2011 News

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28 November 2011
New Documents
  • N1895 Result of WG5 letter ballot on N1885 and N1886 (Reid)
15 November 2011
New Documents
  • N1894 WG5 letter ballot on draft Corrigendum 1 (Reid)
  • N1893 Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 for Fortran 2008 (Muxworthy) - superseded by N1901
1 November 2011
New Documents
  • N1892 ISO comments on N1885 (Cook)
  • N1889 Result of the interpretations ballot 2, N1877 (Reid)
19 October 2011
Meeting of PL22.3 (J3)
J3 met 10-14 October and constructed responses to all the comments in the PDTS ballot on the TS on further interoperabililty with C. The editor, Bill Long, has applied all the edits to the draft document. The new version is available as N1885 and is the subject of a one-month WG5 ballot to see whether it and the response document, N1886, are ready for forwarding. J3 also constructed a first draft of a requirements document for the proposed TS on further coarray features, which is in N1888. An invitation to comment is included in N1888.
New Documents
  • N1890 WG5 letter ballot on N1885 and N1886 (Reid)
  • N1888 Second Invitation to comment on the contents of the TS on further coarray features (Reid)
  • N1887 Changes to N1869 to create N1885 (Long)
  • N1886 Draft response to PDTS 29113 vote (Reid)
  • N1885 TS 29113 DTS draft - (Long) - superseded by N1904
4 October 2011
Meeting of SC22
The Convenor attended the meeting of SC22 in Copenhagen and his report is in N1879. He was instructed that the next revision of the TR on further interoperability of Fortran with C should be as a Technical Specification (TS) following the introduction of the merged ISO/IEC directives. The changes are mechanical. He was also advised that the deadline for the submission of next revision (DTS) is June 2012.
TS on further interoperability with C
The PDTS (N1869) has passed its ballot. 12 countries approved as presented, Germany approved with comments, UK disapproved, and 5 countries abstained. The comments from Germany are in N1882 and the comments from UK are in N1881.doc or N1881.pdf. WG 5 has been requested to review the comments, prepare a Disposition of Comments Report, and prepare a revised DTR text for JTC 1 letter ballot.
New Documents
  • N1884 Preliminary result of the interpretations ballot 2, N1877 (Reid)
  • N1883 Comments on the contents of the TS on further coarray features (Reid)
  • N1882 Comments from Germany (DIN) on ISO/IEC PDTS 29113
  • N1881.doc N1881.pdf Comments from United Kingdom (BSI) on ISO/IEC PDTS 29113
  • N1880 Result of PDTS 29113 vote
  • N1879 Convener's report from SC22 meeting (Reid)
  • N1878 Result of the interpretations ballot 1, N1876 (Reid)
7 September 2011
New Documents
  • N1877 WG5 letter ballot 2 on Fortran 2008 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1876 WG5 letter ballot 1 on Fortran 2008 interpretations (Reid)
  • N1875 Fortran Interpretations ready for WG5 (Whitlock)
10 August 2011
TR on further interoperability with C
A one-week WG5 ballot on the draft that came out of the Garching meeting was held and the editor made changes following comments in this ballot. The resulting document (N1869) was sent to SC22 and a 2-month PDTR ballot is now in progress with the due date of 20 September.
While writing his report to SC22 (N1874), the convenor realized that he had not mentioned here that the TR on Enhanced Module Facilities was withdrawn on 6 October 2010 (its features are incorporated in the revision of the base language) and Part 3, Conditional Compilation, was withdrawn on 10 May 2011 (there appeared to be very little interest in this and there has been only one implementation, as far as we know).
New Documents
  • N1874 WG5 Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC22 2011 Plenary (Reid)
  • N1873 OpenMP liaison report (van Waveren)
  • N1872 Index of meetings (SD7) (Muxworthy) - supersedes N1786
  • N1871 Changes to N1866 to create N1869 (Long)
  • N1870 Result of WG5 letter ballot on N1866 (Reid)
  • N1869 TR 29113 PDTR draft - (Long) - supersedes N1866
  • N1868 Invitation to comment on the contents of the TS on further coarray features (Reid)
  • N1860 Minutes of the Garching 2011 meeting (Muxworthy)
6 July 2011
WG5 meeting in Garching
WG5 met in Garching, near Munich, 27 June to 1 July. The main objective of the meeting was to construct the PDTR draft of the Technical Report on Further Interoperability with C.
TR on further interoperability with C
At the WG5 meeting, a significant number of changes to the previous TR draft, N1854, were agreed (see resolution G7 in N1861). The revised document N1866 is the subject of a one-week WG5 ballot and it is planned to submit this to SC22 for formal PDTR country ballot on 15 July. It is hoped that the DTR will be forwarded by December and the TR published in May 2012. This schedule is optimistic, so the convener may ask for an extension of the timetable at the SC22 meeting in September. Such an extension would be for a year, but it is WG5's intention to extend the timetable by only 4 months, which would allow for another J3 meeting to consider changes following the PDTR ballot. It is not clear that such an extension would be allowed since two have already been granted.
Several interpretations were considered at the WG5 meeting. WG5 intends to conduct an informal ballot of interpretations agreed in J3 ballots and construct the first corrigendum to Fortran 2008 later this year.
Technical Specification on further coarray features
In 2008, WG5 decided to construct a Technical Report on further coarray features, expecting it to be published by now. It has been delayed by giving priority to work on Fortran 2008 and recently on the TR on further interoperability with C. Such a document is now called a Technical Specification (TS) by ISO/IEC. At its Garching meeting, WG5 decided that while the overall complexity of the TS (from the point of view of both implementation and edits to the standard) should be as planned in 2008, the public should be invited to comment on the technical contents. The convener will issue an invitation soon. The deadline for comments will be 23 September 2011, so that J3 can commence constructing a draft requirements document during its meeting in October.
Fortran Annex to TR 24772
WG5 has decided that there should be a Fortran annex to TR 24772 (Guidance to avoiding vulnerabilities in programming languages through language selection and use) for incorporation in a future edition of the TR. A special mailing list will be established to facilitate development of the draft annex.
New Documents
  • N1867 WG5 letter ballot on N1866 (Reid)
  • N1866 TR 29113 working draft - (Long) - supersedes N1854
  • N1865 Documentation of changes between N1854 and N1866 (Long)
  • N1864 Presentation on coscalars (Bader)
  • N1863 Requirements for TS on further coarray features (Reid)
  • N1862 MPI-3.0 Fortran interface (Rabenseifner)
  • N1861 Resolutions of the Garching 2011 meeting (Muxworthy)
  • N1859 Strategic plans for WG5 (Reid)
  • N1858 Coarray TS draft (Long)
  • N1857 UK National Activity Report (Muxworthy)
  • N1856 Addition/Modification of CAF Features (Authors from Rice University)
  • N1855 Japan National Activity Report (Takata)
1 June 2011
TR on further interoperability with C
Two sets of changes have been made to the draft TR. The first set consists of straightforward and non-controversial changes made in the light of comments in the informal ballot N1846. These changes are documented in N1848 and the revised draft is N1849. The second set consists of changes made based on the comments submitted during a review of N1849 done by email using the interop-tr email list, and an editorial review. These changes are documented in N1853 and the revised draft is N1854.
New Documents
  • N1854 TR 29113 working draft (Long)- supersedes N1849
  • N1853 Documentation of changes between N1849 and N1854 (Long)
  • N1849 TR 29113 working draft (Long)- superseded by N1854
  • N1848 Edits made to N1845 based on results of Ballot N1846 (Long)
5 May 2011
New Documents
  • N1852 Garching/Munich 2011 meeting: Preliminary Agenda (Reid) - supersedes N1842
  • N1851 Garching/Munich 2011 meeting: Announcement (Reid) - supersedes N1841
  • N1847 Result of WG5 letter ballot on N1845 (Reid)
3 March 2011
TR on further interoperability with C
During its meeting in February, J3 made good progress with the draft Technical Report on further interoperability with C and the result, N1845, is currently the subject of an informal WG5 ballot, see N1846, which has a deadline of 9 a.m. UK time on 31 March. Anyone is welcome to read N1845 and comment in the ballot.
New Documents
  • N1845 TR 29113 working draft (Long) - superseded by N1849
  • N1846 WG5 letter ballot on N1845 (Reid)
Older News

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