recover" local_index [k] = failed team_number [k] = 1 map(k) = failed END DO old_failures = failures images_used = k ! Find the local indices of team 2 j = 0 DO k = k+1, NUM_IMAGES () IF (IMAGE_STATUS (k) == 0) THEN j = j+1 local_index[k] = j END IF END DO END IF SYNC ALL (STAT = status) IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT outer ! ! Set up a simulation team of constant size. ! Team 2 is the set of spares, so does not participate. FORM TEAM (team_number, simulation_team, NEW_INDEX=local_index, & STAT=status) IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT outer simulation : CHANGE TEAM (simulation_team, STAT=status) IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT simulation IF (team_number == 1) THEN iter : DO CALL simulation_procedure (status, done) ! The simulation_procedure: ! - sets up and performs some part of the simulation; ! - starts from checkpoint data if these are available; ! - stores checkpoint data for all images from time to ! - time and always before return; ! - sets status from its internal synchronizations; ! - sets done to .TRUE. when the simulation has completed. IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) THEN EXIT simulation ELSE IF (done) THEN EXIT iter END IF END DO iter END IF END TEAM (STAT=status) simulation SYNC ALL (STAT=status) IF (team_number == 2) done = done[1] IF (done) EXIT outer END DO outer IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) & PRINT *,'Unexpected failure',status END PROGRAM possibly_recoverable_simulation " SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 19-182 m219 Submitted 19-182r3 m219 Revised draft - Passed by J3 meeting 19-228 m220 Failed J3 letter ballot #35 20-105 m221 Revised answer - Passed by J3 meeting 20-132 m222 Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #36 N2178 n/a Failed WG5 letter ballot N2176. 21-105 m223 Revised answer 21-105r1 m223 Further revised, Passed by J3 meeting 223. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/019 TITLE: PURE and default initialization DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: An essential property of pure procedures is that they do not modify the values of nonlocal variables except through dummy arguments. The addition of default initialization of pointer components makes it possible to violate this property. Because default initialization does not imply the SAVE attribute, a local variable of derived type in a pure procedure can include a pointer component whose target is a nonlocal variable. The definition of pure procedures in subclause 15.7 allows a program to modify the value of a nonlocal variable through such a component. For example, PROGRAM EXAMPLE1 REAL, TARGET :: X = 1.0 TYPE T REAL, POINTER :: P => X END TYPE T CALL SUBR PRINT *, X ! X has been changed to 2.0 CONTAINS PURE SUBROUTINE SUBR TYPE(T) Y Y%P = 2.0 END SUBROUTINE SUBR END A local variable is not needed, for example, PROGRAM example2 REAL,TARGET :: x = 123 TYPE t REAL,POINTER :: p => x END TYPE CALL sub PRINT *,x ! No longer == 123? CONTAINS PURE SUBROUTINE sub() ASSOCIATE(y=>t()) y%p = -999 ! Affects x. END ASSOCIATE END SUBROUTINE END PROGRAM A polymorphic variable can be used, for example, PROGRAM example2 REAL,TARGET :: x = 123 TYPE t END TYPE TYPE,EXTENDS(t0) :: t REAL,POINTER :: p => x END TYPE CALL sub PRINT *,x ! No longer == 123? CONTAINS PURE SUBROUTINE sub() CLASS(t0) y ! Declared type has no initialized ptr comp. ALLOCATE(t::y) ! Without SOURCE=, gets a pointer to x. SELECT TYPE(y) TYPE IS (t) y%p = -999 ! Affects x. END SELECT END SUBROUTINE END PROGRAM ALLOCATE with MOLD= instead of a type-spec can do the same. If component initialization is not an attribute of the component, more convoluted examples are possible using SEQUENCE types so that the local variable does not have default initialization but can be initialized using a compatible type that does. Q. Was it intended to allow nonlocal variables to be modified by a pure procedure in this way? ANSWER: A: No. An edit is supplied to correct the standard. Note: The question of whether component initialization is an attribute should be addressed by a separate interpretation request. EDIT to 18-007r1: [324:20-] 15.7 Pure procedures, between NOTE 1 and C1590, insert new constraint "C1589a A named local entity or construct entity of a pure subprogram shall not be of a type that has default initialization of a data pointer component to a target at any level of component selection." {With no local or construct entity designator of a "bad" type being allowed, one cannot write a pointer component reference to it. This is stricter than strictly necessary, as it effectively forbids such types from any usage within pure, even unproblematic usage.} SUBMITTED BY: Robert Corbett HISTORY: 20-151 m222 Submitted 21-123 m223 Revised with answer 21-123r1 m223 Passed by J3 meeting 223. 21-184 m225 Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/023 TITLE: CLASS(*) ambiguous operator overloading KEYWORDS: CLASS(*) generic OPERATOR DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the program Module m Interface Operator(==) Module Procedure mp End Interface Contains Logical Function mp(a,b) Class(*),Intent(In) :: a,b mp = .False. Select Type(a) Type Is (Integer) Select Type(b) Type Is (Integer) mp = .True. End Select End Select End Function End Module Program ambiguous Use m If (13==999) Then Print *,'Invoked the user function' Else Print *,'Did not invoke the user function' End If End Program Is this program valid? If so, does it invoke the user function or the intrinsic operation? It is clear from the standard that the user is not supposed to be able to override intrinsic operators, merely extend them. The last sentence of "Defined operations" says: "If the operator is an intrinsic-operator (R608), the number of dummy arguments shall be consistent with the intrinsic uses of that operator, and the types, kind type parameters, or ranks of the dummy arguments shall differ from those required for the intrinsic operation (10.1.5)." However, CLASS(*) encompasses these while "differing". ANSWER: The program is not conforming because it is ambiguous. However, the interface was intended to be forbidden; as noted, the standard clearly intended to prohibit overriding intrinsic operations. An edit is provided to correct this oversight. EDITS to 18-007r1: [295:11] Defined operations, p1, last sentence, After "(10.1.5)" insert ", treating a CLASS(*) dummy argument as not differing in type or kind". {A bit ugly, but we can't use "distinguishable" because operations have operands not arguments." SUBMITTED BY: Paul Richard Thomas HISTORY: 21-113 m223 Submitted, passed by J3 meeting 223. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/024 TITLE: CFI_setpointer with result a deferred length character KEYWORDS: C interoperability DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Is the requirement in CFI_setpointer that the elem_lem member have the same value in the source and result arguments intended to apply if the result is of type CHARACTER with the length parameter deferred? ANSWER: No. It is an oversight in the standard that this rule apply to the case of result being of type CHARACTER and having the length parameter deferred. Currently in section "The CFI_setpointer function" states in para 2 that "If source is not a null pointer, the corresponding values of the elem_len, rank, and type members shall be the same in the C descriptors with the addresses source and result." The function can therefore not work correctly if the "result" parameter is a descriptor address for a deferred-length character entity coming in from Fortran, because the elem_len value is not available. Manual updates to result->elem_len are prohibited by 18.6 para 1. The CFI_setpointer function in the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING is intended to provide a means for C programmers to replicate the pointer association capability in Fortran, for dummy arguments in interfaces with with interoperable interfaces. Thus, for the case of a character result having deferred length, which is allowed at [478:21], the correct action should be for the elem_len value from the source to be copied to the same member of result as part of execution of the function. Edits are supplied to correct this defect. EDITS to 18-007r1: In The CFI_setpointer function - [491:27] In the description of the source formal parameter, second sentence, delete "elem_len, ". - [491:28+] In the description of the source formal parameter, after the second sentence add new sentence: "If source is not a null pointer and the C descriptor with the address result does not describe a deferred length character pointer, the corresponding values of the elem_len member shall be the same in the C descriptors with the addresses source and result." - [491:31] In the first sentence of paragraph 3, "Description" replace "base_addr and dim" by "base_addr, dim and possibly elem_len". - [491:38] At the end of the second bullet point of paragraph 3, "Description", add new sentence; "If the C descriptor with the address result describes a character pointer of deferred length, the value of its elem_len member is set to source->elem_len". SUBMITTED BY: Reinhold Bader HISTORY: 21-102r1 m223 Submitted 21-102r3 m223 Passed by J3 meeting 223. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/026 TITLE: C_SIZEOF argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the example SUBROUTINE test(b) USE iso_c_binding REAL(c_double) b(:),a(SIZE(b)) PRINT *,c_sizeof(a) ! A PRINT *,c_sizeof(b) ! B PRINT *,c_sizeof(a(::2)) ! C PRINT *,c_sizeof(a+1) ! D PRINT *,c_sizeof(1.0_c_double) ! E END SUBROUTINE C_SIZEOF (X) states "X shall be an interoperable data entity..." According to that, the reference to C_SIZEOF marked A is valid, as A is interoperable (an explicit-shape array of interoperable type and type parameters). And the reference marked B is invalid, as only explicit-shape arrays and assumed-size arrays are interoperable, thus assumed-shape arrays are definitely not. For the references at C and D, the standard seems to be silent on the matter of whether they are interoperable. It is clear for named variables, but although subobject designators can denote variables, they are not names, and expressions are not variables at all. Being silent implies non-conformance as no interpretation is established. The reference at E also appears to be non-conforming, as the standard specifies no criteria for interoperability of expressions. However, the description of the result of C_SIZEOF only makes use of the interoperability of the type and type parameters. Are these references intended to be conforming? If not, should the standard be clarified to say that X shall be an interoperable named variable? ANSWER: Yes, these references were all intended to be conforming. An edit is supplied to correct this mistake, with an addition to require that any pointer or allocatable argument be associated or allocated. EDIT to 18-007r1: [473:27] C_SIZEOF (X), p3 Argument, Replace the paragraph with: "Argument. X shall be of interoperable type and type parameters, and shall not be an assumed-size array, an assumed-rank array that is associated with an assumed-size array, an unallocated allocatable variable, or a pointer that is not associated." {Loosen the requirements.} SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 21-134 m224 Submitted 21-134r1 m224 Revised 21-134r2 m224 Revised again 22-101r1 m226 Disallow unassociated/unallocated argument. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/027 TITLE: CO_BROADCAST with allocatable component KEYWORDS: CO_BROADCAST allocatable component DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the program program example type :: my_string_t character(len=:), allocatable :: contents end type type(my_string_t) :: string if (this_image() == 1) string%contents = "Hello, World!" call co_broadcast(string, source_image=1) print *, string%contents end program Is this program valid? If so, what is the status of string%contents on images other than 1? The description for argument A in the standard (Section 16.9.46) states that A: "shall have the same shape, dynamic type, and type parameter value, in corresponding references." and given the example that follows, would indicate that allocatable array arguments must be allocated to the same shape on all images prior to the call to CO_BROADCAST. However, it also states that A: "becomes defined, as if by intrinsic assignment, on all images" which would indicate that objects with allocatable components would have those components (re)allocated. Is it intended for CO_BROADCAST to be usable by objects with allocatable components, and have those components be (re)allocated on the receiving images? Furthermore, can those components be polymorphic, (i.e. be declared with CLASS instead of TYPE)? ANSWER: The program is conforming because argument A satisfies the requirements: "shall have the same shape, dynamic type, and type parameter value, in corresponding references." and string%contents should be allocated with value "Hello, World!" because string shall: "becomes defined, as if by intrinsic assignment, on all images" EDIT to 18-007r1: [355:22] 16.9.46 CO_BROADCAST, p3 Arguments, argument A, last sentence At the end of the last sentence add ", including (re)allocation of any allocatable ultimate component, and setting the dynamic type of any polymorphic allocatable ultimate component". Somewhat redundant because "as if by intrinsic assignment" should already indicate it, but clearly the clarification is needed, as some compilers have not interpreted it as such. SUBMITTED BY: Brad Richardson HISTORY: 21-139 m224 Submitted 21-139r1 m224 Removed alternate answer, repaired edit, passed by J3 meeting 224, 8-5. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/028 TITLE: Specification inquiry DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the following program: implicit type (t) (a-z) integer,parameter :: n = storage_size(x) type t character(len=n) :: s end type t print *, n end Two compilers tested issue a compile time error message while a third compiler compiled the program and printed "0" when executed. Is the use of storage_size(x) a valid specification expression in this program? DISCUSSION: In the above program, x is implicitly typed to be type(t). It is used in a specification expression requiring knowledge of type(t), prior to the specification of type(t). There is no text in the standard to prohibit this usage. The rules for specification expressions require the type, type parameters, array bounds, and cobounds of a variable to be known via prior specification, or use or host association when the variable is used in a specification expression. If an element of an array whose value is used in a specification expression, the array must be fully specified in prior declarations. The intent is that specification expressions which are constant ex- pressions can be evaluated when seen. ANSWER: No, the program is not conforming. The use of an implicitly typed var- iable of derived type in a specification inquiry prior to the spec- ification of the derived type was overlooked. An edit is provided to correct this oversight. EDIT to 18-007r1: [158:4] 10.1.11 Specification expression p6 Insert at the end of the paragraph: "If a specification inquiry depends on the type of an object of derived type, that type shall be previously defined." {It is only possible for the type of a variable not to be previously defined if it is typed by the implicit typing rules, but a pointer component can refer a type before its definition.} SUBMITTED BY: Jon Steidel HISTORY: 21-146 m224 Submitted 21-146r1 m224 Revised edit, passed by J3 meeting 224. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/029 TITLE: Type of main argument of CO_REDUCE KEYWORDS: CO_REDUCE DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: The arguments of OPERATION are required to be scalar data objects that are nonallocatable, nonpointer, and nonpolymorphic. Was it intended to allow the type to have components that are allocatable, pointer, or polymorphic? ANSWER: No. The restrictions were imposed to allow an implementation to involve an image copying a scalar value to another image as for intrinsic assignment to a scalar coarray. This would not be possible if the type were to have an ultimate component that is allocatable, a pointer, or polymorphic. It was intended for this to be forbidden. An edit is provided to correct this oversight. Forbidding allocatable and pointer ultimate components is sufficient to forbid polymorphic ultimate components too. EDIT to 18-007r1: [356:42] In 16.9.49 CO_REDUCE, para 3, after first sentence, add "It shall not be of a type with an ultimate component that is allocatable or a pointer". SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 21-137 m224 Submitted 21-137 m224 Passed by J3 meeting 224, 8-6. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/030 TITLE: CO_REDUCE/REDUCE OPERATION with coarray argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the function Pure Real Function f(a,b) Result(r) Real,Intent(In) :: a[*],b[*] r = a[1]*b[1] End Function This function appears to satisfy all the requirements on the OPERATION argument to CO_REDUCE. Q1. Was this intended to be a valid operation for CO_REDUCE? Q2. Was this intended to be a valid operation for REDUCE? ANSWER: A1. No, this was not intended to be valid; the arguments of OPERATION should not have been permitted to be coarrays. A2. Likewise, this was not intended to be valid. Edits are supplied to correct this oversight. EDIT to 18-007r1: [357:9] 16.9.49 CO_REDUCE, p3 Arguments, OPERATION argument, After "nonallocatable," insert "noncoarray,". That makes the first sentence of the argument read: "OPERATION shall be a pure function with exactly two arguments; the result and each argument shall be a scalar, nonallocatable, noncoarray, nonpointer, nonpolymorphic data object with the same type and type parameters as A." {The "noncoarray" requirement is superfluous for the result, but that is not harmful.} [408:36] 16.9.161 REDUCE, p3 Arguments, OPERATION argument, Before "nonpointer," insert "noncoarray,". That makes the first sentence of the argument read: "OPERATION shall be a pure function with exactly two arguments; each argument shall be a scalar, nonallocatable, noncoarray, nonpointer, nonpolymorphic, nonoptional dummy data object with the same type and type parameters as ARRAY." {It is "interesting" that these two very similar requirements are being expressed differently. Perhaps there is a good reason.} SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 21-150 m224 Submitted, passed by J3 meeting 224. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/031 TITLE: CO_BROADCAST with polymorphic argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the code fragment Subroutine asgn_for_image(a,b,srcimg) Class(*) a,b Integer,Intent(In) :: srcimg ! The assignment A = B is not allowed, so... If (This_Image()==srcimg) Then Call asgn(b) Else Call asgn(a) End If Contains Subroutine asgn(x) Class(*) x Call co_broadcast(x,Source_Image=srcimg) End Subroutine End Subroutine There is no requirement forbidding the A argument of CO_BROADCAST from being polymorphic, so on the face of it, this appears to get around the prohibition against nonallocatable polymorphic assignment. However, CO_BROADCAST states "A becomes defined, as if by intrinsic assignment" but intrinsic assignment is not defined when the variable is a nonallocatable polymorphic. It can be convincingly argued that the standard therefore does not establish an interpretation, and thus the call to CO_BROADCAST is not valid. Philosophically, it would seem to be strange to allow polymorphic broadcast across images, but not to allow polymorphic assignment of a single variable within an image let alone across images. Is the call to CO_BROADCAST in the example standard-conforming? (And if so, what are the actual semantics?) ANSWER: No, this was not intended to be conforming. Edits are supplied to correct this. EDITS to 18-007r1: [355:19] 16.9.46 CO_BROADCAST, p3 Arguments, argument A, sentence 1, delete "dynamic" to make the sentence read "A shall have the same shape, type, and type parameter values, in corresponding references." {The word "dynamic" would be confusing here.} [355:20] 16.9.46 CO_BROADCAST, p3 Arguments, argument A, sentence 2, after "It shall not be" insert "polymorphic or" making the sentence read "It shall not be polymorphic or a coindexed object." SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 21-151 m224 Submitted 21-151r1 m224 Eliminated alternative answer, passed by J3 meeting 224. 21-184r1 m225 Failed J3 letter ballot. 22-100 m226 Revised 22-100r1 m226 Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/032 TITLE: CO_BROADCAST and pointer components DEFECT TYPE: Clarification STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the following program fragment: TYPE t CHARACTER(100) name REAL location(3) TYPE(t),POINTER :: antecedent END TYPE TYPE(t) x INTEGER src_image ... CALL co_broadcast(x,src_image) On every image other than src_image itself, this will leave x with its antecedent component having an undefined pointer association status (except when it is disassociated on src_image). This would seem to be not useful and likely to lead to further errors. Was it intended to permit the A argument of CO_BROADCAST to have an ultimate pointer component? ANSWER: Yes, this was intended. Otherwise, individual CO_BROADCAST executions would be required for every other component; this would be very inconvenient. EDIT to 18-007r1: None. SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 21-167 m224 Submitted 21-167r1 m224 Selected alternative answer, passed by J3 meeting 224. 21-184 m225 Passed by J3 letter ballot #37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/033 TITLE: E/EN/ES/D output exponent when w=0 KEYWORDS: I/O, E_format DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the following program: integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind (10,300) integer, parameter :: QP = selected_real_kind (10,3000) real(DP) :: A real(QP) :: B A = 0.12345E123_DP write (*,'(E0.7)') A ! (1) B = 0.12345E1234_QP write (*,'(E0.7)') B ! (2) end p1(6) says: "On output, with I, B, O, Z, D, E, EN, ES, EX, F, and G editing, the specified value of the field width w may be zero. In such cases, the processor selects the smallest positive actual field width that does not result in a field filled with asterisks." and (5) above it says: "On output, if an exponent exceeds its specified or implied width using the E, EN, ES, EX, D, or G edit descriptor, or the number of characters produced exceeds the field width, the processor shall fill the entire field of width w with asterisks. However, the processor shall not produce asterisks if the field width is not exceeded when optional characters are omitted." If we then look at (E and D editing), table 13.1 (Exponent forms) says that for the Ew.d form and where the absolute value of the exponent is greater than 99 but less than or equal to 999, the form of the exponent omits the exponent letter. Q1: According to the text of the standard, the exponent form for the output at (1) must be "+123", omitting the exponent letter. Was this intended? Isn't the whole point of w=0 to produce minimal width but complete values? Note that the exponent letter is not an "optional character". Q2: What should the output at (2) be? It would seem that the standard does not provide an interpretation that results in anything but the whole field being filled with asterisks, since the exponent overflows three digits, yet w=0 disallows that. ANSWER: A1: No, this was not intended. E0.d should behave as if it were E0.dE0 (similarly for EN and ES), where the exponent letter is present and there are the minimum number of digits needed to represent the exponent. There is no D0.dE0 form, however, so it needs to be a special case in the standard. A2: The current text provides no interpretation. The proposed change to behave as E0.dE0 provides a reasonable interpretation. Note that G0.d does not have this problem, as the exponent form is specified as a "reasonable processor-dependent value ... of e". The EX descriptor also does not have this problem. EDITS to 18-007r1: (E and D editing) 264:Table 13.1 (E and D Exponent forms) Row 1: Add after "Ew.d": " with w > 0" Row 3: Add after "Ew.dE0": " or E0.d" Row 4: Add after "Dw.d": " with w > 0" Add new Row 5: Column 1: "D0.d" Column 2: "any" Column 3: "D\pmz1z2 . . . zs or E\pmz1z2 . . . zs" (EN editing) 265:Table 13.2 (EN Exponent forms) Row 1: Add after "ENw.d": " with w > 0" Row 3: Add after "ENw.dE0": " or EN0.d" (ES editing) 266:Table 13.3 (ES Exponent forms) Row 1: Add after "ESw.d": " with w > 0" Row 3: Add after "ESw.dE0": " or ES0.d" SUBMITTED BY: Steve Lionel HISTORY: 21-172 m225 Submitted 21-172r1 m225 Revised, passed by J3 meeting 225. 21-130 m226 Passed by J3 letter ballot #38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/034 TITLE: Purity of IEEE_GET_FLAG and IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE KEYWORDS: IEEE_GET_FLAG, IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE, PURE DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: 17.11.1 General (in 17.11 Specifications of the procedures) states "all the subroutines are impure unless otherwise stated". Table 17.3 in 17.10 Summary of the procedures classes these as "ES", where "ES indicates that the procedure is an elemental subroutine". Since Fortran 2008, being elemental has no bearing on whether a procedure is pure or impure. If it is declared with the ELEMENTAL keyword it is pure by default, that is, if the IMPURE keyword does not appear; this however only applies to elemental procedures defined by subprograms, not ones defined by standard intrinsic modules. Looking at 17.11.5 and 17.11.6, the standard merely has "Class: Elemental subroutine" which again, does not indicate purity or impurity. The lack of a statement to the contrary means that the specification in 17.11.1 is operative, and therefore IEEE_GET_FLAG and IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE must be impure. However, these were considered to be pure in Fortran 2003, as Fortran 2003 had no concept of an impure elemental procedure - it only had pure elemental procedures. Further evidence that the current situation might be a mistake is that the non-elemental subroutines IEEE_SET_FLAG and IEEE_SET_HALTING_MODE are explicitly specified to be pure. Are IEEE_GET_FLAG and IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE intended to be pure? ANSWER: Yes, these subroutines were intended to be pure. Edits are provided to correct this mistake. EDITS to 18-007r1: [440:8] 17.10 Summary of the procedures, p3, line "ES indicates...", "an elemental subroutine" -> "a pure elemental subroutine". [443:23] 17.11.5 IEEE_GET_FLAG (FLAG, FLAG_VALUE), para 2 Class, "Elemental" -> "Pure elemental". [443:34] 17.11.6 IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE (FLAG, HALTING), para 2 Class, "Elemental" -> "Pure elemental". SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 21-202 m225 Submitted, passed by J3 meeting 225. 21-130 m226 Passed by J3 letter ballot #38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/035 TITLE: Defining or referencing a coarray component of a dummy argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION 1: On page 311 of 18-007r1, in, we have "While an entity is associated with a dummy argument, the following restrictions hold. ... (3) Action that affects the value of the entity or any subobject of it shall be taken only through the dummy argument unless ... (d) the dummy argument is a coarray and the action is a coindexed definition of the corresponding ultimate argument coarray by a different image." Should there be a similar exception for a coarray that is an ultimate component of a dummy argument? QUESTION 2: On page 312 of 18-007r1, in, we have "While an entity is associated with a dummy argument, the following restrictions hold. ... (4) If the value of the entity or any subobject of it is affected through the dummy argument, then at any time during the invocation and execution of the procedure, either before or after the definition, it shall be referenced only through that dummy argument unless ... (d) the dummy argument is a coarray and the reference is a coindexed reference of its corresponding ultimate argument coarray by a different image. Should there be a similar exception for a coarray that is an ultimate component of a dummy argument? ANSWERS: For both questions, the answer is "yes". It was intended that a subobject of a coarray that is an ultimate component of a dummy argument may be referenced or defined on another image by coindexing the corresponding coarray subobject of the actual argument. Edits are provided. EDITS to 18-007r1: [xiv] Introduction, Program units and procedures, last sentence, Insert ", or a coarray ultimate component of a dummy argument," After "argument", making that sentence read "A coarray dummy argument, or a coarray ultimate component of a dummy argument, can be referenced or defined by another image." {Add to new feature list since Fortran 2008.} [311:44-46] In Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, para 1, at the end of (3)(c) delete "or", and at the end of (3)(d) replace "image." by "image, or (e) the dummy argument has a coarray ultimate component and the action is a coindexed definition of the corresponding coarray by a different image." [312:9-11] In Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, para 1, at the end of (4)(c) delete "or", and at the end of (4)(d) replace "image." by "image, or (e) the dummy argument has a coarray ultimate component and the reference is a coindexed reference of the corresponding coarray by a different image." [314:1-]. At the end of Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, NOTE 5, sentence 1, replace "exception" by "exceptions" and "coarrays enables" by "arguments that are coarrays or have coarray ultimate components enable" so that the sentence reads "The exceptions to the aliasing restrictions for dummy arguments that are coarrays or have coarray ultimate components enable cross-image access while the procedure is executing." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 22-107 m226 Submitted 22-107r1 m226 Revised. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/036 TITLE: Array element argument for sequence association DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Paragraph 14 of Ordinary dummy variables states If the actual argument is a noncoindexed scalar, the corresponding dummy argument shall be scalar unless - the actual argument is default character, of type character with the C character kind (18.2.2), or is an element or substring of an element of an array that is not an assumed-shape, pointer, or polymorphic array, - the dummy argument has assumed-rank, or - the dummy argument is an assumed-type assumed-size array. Sequence association, paragraphs 2 and 3, say "An actual argument represents an element sequence if it is ... an array element designator... If the dummy argument is not of type character with default or C character kind, and the actual argument is an array element designator, the element sequence consists of that array element and each element that follows it in array element order. If the dummy argument is of type character with default or C character kind, and has nonzero character length, the storage unit sequence is as follows: ... - if the actual argument is an array element or array element substring designator, the storage units starting from the first storage unit of the designator and continuing to the end of the array;" Consider SUBROUTINE sub2 CHARACTER(10),TARGET :: a2(20,30) CHARACTER(:),POINTER :: p2(:,:) p2 => a2(::2,::3)(3:4) CALL bad2(p2(1,1)) END SUBROUTINE ! There is no explicit interface here. SUBROUTINE bad2(b2) CHARACTER b2(*) ... END SUBROUTINE says that the storage units of b2 are the storage units of p2 starting from the array element - in this case p2(1,1) - going on to the end of the array (p2); these are a2(1,1)(3:3), a2(1,1)(4:4), a2(3,1)(3:3), a2(3,1)(4:4), ... which are discontiguous in storage. But as an assumed-size array, b2 is supposed to have contiguous storage units. If there were an explicit interface, the compiler could gather all the elements of p2 into a temporary, and pass that, similarly to how it handles passing p2 itself as an actual argument to an "old style" dummy array. But there is not, and it would be completely unreasonable to copy the whole of the rest of p2 starting from some arbitrary array element into a temporary, when the dummy argument might be scalar. Q1. Was sequence association for default/C character to the storage units of the whole of the rest of the array intended to apply to non-contiguous arrays, or was the sequence association intended to apply only to the storage units of the array element itself? Further consider SUBROUTINE sub1 REAL,TARGET :: a(10,20,30) REAL,POINTER :: p(:,:,:) p => a(::2,::4,::3) CALL bad1(p(1,1,1)) END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE bad1(b) TYPE(*) b(*) ... END SUBROUTINE says that the element sequence of the actual argument is the element sequence of the whole array p, starting from the specified array element - in this case p(1,1,1), i.e. p(1,1,1), p(2,1,1),... But these correspond to the discontiguous array elements A(1,1,1), A(3,1,1),... One cannot do anything much with an assumed-type variable other than pass it to C, but a C routine is allowed to access all the elements of an array so passed. That would be difficult in this case unless the Fortran processor makes a copy of the entire rest of P and pass that as an argument instead (and copy-back on return if not INTENT(IN)). Q2. Was sequence association for assumed type to the element sequence of the whole of the rest of the array intended to apply to non-contiguous arrays, or was the sequence association intended to apply only to the array element itself? ANSWER: A1. When the array element or array element substring designator is of a potentially discontiguous array is passed, only the storage units of that array element or substring are intended to be passed. An edit is provided to correct this error. A2. When an array element of a potentially discontiguous array is passed to an assumed-type assumed-size dummy argument, only that element is intended to be passed. An edit is provided to correct this error. EDITS to 18-007r1: [310:14] Sequence association, p2, After the first sentence, ending "C character kind (18.2.2).", insert a paragraph break. After that (in was-end-of-p2 now-new-p3), factor out "If the dummy argument is not of type character with default or C character kind," changing the comma to a colon, and turn those two sentences into a bullet list with semicolons. After "and the actual argument is an array element designator" insert "of a simply contiguous array", {Avoid the hostages to fortune of listing the allowed ones or the disallowed ones, in favour of what property we want the array to have.} At the end of (was-p2 now-new-p3) append bullet "otherwise, if the actual argument is scalar, the element sequence consists of that scalar". This makes the new p3 read "If the dummy argument is not of type character with default or C character kind: - if the actual argument is an array expression, the element sequence consists of the elements in array element order; - if the actual argument is an array element designator of a simply contiguous array, the element sequence consists of that array element and each element that follows it in array element order; - otherwise, if the actual argument is scalar, the element sequence consists of that scalar." [310:19-21] Same subclause, next paragraph (was p3), After "substring designator" insert "of a simply contiguous array". Change the last "if the actual" to "otherwise, if the actual", and delete "and not an array ... designator". This makes the old p3 read "If the dummy argument is of type character with default or C character kind, and has nonzero character length, the storage unit sequence is as follows: - if the actual argument is an array expression, the storage units of the array; - if the actual argument is an array element or array element substring designator of a simply contiguous array, the storage units starting from the first storage unit of the designator and continuing to the end of the array; - otherwise, if the actual argument is scalar, the storage units of the scalar object." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 22-105 m226 Submitted 22-136 m226 Revised. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/037 TITLE: Locality spec limitations DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot BACKGROUND In Form of the DO construct, C1128 states "A that appears in a LOCAL or LOCAL_INIT shall not have the ALLOCATABLE, INTENT (IN), or OPTIONAL attribute, shall not be of finalizable type, shall not be a nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument, and shall not be a coarray or an assumed-size array." QUESTION: Q1. Was it intended to allow a variable with an ultimate component of finalizable type here? Q2. Was it intended to allow a variable with a coarray ultimate component here? Q3. Was it intended to allow a variable with an allocatable ultimate component here? ANSWER: A variable with an ultimate allocatable component was not intended to be allowed here. All the questions above involve such a component. An edit is provided to correct this oversight. EDIT to 18-007r1: [181:22-24] Form of the DO construct, C1128, first sentence, After "of finalizable type," insert "shall not have an ultimate allocatable component," making the whole constraint read "C1128 A variable-name that appears in a LOCAL or LOCAL_INIT locality-spec shall not have the ALLOCATABLE, INTENT (IN), or OPTIONAL attribute, shall not be of finalizable type, shall not have an allocatable ultimate component, shall not be a nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument, and shall not be a coarray or an assumed-size array. A variable-name that is not permitted to appear in a variable definition context shall not appear in a LOCAL or LOCAL_INIT locality-spec." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 22-109 m226 Submitted 22-109r1 m226 Revised 22-109r2 m226 Further revised. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/038 TITLE: SIZE= with no reason DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Fortran 2018 permits SIZE= in an input statement without ADVANCE=. SIZE= assigns to its variable the number of character transferred by edit descriptors. This means that SIZE= is also allowed for list-directed and namelist input/output, but no edit descriptor is involved, so this will always assign the value zero to the variable. For example, READ(*,*,SIZE=N) X PRINT *,N ! Always prints zero. Was this superfluous additional way of assigning zero to an integer variable deliberately added? ANSWER: No, this was not a deliberate addition. An edit is provided to remove this inadvertent feature. EDIT to 18-007r1: [225:29+] Syntax, in 12.6.2 Control information list, After constraint C1213 that begins "(R1213) A BLANK=, PAD=, END=, EOR=, or SIZE= specifier..." insert new constraint "C1213a A SIZE= specifier shall not appear in a list-directed or namelist input statement." SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 22-137 m226 Submitted 22-137r1 m226 Passed by J3 meeting 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/039 TITLE: Corresponding coarrays in recursive procedures KEYWORDS: coarray, recursive, allocatable DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider the following program: program recu_caf_1 call csub( 1 ) contains recursive subroutine csub ( depth ) integer :: depth real, allocatable :: x[:] integer :: k if (this_image() == depth) then allocate(x[*], source=real(depth)) else if (depth < num_images()) then call csub ( depth + 1 ) end if if (allocated(x)) then write(*, *) "image: ", this_image(), "depth: ", depth, & "x: ", (x[k],k = 1, num_images()) else write(*, *) "image: ", this_image(), "depth: ", depth, & "x not allocated" end if end subroutine end program Q1: Is program recu_caf_1 standard-conforming? It establishes a single coarray on each image, but at different recursion depths on each image, so the question is really whether these correspond (each recursion level has its own set of unsaved local variables). Q2: If the SAVE attribute is added to the declaration of coarray "x" in the example, does that make the program standard-conforming? (There is only one saved variable, shared with each recursion level.) ANSWER: A1: No, unsaved local variables are different at each level, and it was intended that coarrays at the same level correspond. An edit is provided to clarify this. A2: Yes, the modified program is standard-conforming. EDITS to 18-007r1: [41:25] 5.4.7 Coarray, paragraph 2, append new sentence "If a coarray is an unsaved local variable of a recursive procedure, its corresponding coarrays are the ones at the same depth of recursion on each image." [134:17] Execution of an ALLOCATE statement, paragraph 3, append new sentence "If the coarray is an unsaved local variable of a recursive procedure, the execution of the ALLOCATE statement shall be at the same depth of recursion on every active image in the current team." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid and Reinhold Bader HISTORY: 22-113 m226 Submitted 22-113r1 m226 Revised. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/040 TITLE: Allocating a dummy argument with a coarray ultimate component DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: On page 134 of 18-007r1,, para 3, we have "If an allocation specifies a coarray, its dynamic type and the values of corresponding type parameters shall be the same on every active image in the current team. The values of corresponding bounds and corresponding cobounds shall be the same on those images. If the coarray is a dummy argument, its ultimate argument ( shall be the same coarray on those images." Should there be a similar restriction for a coarray that is an ultimate component of a dummy argument? For example, does the following program conform to the standard? program test type new real, allocatable :: a[:] end type integer :: i type(new) x,y if(this_image()<=2) then call work(x) else call work(y) end if sync all if (this_image()==2)then do i = 1, num_images() x%a[i] = i end do end if sync all if (this_image()==4)then do i = 1, num_images() write(*,*) i, y%a[i] end do end if contains subroutine work(z) type(new) :: z allocate (z%a[*]) end subroutine end program Here, the calls of subroutine work create a coarray that is accessible on images 1 and 2 as x%a[i] and on other images as y%a[i]. Was this intended? ANSWER: A similar restriction was intended. It was not intended to allow the creation of a coarray that is accessible in a scope as an ultimate component of one object on some images and as an ultimate component of another object on other images. An edit is provided. We have taken the opportunity to change "same" in the quoted text to "corresponding". Coarrays on different images cannot be the same, but they can correspond, see 5.4.7. We need the concept of "same" for objects of a type with coarray ultimate components. It seems appropriate to require that they be declared with the same name in the same set of statements. EDIT to 18-007r1: [134:16-17] In Execution of an ALLOCATE statement, para 3, replace the final sentence by the two sentences "If the coarray is a dummy argument, the ultimate arguments ( on those images shall be corresponding coarrays. If the coarray is an ultimate component of a dummy argument, the ultimate arguments on those images shall be declared with the same name in the same scoping unit and if in a recursive procedure at the same depth of recursion." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 22-110 m226 Submitted. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/041 TITLE: NULL() passed to assumed-rank dummy KEYWORDS: NULL, assumed-rank DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 letter ballot QUESTION: Consider: call foo(null()) contains subroutine foo(x) integer, pointer, intent(in) :: x(..) print *, rank(x) end subroutine end What should be printed? According to Table 16.5 (Characteristics of the result of NULL()), the actual argument has the rank of "the corresponding dummy argument". In this case, however, the corresponding dummy has no defined rank, instead taking its rank from the actual argument. Was this intended to be undefined? ANSWER: No, this combination was intended to be non-conforming. An edit is provided to correct this mistake. EDITS to 18-007r1: [400:33] 16.9.144 NULL, p6 "If the context...", Add a new sentence to the end of the paragraph: "If the context of the reference to NULL is an corresponding to an dummy argument, MOLD shall be present." {Add restriction. It could also be appended to p5, or be a new para.} SUBMITTED BY: Steve Lionel HISTORY: 22-146 m226 F18/041 Submitted. Passed by J3 meeting 226. 22-150 m227 Passed by J3 letter ballot #39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ===END===