2017 News

Latest News

30 December 2017
New Documents
  • N2146 Fortran 2018 Draft International Standard for Ballot (Cohen)
12 November 2017
Name Changes
As a result of a poll of WG5 members, it has been decided to change the informal name of the in-progress revision of the standard from Fortran 2015 to Fortran 2018. Document N2144 has more information. Furthermore, WG5 has decided to change the "placeholder" name of the next revision from Fortran 2020 to Fortran 202x. The final name will be decided closer to the year of publication.
New Documents
  • N2144 Results of Straw Poll on Changes to the Fortran Draft Standard (Lionel)
22 October 2017
New Documents
  • N2143 Committee Response to Comments on Second CD Draft for Fortran 2015 (Lionel)
8 October 2017
New Documents
  • N2142 Fortran 2020 Feature Survey Results 2017-10 (Lionel)
17 September 2017
New Documents
  • N2141 ISO IEC CD 1539-1.2 - Collated Comments on 2nd CD Ballot (Lionel)
  • N2140 Summary of Voting on 2nd CD 1539-1, Information technology -- Programming languages -- Fortran -- Part 1: Base language (Lionel)
16 August 2017
New WG5 Convenor

At the August 2017 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in London, UK, Steve Lionel (US) was appointed Convenor of WG5 Fortran, succeeding John Reid (UK) who had held the position since 1999. SC22 expressed "deep gratitude and thanks" to John, as do all of us on WG5, for his outstanding leadership over 18 years and the development of three revisions to the standard.

New Documents
  • N2139 Convener's report from SC22 meeting (Reid)
  • N2132 Minutes of the Garching 2017 meeting (Muxworthy)
12 July 2017
The second CD ballot on the revision of the standard

At the joint meeting of J3 and WG5 in Garching, 26-30 June, all the comments on the CD draft of the revision of the standard were considered and the associated edits were made. Responses to the comments are detailed in N2133 and the revised draft is N2137. The second CD ballot on the revision is based on this draft. It commenced on 11 July and terminates on 6 September. Votes are by national bodies so comments should be submitted through national bodies.

The most significant changes concerned the CHANGE TEAM construct. In the revised draft, there is no requirement for all the images of the current team to execute as members of new teams. Also, if the team-value in the CHANGE TEAM statement is a variable, its value is not permitted to be altered during the exection of the CHANGE TEAM construct. Beyond these, the technical changes involved corrections of ambiguities and inconsistencies that were not anticipated when the features were adopted, and there were editorial changes.

The next revision of the standard
The meeting also began thinking about the next revision. The intention is that this will be small with the technical content chosen in 2020. New features should be adopted only if they had long-term viability; those with only a minor benefit for users but a negative effect on compiler construction or performance should be avoided. There is a need to investigate what Fortran users want to do in the language and is not currently possible. It was agreed that a web survey of users would be instituted.
08 July 2017
Site News

WG5 now has its own web site,! It is mobile-friendly and SSL-enabled. WG5 is grateful to Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) for hosting WG5 content for so many years. All future WG5 content will be found here.

New Documents
  • N2138 WG5 Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC22 2017 Plenary (Reid) (replaces N2130)
  • N2137 CD revision of Fortran standard (Cohen) (replaces N2134)
  • N2136 Local arrangements for the 2018 meeting of WG5 (Rouson)
  • N2135 Revised strategic plans for WG5 (Reid) (replaces N2129)
  • N2134 DIS revision of Fortran standard (Cohen) (replaces N2123, replaced by N2137)
  • N2133 Responses to comments in the CD ballot (Reid)
  • N2131 Resolutions of the Garching 2017 meeting (Muxworthy)
  • N2130 WG5 Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC22 2017 Plenary (Reid) (replaced by N2138)
  • N2129 Strategic plans for WG5 (Reid) (replaced by N2135)
23 June 2017
New Documents
  • N2128 UK National Activity Report (Muxworthy)
  • N2127 The new features of Fortran 2015 (Reid)
  • N2126 A Strategy for Reckoning the Content of the Next Revision (Nagle)
9 May 2017
Vote on the CD revision of the standard
Our draft has passed its CD ballot with flying colours. It received 100% approval with comments from Japan, UK and USA. For details, see N2124. There were a total of 39 comments, which WG5 will process in Garching in June. Details are in N2125
New Documents
  • N2125 CD ballot comments on revision of Fortran standard (Reid)
  • N2124 Result of CD ballot on revision of Fortran standard (Reid)
9 March 2017
CD Revision of the Standard
The draft revision of the standard, N2123, starts its CD (Committee Draft) ballot today. The ballot ends on 5 May. Votes are by national bodies so comments should be submitted through national bodies. The draft has been revised twice by J3 since the revision was formally registered as a new work item by ISO on September 15. After the October J3 meeting, an email straw ballot of the WG5 members was conducted on four small technical changes that J3 wished to make and they were all approved. At the February meeting, J3 made significantly less edits.
New Documents
  • N2123 Committee draft revision of Fortran standard (Cohen) (replaces N2118)
Older News

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