2014 News

Latest News

8 November 2014
New Documents
  • N2035 WG5 straw ballot on N2033 (Reid)
  • N2034 Editor's report for WG5/N2033 (Long)
  • N2033 Draft TS 18508 Additional Parallel Features in Fortran (Long) - supersedes N2027
19 September 2014
New Documents
  • N2032 New rules for Working Groups (JTC1)
  • N2031 Result of the WG5 straw ballot on N2007 (Reid)
  • N2030 Convener's report from SC22 meeting (Reid)
22 August 2014
New Documents
  • N2029 Editor's report for WG5/N2027 (Long)
  • N2028 WG5 letter ballot on N2027 (Reid)
  • N2027 Draft TS 18508 Additional Parallel Features in Fortran (Long) - supersedes N2007
  • N2026 WG5 Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC22 2014 Plenary (Reid)
  • N2025 Index of meetings (SD7) (Muxworthy) - supersedes N1872
  • N2020 Minutes of the Las Vegas 2014 meeting (Muxworthy)
17 July 2014
Meeting of WG5 and PL22.3 (J3) in Las Vegas, USA, 23-27 June 2014

The main item of business was to construct a new draft of the Technical Specification (TS) on Further Coarray Features that would be suitable for sending to SC22 for a formal vote as a PDTS. Other items were to consider defect reports, construct the list of deficiencies and discrepancies in Fortran 2008 to be addressed in the next revision, and to review the current draft of the next revision. While the comments in the ballot N2013 on the present draft TS N2007 were less major those those on its predecessor, significant changes were made in response. These were mainly to the intrinsic procedures. An optional argument STAT was added to the atomic subroutines to allow the programmer to test for problems including requesting an action on a failed or stopped image. The collective subroutines were simplified to perform their actions on a coarray in place - if the original value is required, this is easy to obtain by making a copy beforehand. New intrinsics were added to test the status (OK, stopped, or failed) of an image and to provide a list of stopped images. Changes were made to identify a team by its team variable instead of its distance.

Because of delays with the TS, its schedule and that for the next revision of the standard were changed. The new schedule is here N2024. The new plan is for each TS feature to be incorporated in the draft standard once it is firm, rather than waiting for the publication of the TS. The TS is planned for publication in January 2016 and the new standard in February 2018.

Work was done on the interpretations and it was decided that the delay in the revision was such that another corrigendum would be needed this year.

A final choice was made of the deficiencies and discrepancies in Fortran 2008 that will be addressed in the revision, see N2023.

New Documents
  • N2024 Strategic plans for WG5 (Reid)
  • N2023 Features to be included in next revision (Reid)
  • N2022 Coarrays in GNU Fortran (Fanfarillo)
  • N2021 Resolutions of the Las Vegas 2014 meeting (Muxworthy)
18 June 2014
New Documents
  • N2019 Public Transport in London (Sleightholme)
  • N2018 London 2015 meeting: Local Arrangements (Sleightholme and Chivers)
  • N2017 UK National Body activity report (Muxworthy)
12 June 2014
New Documents
  • N2016 UK proposals for revision of Fortran 2008 (Muxworthy)
  • N2015 Suggested features for the next edition of Fortran (DIN)
29 May 2014
New Documents
  • N2014 First working draft of revision (Cohen)
22 April 2014
New Documents
  • N2013 Result of the WG5 letter ballot on N2007 (Reid)
13 March 2014
New Documents
  • N2012 WG5 letter ballot on N2007 (Reid)
  • N2007 Draft TS 18508 Additional Parallel Features in Fortran (Long) - supersedes N1996
  • N1891 The new features of Fortran 2008 (Reid) - supersedes N1828
5 March 2014
New Documents
  • N2011 Las Vegas 2014 meeting: Local Arrangements (Lionel) - supersedes N2008
  • N2010 Las Vegas 2014 meeting: Preliminary Agenda (Reid)
  • N2009 Las Vegas 2014 meeting: Announcement (Reid)
  • N2008 Las Vegas 2014 meeting: Local Arrangements (Lionel) - superseded by N2011
6 February 2014
New Documents
  • N2006 Interpretations for Fortran 2008 Corrigenda 1, 2, and 3 (Whitlock)
  • N2005 Combined Technical Corrigenda 1 to 3 for Fortran 2008 (Muxworthy)
  • N2004 Interps from F2008 Corrigendum 3 (Whitlock)
7 January 2014
New Documents
  • N2003 Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 for Fortran 2008 (Muxworthy)
  • N2002 Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 for Fortran 2008, with comments for WG5 (Muxworthy) - supersedes N1995
  • N2001 Result of the WG5 letter ballot on draft Corrigendum 3 (Reid)
  • N1999 Result of the WG5 letter ballot on N1996 (Reid)
Older News

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