The Final Draft international Standard (FDIS) for Fortran 2008, N1826, is ready and will be sent to SC22 today. The Editor, Malcolm Cohen, made a draft, N1814, that included all the edits agreed at the meeting in February. This was checked by the whole of WG5 in an informal ballot, see N1825. A small number of very minor changes were suggested in the ballot or found subsequently. Details of these further changes are in N1827 and have been checked by John Reid, Dan Nagle, and Van Snyder. Meanwhile, David Muxworthy has produced a corrigendum for Fortran 2003, N1823, that contains all the edits in Corrigenda 1 to 5. While this in not an official document, it has been checked by John Reid and Stan Whitlock.
Also, John Reid has revised his unofficial summary of the coarray features, see N1824.
The main business of the WG5 meeting in las Vegas, 15-19 February, was to review the comments from the SC22 ballot on the FCD draft of Fortran 2008, see N1802. to decide on changes and to prepare the Disposition of Comments document. Edits to the FCD were made to respond to all the comments except three from the UK (see below). The final WG5 ballot on interpretations to Fortran 2003 was concluded just before the start of the meeting. All the comments were processed and corresponding edits to Fortran 2008 were made, as appropriate. A final corrigendum was prepared, which will be placed on the WG5 site soon. Further interpretation processing will be against Fortran 2008.
All the edits agreed will need to be made to the draft and checked. The ISO procedures allow no further editorial or technical changes so the standard is essentially complete. It is hoped that it will be published in August.
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