2010 News

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21 December 2010
New Documents
  • N1844 Result of WG5 informal ballot on the schedule and draft of TR 29113 (Reid)
17 November 2010
Fortran 2008 published
Fortran 2008 was published on 6 October as ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010, price CHF 338.
TR on further interoperability with C
J3 made good progress with the draft Technical Report on further interoperability with C and the result, N1838, is currently the subject of an informal WG5 ballot, see N1843, which has a deadline of 9 a.m. UK time on 7 December. Anyone is welcome to read N1838 and comment in the ballot.
New Documents
  • N1843 WG5 informal ballot on the schedule and draft of TR 29113 (Reid)
  • N1842 Garching/Munich 2011 meeting: Preliminary Agenda (Reid) - superseded by N1852
  • N1841 Garching/Munich 2011 meeting: Announcement (Reid) - superseded by N1851
  • N1840 Garching/Munich 2011 meeting: Local Arrangements (Bader)
  • N1839 Interop TR: Reply to N1820 (Long)
  • N1838 TR 29113 working draft (Long) - superseded by N1845
20 September 2010
Fortran 2008
The FDIS has been approved 18-0-15, see N1836. We can expect publication by November.
TR on further interoperability with C
WG5 activity in the next few months will be focussed on the TR on further interoperability with C, see the strategic plans in N1812. At the SC22 plenary, the convenor asked for a year's extension for this since without an extension the slightest slippage would lead to cancellation of the work item. No further extension is permissible, so WG5 must keep to its schedule.
TR on Further Coarray Features
In 2008, WG5 declared "that the content of the Technical Report on Enhanced Coarray Facilities in Fortran is as shown in document J3/08-131r1", that is, would contain those coarray features that were deleted from Fortran 2008 at that time. However, it would be foolish not to consider alternatives. The convenor has therefore started discussion with a paper on requirements, N1835. It is expected that WG5 will decide on the technical content of the TR at its meeting in June 2011.
Part 3 of the Fortran Standard
Part 3 of the Fortran Standard has been confirmed following its systematic review, see N1832, part 1 and N1832, part 2. Although no formal resolution has been made by WG5 on this, discussions have been in favour of withdrawal since there has only ever been one implementation. The convenor therefore asked SC22 at its September plenary to request a JTC1 country ballot for withdrawal.
TR on Enhanced Module Facilities
The TR on Enhanced Module Facilities has been confirmed following its systematic review, see N1833, part 1 and N1833, part 2. Since its features are incorporated in Fortran 2008, this will become redundant once the new Standard is published. The convenor therefore asked SC22 at its September plenary to request a JTC1 country ballot for withdrawal once the new Standard is published.
New Documents
  • N1837 Convener's report from SC22 2010 Plenary (Reid)
  • N1836 Result of the FDIS ballot
  • N1835 Requirements for TR of further coarray features (Reid)
  • N1834 WG5 Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC22 2010 Plenary (Reid)
  • N1833, part 1 and N1833, part 2 Result of SC22 systematic review of TR on Enhanced Module Facilities
  • N1832, part 1 and N1832, part 2 Result of SC22 systematic review of Part 3 of the Fortran Standard
9 June 2010
Revision of the FDIS for Fortran 2008
The ISO Secretariat has requested some very minor changes to the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) for Fortran 2008. The new version is N1830 and will be forwarded today. Details of the changes are in N1831. David Muxworthy has provided three more pdf files pertaining to meetings in the 1980s. They are N025, N030, and N075.
TR on further interoperability with C
J3 made good progress with the draft Technical Report on further interoperability with C and the result, N1838, is currently the subject of an informal WG5 ballot, see N1843, which has a deadline of 9 a.m. UK time on 7 December. Anyone is welcome to read N1838 and comment in the ballot.
Earlier Standards
Van Snyder has prompted me to copy electronic copies of the Fortran 66 standard, the Fortran 77 standard, and the Military Standard 1753, which went with the Fortran 77 standard, to this web site. [Fortran Standards > Earlier Standards]
New Documents
  • N1831 Responses to requests from ISO Secretariat (Cohen)
  • N1830 FDIS revision of the Fortran Standard (Cohen) - supersedes N1826 - not available
6 May 2010
New Documents
  • N1829 Responses to FCD comments (Reid) - supersedes N1813
  • N1828 The new features of Fortran 2008 (Reid) - supersedes N1735
21 April 2010
The FDIS for Fortran 2008 is ready

The Final Draft international Standard (FDIS) for Fortran 2008, N1826, is ready and will be sent to SC22 today. The Editor, Malcolm Cohen, made a draft, N1814, that included all the edits agreed at the meeting in February. This was checked by the whole of WG5 in an informal ballot, see N1825. A small number of very minor changes were suggested in the ballot or found subsequently. Details of these further changes are in N1827 and have been checked by John Reid, Dan Nagle, and Van Snyder. Meanwhile, David Muxworthy has produced a corrigendum for Fortran 2003, N1823, that contains all the edits in Corrigenda 1 to 5. While this in not an official document, it has been checked by John Reid and Stan Whitlock.

Also, John Reid has revised his unofficial summary of the coarray features, see N1824.

New Documents
  • N1827 Editor's report on WG5 pre-DIS ballot (Cohen)
  • N1826 FDIS revision of the Fortran Standard (Cohen) - not available
  • N1825 Result of letter ballot on N1814 (Reid)
  • N1824 Coarrays in the next Fortran Standard (Reid) - supersedes N1787
  • N1823 Combined technical corrigenda 1 to 5 for Fortran 2003 (Muxworthy)
15 March 2010
New Documents
  • N1822 Editor's report on N1814 production (Cohen)
  • N1821 WG5 letter ballot on N1814 (Reid)
  • N1814 Draft FDIS revision of the Fortran Standard (Cohen) - not available
5 March 2010
New Documents
  • N1815 Technical Corrigendum 5 (Muxworthy)
  • N1810 Minutes of the Las Vegas 2010 meeting (Muxworthy)
26 February 2010
Finalization of Fortran 2008

The main business of the WG5 meeting in las Vegas, 15-19 February, was to review the comments from the SC22 ballot on the FCD draft of Fortran 2008, see N1802. to decide on changes and to prepare the Disposition of Comments document. Edits to the FCD were made to respond to all the comments except three from the UK (see below). The final WG5 ballot on interpretations to Fortran 2003 was concluded just before the start of the meeting. All the comments were processed and corresponding edits to Fortran 2008 were made, as appropriate. A final corrigendum was prepared, which will be placed on the WG5 site soon. Further interpretation processing will be against Fortran 2008.

All the edits agreed will need to be made to the draft and checked. The ISO procedures allow no further editorial or technical changes so the standard is essentially complete. It is hoped that it will be published in August.

Three comments from the UK
There were three comments from the UK that were not accepted by WG5. The first proposed a new project to define a compatible subset; here, opinion was divided but a majority of WG5 was opposed, mainly because progress is being made by vendors towards full implementation of Fortran 2003 and the construction of a subset would discourage this. The second proposed that coarrays be developed separately as an optional feature; this had already been discussed extensively by WG5, so was not discussed further. The third identified a defect re the arithmetic IF statement and suggested deleting it; WG5 was sympathetic to the idea of deletion, but felt that the change was not necessary and corrected the defect since this involved fewer changes.
TR on Further Interoperability with C
Work on the new standard was largely completed by Wednesday morning of the WG5 meeting, which made time available to give attention to the draft TR on Further Interoperability with C, N1808, and prepare a paper on the objectives, see N1820. It was decided that the development body should be PL22.3 (J3), that a new email list for the work be set up, and that the schedule be delayed by 8 months to allow two meetings of PL22.3 to work on the details before submitting a DTR to SC22. It is hoped that the TR will be published by November 2011.
TR on Further Coarray Features
Work has not yet started on the TR on further coarray features. It was decided that this work should follow one year behind with the aim of publication in November 2012.
Further revision of Fortran
Further revision of Fortran WG5 confirmed its decision at the previous meeting not to start consideration of plans for the revision of Fortran 2008 before June 2012.
New Documents
  • N1820 C Interoperability Objectives (Maclaren/Long)
  • N1819 Dutch National Activity Report (van Waveren)
  • N1818 Reply to comments on interop TR ballot (Rasmussen)
  • N1817 OpenMP ARB Liaison Report (van Waveren)
  • N1816 Result of WG5 letter ballot on Fortran 2003 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1813 Responses to FCD comments (Reid)
  • N1812 Strategic plans (Reid)
  • N1811 Resolutions of the Las Vegas 2010 meeting (Muxworthy)
  • N1809 Japan's National Activity Report (Takata)
  • N1808 Draft TR on "Further Interoperability of Fortran with C" (Long)
  • N1807 UK National Activity Report (Muxworthy)
1 February 2010
Final WG5 letter ballot on Fortran 2003 interpretations
The final WG5 letter WG5 letter ballot on Fortran 2003 interpretations is a 14-day ballot and addresses the 28 interpretations contained in N1805. It a 14-day ballot in order that it is complete before the meeting in Las Vegas starts. The deadline is 0001 Las Vegas time on Monday, 15 February 2010.
New Documents
  • N1806 WG5 letter ballot 7 on Fortran 2003 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1805 Fortran interpretations that have passed a J3 letter ballot (Whitlock)
28 January 2010
Result of the DTR ballot on Fortran 2008
The result of the ballot on the SC22 site has a document that was not on the UK version, which was used for the message of 18 January. An HTML version is visible as N1804 and says "This FCD has been approved. WG 5 is instructed to take the comments into consideration, prepare a disposition of comments text and provide a revised text for FDIS ballot."
Minutes of the 1982 and 1984 meetings
Minutes of the 1982 and 1984 meetings David Muxworthy has supplied electronic versions of the minutes of the 1982 and 1984 meetings. Many thanks, David.
New Documents
  • N1804 Result of ballot on Fortran FCD (ISO)
  • N055 Minutes of the Vienna Meeting, June 1982 (Martin)
  • N080 Minutes of the Geneva Meeting, April 1984 (Surdi)
18 January 2010
Result of the DTR ballot on Fortran 2008
The result of the DTR ballot on Fortran 2008 is 12-1-6. Details are in N1801. The UK voted "no" and three "yes" votes (USA, Japan, Canada) were accompanied by comments. The reasons for the UK "no" vote, together with the comments of USA, Japan, Canada and further comments from the UK, are contained in N1802. The US comments refer to documents on the J3 web site and the UK comments refer to N1803. In addition, editorial comments have been provided by the ISO Secretariat, see N1798. The comments in all these documents will be considered at the forthcoming WG5 meeting in Las Vegas, February 15-19.
New Documents
  • N1803 UK document accompanying its ballot on Fortran FCD
  • N1802 Comments on Fortran FCD from the ballots
  • N1801 Summary of ballot on Fortran FCD (ISO)
  • N1799 WG23 (Vulnerabilities) DTR ballot, JTC 1 N9947 (Benito)
  • N1798 Comments from ISO secretariat on N1791 (Cook)
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