Fortran 2008

Fortran 2008, ISO/IEC 1539:2010, is an earlier standard. It has three parts:

  • Part 1 - Base language (A copy of the committee draft can be found here.)
  • Part 2 - Varying length character strings (N1375 is the Final Draft, unchanged since Fortran 2003)
  • Part 3 - Conditional compilation (withdrawn)

The current standard is Fortran 2018.


Four Technical Corrigenda to Fortran 2008 have been issued. These describe corrections to the standard approved since publication:

  • N1903 - Fortran 2008 Corrigendum 1
  • N1958 - Fortran 2008 Corrigendum 2
  • N2003 - Fortran 2008 Corrigendum 3
  • N2103 - Fortran 2008 Corrigendum 4

All the edits in Corrigenda 1 through 4 are contained in N2122; while this is not an official document, it has been carefully checked. N2121 contains the text of the interpretations that are resolved by Corrigenda 1 through 4.

Technical Specifications

These are specifications of additional features intended to be included in the next revision of the standard. The intention is that compilers can begin implementation before the next revision is published.

  • Technical Specification 29113 extends the interoperability of Fortran with C to provide for interoperability of procedure interfaces that specify dummy arguments that are assumed-shape arrays, have assumed character length, or have the allocatable, pointer, or optional attributes. New Fortran concepts of assumed type and assumed rank are introduced. The final draft is available as N1942.
  • Technical Specification 18508 extends the parallel features of Fortran by providing teams, events, collective intrinsic subroutines, further atomic intrinsic subroutines, and continued execution following image failure. The final draft is available as N2074.

Selected Documents

  • The coarray features of Fortran 2008 are described unofficially in N1824; the remaining new features are described unofficially in N1891.

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