
12 July 2024
New Documents
  • N2237 Business Plan and Convenor's Report for SC22 2024 Plenary (Lionel)
30 June 2024
New Documents
  • N2236 June 2024 Meeting Attendance (Menard)
  • N2235 Minutes of the June 2024 WG5 Meeting (Menard)
  • N2234 Work Item List for Fortran 202Y (Lionel)
  • N2233 Resolutions of the 2024 Meeting (Clune)
  • N2232 Strategic plan for WG5 as of June 2024 (Lionel)
25 May 2024
New Documents
  • N2231 IPSJ/ITSCJ Comments to N2222, WORK ITEMS from WG5 Meeting 2023 (Iwashita)
04 February 2024
New Documents
  • N2230 DIN Feature Request List for F202Y (Bader)

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