2008 News

Latest News

8 December 2008
New Documents
  • N1765 WG5 letter ballot 6 on Fortran 2003 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1764 Fortran interpretations that have passed a J3 letter ballot (Whitlock)
  • N1762 Coarrays in the next Fortran Standard (Reid) - supersedes N1747
  • N1759 Minutes of the Tokyo 2008 meeting (Morgan)
28 November 2008
Joint meeting of WG5 and PL22.3, Tokyo, Japan, November 16-21

A joint meeting of WG5 and PL22.3 was held in Tokyo, Japan, November 16-21, 2008. The main item of business was to consider the ballot comments on the draft revision ( N1723 ) of Fortran 2003 and decide on any technical changes to be made. WG5's responses to the comments are contained in N1760. The main changes were to add locks to the coarray feature, see PL22.3 paper 08-256r2. and to alter the treatment of volatile coarrays, see PL22.3 paper 08-297r1. A revised summary of the coarray feature is in preparation (to be N1762).

Concern was expressed over the schedule ( N1693 ) and it was decided to review this at the next meeting (May 2009).

There was not enough time to consider fully the technical content of the TR on Further Interoperability of Fortran with C, so a letter ballot of WG5 is being held, see N1763 and N1761.

New Documents
  • N1763 Letter ballot on the technical content of N1761 (Reid)
  • N1761 TR 29113: "Further Interoperability of Fortran with C" (Long)
  • N1760 Responses to CD comments (Reid)
  • N1758 Resolutions of the Tokyo 2008 meeting (Muxworthy)
  • N1757 UK National Activity Report (Muxworthy)
  • N1756 Some comments on the recent WG5 papers on coarrays (Bader)
  • N1746 Japan National Activity Report (Takata)
8 November 2008
New Documents
  • N1755 Request for new features from MPI Forum (Rasmussen)
  • N1754 Implementation Issues for Coarrays (Maclaren)
  • N1753 Atomic LOAD/STORE intrinsics instead of VOLATILE coarrays (Donev)
  • N1748 Clarifications of Coarray Memory Model (Maclaren and Donev)
31 October 2008
New Documents
  • N1752 Draft response to N1745 (VOLATILE coarrays) (Reid)
  • N1751 An Analysis of NOTE 8.38 (Maclaren)
  • N1749 VOLATILE Coarrays Break Existing Code (Maclaren)
  • N1747 Coarrays in the next Fortran Standard (Reid) - superseded by N1762
14 October 2008
New Documents
  • N1745 VOLATILE Coarrays (Maclaren for UK)
  • N1744 Coarrays and Memory Models (Maclaren for UK)
  • N1743 UK proposal for Gw and G0.d Formats (UK)
2 October 2008
Ballot processing and SC22 meeting
There are problems with the ballot summary, explained in N1742. In particular, the Convener is of the opinion that the US comments are not in a form that WG5 will able to use at its meeting in November. He therefore asked Van Snyder to construct a summary. This is available as N1741 and points to PL22.3 documents that explain the details. The problems were discussed at the SC22 meeting and a satisfactory resolution was achieved, see N1742.
New Documents
  • N1742 Convener's report from SC22 meeting (Reid)
  • N1741 Comments from US Member Body on CD 1539-1 (Snyder)
17 September 2008
Results of the ballots on Fortran 2008
There were formally two ballots on Fortran 2008, both closing on 31 August. The registration ballot votes, see N1739 were 9 for approval, 5 for abstention (Denmark, France, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine), and 1 (UK) for disapproval. The CD ballot votes, see N1740 were 8 for approval, 3 for abstention (France, Japan, Spain), 3 for approval with comments (Canada, Germany, USA) and 1 (UK) for disapproval. This means that the draft is registered with ITTF, which is a formal milestone. WG5 is required to provide a response to all the comments.
New Documents
  • N1740 Result of SC22 CD ballot on Fortran 2008 (Seitz)
  • N1739 Result of SC22 registration ballot on Fortran 2008 (Seitz)
8 September 2008
Corrigendum 3 approved
The country votes on Corrigendum 3, see N1738 were 11 for approval, 5 for abstention, and none for disapproval. There were no comments. The corrigendum will be forwarded to ITTF for publication.
New Documents
  • N1738 Result of SC22 ballot on Corrigendum 3 (Seitz)
  • N1734 Tokyo 2008 meeting: Local Arrangements (Takata)
21 July 2008
New Documents
  • N1737 WG5 Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC22 (Reid)
16 June 2008
Earlier meeting minutes
David Muxworthy has provided electronic versions of the minutes and resolutions of the meetings between 1985 and 1994. The directory N1097-N1100 has been renamed as N101-N1100 and the files have been added.
New Documents
  • N1736 Liaison report from IFIP WG 2.5 (Numerical Software) (Snyder)
  • N1735.pdf The new features of Fortran 2008 (Reid) - supersedes N1729
  • N1733 Tokyo 2008 meeting: Announcement (Reid)
  • N1732 Tokyo 2008 meeting: Preliminary Agenda (Reid)
27 May 2008
New Documents
  • N1729.pdf The new features of Fortran 2008 (Reid) - supersededed by N1735
19 May 2008
Corrigendum 3
The draft Corrigendum 3, N1727, and the document supporting it, N1728, have been checked by PL22.3. N1727 was accepted and some very minor changes were suggested for N1728 to bring the edits there into line with those in N1727. The new document is N1730. This and the version of the corrigendum that does not have references to page numbers and interpretations, N1731, were sent to SC22 today.
New Documents
  • N1731.pdf Draft Technical Corrigendum 3, as sent to SC22 (Muxworthy)
  • N1730 Defect reports that led to Corrigendum 3 and responses to them (Whitlock) - supersedes N1728.
9 May 2008
New Documents
  • N1728 Defect reports that led to Corrigendum 3 and responses to them (Whitlock)
  • N1727.pdf Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 (Muxworthy)
10 April 2008
New Documents
  • N1726 Result of the interpretations ballot 5, N1722 (Reid)
  • N1725.pdf Index of meetings (SD7) (Muxworthy) - supersedes N1606
  • SD1 Complete Document Register (titles of papers prior to N303 provided by David Muxworthy)
20 March 2008
Committee Draft of Fortran 2008 starts its ballot
The first Committee Draft of Fortran 2008 is visible as N1723.pdf and has started its CD ballot, see ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 N4319. The ballot ends on 31 August. This is longer than the usual ballot period and has been chosen to allow the US comments to be considered at the August meeting of PL22.3. Please, everyone, look at this and send your comments to your national body.
Summaries of new material in Fortran 2008
Following the revisions at the February meeting, John Reid has revised his summary of coarrays, see N1724.pdf. He is planning also to write a summary of the rest of Fortran 2008, but this is not written yet.
New Documents
  • N1724.pdf Coarrays in the next Fortran Standard (Reid) - supersedes N1697
  • N1723.pdf CD revision of the Fortran Standard (Cohen) - supersedes N1718
7 March 2008
New Documents
  • N1722 WG5 letter ballot 5 on Fortran 2003 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1721 Result of the interpretations ballot 4, N1711 (Reid)
  • N1720.pdf List of hotels in Tokyo near the meeting place (Takata)
  • N1717 Minutes of the London 2007 meeting (Morgan) - supersedes N1691
  • N1715 Minutes of the Las Vegas 2008 meeting (Morgan)
19 February 2008
Joint meeting of WG5 and PL22.3, Las Vegas, USA, February 10-15

A joint meeting of WG5 and PL22.3 was held in Las Vegas, USA, February 10-15 2008. The main item of business was to review the current working draft for the next revision of Part 1 of the Fortran Standard, see N1705.pdf

Following the abstentions at the London 2007 meeting by Canada, Japan, and UK on the content of the draft revisions, the positions of these countries was considered in the hope of reaching consensus.

The delegation of Canada, see N1712, wished to reduce the size of the revision by limiting the co-rank of co-arrays to one and removing all parallel input/output. Handling co-arrays of co-rank greater than one was seen as useful in applications while not being a big implementation burden, so this was not accepted. On the other hand, parallel input/output was seen as untested and worthy of further study.

The delegation of UK, see N1710, suggested that co-arrays be moved to Technical Report and the delegation of Japan, see N1706 suggested that co-arrays be moved to another part of the standard. Neither of these ideas was acceptable to many delegates because it reduces the emphasis on co-arrays.

On the third day of the meeting, a compromise proposed by USA was found acceptable to most delegates. It is to separate parallel programming features into a "core" set that remain in Fortram 2008 while the following features are moved into a separate Technical Report on "Enhanced Parallel Computing Facilities".:

  • The collective intrinsic subroutines.
  • Teams and features that require teams.
  • The NOTIFY and QUERY statements.
  • File connected on more than one image, except for the files preconnected to the units specified by OUTPUT_UNIT and ERROR_UNIT.

The technical changes needed to implement this were agreed. The draft will be available for public comment from mid March to the end of August.

The editor suggested that hyphens be removed from the words "co-array", "co-rank", etc. to conform better with the style of the document. It was pointed out that mathematics already contains similar words, e.g. "cosine" and "cotangent". The change was accepted.

The meeting made good progress on interpretations. One set of interpretations is already being voted by WG5. Another set has just completed its PL22.3 ballot and will be voted by WG5 soon. A new corrigendum will be sent to ISO no later than June.

New Documents
  • N1719 Timetable for public consultation (Reid)
  • N1718.pdf Draft revision of the Fortran Standard (Cohen) - supersedes N1705
  • N1716 USA National Activity Report (Snyder)
  • N1714 Resolutions of the Las Vegas 2008 meeting (Muxworthy)
6 February 2008
New Documents
  • N1713 Canada National Activity Report (Xia)
  • N1707 UK National Activity Report (Muxworthy)
  • N1706 Japan National Activity Report (Takata)
11 January 2008
New Documents
  • N1712 Reducing the extent of the co-array feature (Xia and Reid)
  • N1711 WG5 letter ballot 4 on Fortran 2003 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1710 Moving the co-array feature into a TR (Muxworthy and Reid)
  • N1709.pdf Draft revision of the Fortran Standard without co-arrays (Cohen)
3 January 2008
New Documents
  • N1708.pdf Co-arrays in the next Fortran Standard (Reid) - supersedes N1697
  • N1705.pdf Draft revision of the Fortran Standard (Cohen) - superseded by N1718
  • N1704 Las Vegas 2008 meeting: Local Arrangements (Xia) - supersedes N1698

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